I saw that the expression on Li Jiancheng's face suddenly became extremely sad, and the whole person suddenly became a lot of vicissitudes.

Only he knows that this is a manifestation of overwork and kidney deficiency.

"You still don't know, the reason why King Ben didn't want to see everyone when he came to Chang'an City was because he didn't dare to face this cruel truth!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Li Jiancheng observed the change in the expressions on everyone's faces, and immediately threw out a depth bomb:

"My father and the emperor are really pitiful, he was put in Luoyang prison by that Li Zhiyun, and he did not see the light of day, and his life and death are unknown!

If you don't believe it, you can randomly ask the generals of these 150,000 troops to see if what Prince Ben said is true!"

A weird smile appeared at the corner of Li Jiancheng's mouth.

He had already ordered his henchman Feng Li to tightly control the families of these generals and secretly transferred them to another location.

Everyone gasped, they originally thought that Li Zhiyun was just under house arrest for Li Yuan and Li Shimin, and they never thought that they would be sent to prison!

For Li Jiancheng, he didn't know anything about what happened after he left, but he chose to tell everyone the worst.

In fact, what

he didn't expect was that he really made a mistake and said right

, then Li Yuan was indeed sent to prison after Li Jiancheng left

!" "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, this Li Zhiyun has no king and no father, and intends to rebel, can we just count it like this?" "

Wei Chen thinks that the whole country's forces should be raised to recruit Li Zhiyun and rescue His Majesty and the King of Qin!"

In an instant, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and hatred and clenched their fists.

Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan lowered their heads slightly and remained silent.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but be faintly worried.

Looking at this atmosphere, Li Jiancheng should be paving the way for a big event!

Sure enough, Li Jiancheng looked embarrassed, and said bitterly:

"Hey, the mood of all of you can be understood by this prince!" "

But we only have an army of 150,000, but Li Zhiyun has more than 200,000 people, what can we do?"


Li Jiansheng spoke, he glanced at Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan, and his sword pointed out.

That means nothing more clearly.


soon as Li Jiancheng's words fell, Wei Zheng immediately stepped forward and retorted:

"The prince's words are bad, my Great Tang does not only have an army of 150,000!" It

was uncomfortable to be refuted, but the rebuttal at this time made Li Jiancheng's heart blossom

: "Oh, what does Lord Wei mean by this?"

Wei Zheng's gaze shifted directly to Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan, and said, "

Under the accounts of Lord Liu and General Yin, there are still 100,000 Tang generals at the disposal of the prince!"

"You two, if you don't hand over the tiger talisman soon, do you want to rebel together?"

In an instant, the other ministers also gathered around, staring at Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan.

Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan gasped.

It seems that Li Jiancheng

is afraid that he is going to do the opposite

! How can this be good

? King Qin, King Qin, why didn't you come back at this juncture?

Our tiger talisman is gone!

On the other side, in the military tent thirty miles outside Luoyang City.

Li Shimin couldn't sleep all night.

Just today, he received a secret agent transmission from Changsun Wujian.

"There is a heavy rain in Chang'an, and the husband is rushing home with an umbrella!" In

just one line, Li Shimin understood everything!

Today is the 30th day of the ninth lunar month, and there are only the last ten days before the 1st of October at the time specified by Li Zhiyun.

Li Jiancheng had been gone for a few days, and logically speaking, he should have rushed to Luoyang with Yin Yanxue and others in exchange for his father's and his own life.


with Changsun Wujian's biography, he is even more certain

of this! How should Li Jiancheng deal with this dilemma now?

If Li Jiancheng really grasps the leadership of the 250,000-strong army in China, then the world will rise again!

At first, he also doubted the accuracy of this biography, why Li Zhiyun did not discover his secret agent.

Later, I was relieved to think about it.

It must have been that Li Zhiyun deliberately did it, just to let him know the situation in Chang'an.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin could no longer sleep, and immediately set off to Luoyang Palace Shenzhou City.

He must do everything in his power to persuade Li Zhiyun to let him return to Chang'an.

At the same moment, there was another person who could not sleep.


this moment, Li Yuan, his face was haggard, his hair was scattered, and his spirit was sluggish.

Unexpectedly, in just one month, the rebel son Li Zhiyun put him in prison twice, which can be described as a loss of face!

He was always counting the days in his heart, and it had been a full ten days since Li Jiancheng left Luoyang, but there was still no news.

He couldn't help but muttered in his heart, and remembered what Li Zhiyun had warned himself at the beginning - will Li Jiancheng come back?

If this is the case, then the

Great Tang is really dangerous

! It seems that he has become a burden to the Great Tang

! No, he has to warn that rebel son not to act rashly against Li Jiancheng

! Immediately, Li Yuan, who had thought everything clearly, suddenly slammed the cell door frantically and howled loudly!

The jailer also knew that it was Li Zhiyun's father, Li Yuan, who was imprisoned here, so he did not dare to be careless.

Because for now, Li Zhiyun did not order to take Li Yuan's life.

If he wanted Li Yuan to die, Li Yuan would have ceased to exist a long time ago.

This shows that in Li Zhiyun's heart, he does not want to bear the charge of murdering his father.

After analyzing the pros and cons, the jailer immediately came to

Li Yuan, and Li Yuan said angrily: "I want to see Li Zhiyun now, otherwise I will die with my will!" Li

Yuan suddenly slammed into the cage angrily, and his head broke in an instant!

Subsequently, the jailer did not dare to snub and reported the matter to Dali Siqing overnight.

Dali Siqing personally put on a carriage and sent Li Yuan to Shenzhou City.

At this moment, the Qianyang Hall in Shenzhou City was full of jubilation.

As Li Zhiyun's dormitory, it is arranged by everyone like a playground.

Li Zhiyun said that today he wants to play mahjong with everyone!

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