Li Zhiyun paced and said softly

, "Have you forgotten that you still have an army of 100,000?"

"These people consume too much food and grass every day, I can't afford

it!" "You can also bring it back to Chang'an!"

Li Yuan also looked at Li Zhiyun suspiciously.

Li Zhiyun looked at Li Shimin who was stunned, and said solemnly:

"Why, you don't want

to listen to my orders?" Li Shimin was suddenly shocked, he couldn't manage so much, why not listen to his Li Zhiyun's orders, and he didn't lack a piece of meat!

As long as he could bring these 100,000 troops back to Chang'an, everything could be compromised.

In an

instant, Li Shimin knelt down in front of Li Zhiyun again:

"But by the orders of the fifth brother!"

A fierce leopard finally knelt down in front of him!

Although this expression is not really kneeling, it is just around the corner before Li Shimin's true surrender.

"I order you to lead an army of 100,000 to Chang'an immediately, so that the soldiers can return to their homeland to live and work in peace and contentment, and devote themselves to developing production

!" "And, within ten days, bring that Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue to me

!" Li Shimin paused, not knowing what to call Li Zhiyun, and finally said directly-"No!"

Li Yuan squinted at Li Zhiyun, with an indescribable smile on his face, and shouted:


Zhiyun, why did you suddenly agree to release my 100,000 soldiers of the Great Tang?" "Now look, my Great Tang is about to have an army of

350,000!" "Look, you are still afraid after all!" Li Zhiyun "Hehe" smiled: "

Li Yuan, I'm afraid you think too much!" "

Sometimes, 250,000 plus 100,000 is not necessarily 350,000!"

Li Yuan was suddenly stunned, and a little surprise appeared in his eyes.


Yuan thought in horror that Prince Li Jiancheng and Qin King

Li Shimin had always been at odds! For many years, the two of them have been intrigued, swindling, and always coveting the position of the future king of a country!

After Li Shimin returns, how can he be willing to join forces with Li Jiancheng?

Li Yuan, who turned his back to Li Zhiyun, said coldly:

"Since Li Jiancheng refuses to obey, he thinks that relying on an army of 250,000 can do evil."

Li Zhiyun turned his head to look at Li Shimin, whose expression was as calm as water, and continued:

"Then let his second brother Li Shimin teach him how to behave!"

Therefore, first agree that

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji will lead troops back to Chang'an, stir up the situation in Chang'an, and make the Tang Kingdom unpeaceful! Then, then arrange for Li Shimin to lead an army of 100,000 people back to Chang'an, trying to compete with Li Jiancheng and fight each other

! In this way, this Li Zhiyun not only weakened the Tang State's military strength and subdued Li Shimin's heart, but also severely punished Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue, and returned himself to a clean body

! It can be said that it is both fame and fortune!


Yuan almost fell to the ground, angrily pointing at Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin:

"Rebel... "

Have you two already been in cahoots!"

Li Shimin lowered his head and did not speak, he knew everything Li Zhiyun said just now.

If you go back by yourself, don't engage Li Jiancheng, who will you engage in?

And what Li Zhiyun said next shocked Li Yuan even more.

"Li Yuan, I want to tell you an interesting story, the protagonists of the story are the father

and son of the Li family..." Li Yuan glared at Li Zhiyun and said angrily: "Rebel son, do you still want to arrange the decay?" But Li Zhiyun

ignored Li Yuan, but said meaningfully:

"One day and somewhere in the future, there will be a tragedy of forcing his father, killing his brother, killing his brother, and taking his wife.

"The reason for this tragedy is all because this father is indecisive, does not know how to maneuver between his two sons, often speaks like a fart, but promises constantly." "


forcing his father, killing his brother, killing his brother, and taking his wife?

Li Yuan and Li Shimin looked at each other.


father in the story is Li Yuan, and the two sons are Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin.

Li Yuan couldn't help but think in his heart that he had indeed promised Li Shimin many times that he would give him the position of crown prince!

Even if Li Jiancheng was detained by Li Zhiyun in Shuofang for half a year, he did not make up his mind.

This may be the reason why Li Zhiyun said in his mouth that he became the "emperor of the Taishang"?

He made great achievements for the founding of this Great Tang Dynasty, but as Li Zhiyun said, he didn't get what he deserved

!" "Rebel son, you actually talk nonsense, reverse right and wrong, you are really as ruthless as a poisonous woman

!" "Li Shimin, after you return to Chang'an, you must

not be an enemy with the prince!" "You two should be brothers and fight the enemy together!" Li

Yuan did not want to listen any longer, interrupting Li Zhiyun's wonderful story.

Li Zhiyun waved his big hand, and Li Yuan was led down by the tiger iron ride.

It's just that this time the residence is not Luoyang Prison, but changed to the southeast corner of Shenzhou City - Jixian Hall.

Well... Li

Shimin did not want to waste any more time, immediately bid farewell to Li Zhiyun, and rushed to the outside of the city with an excited and uneasy heart.

He wanted to find Qin Qiong at the first time and inform the 100,000 army to prepare overnight, so as not to dream too much at night.

At this time, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

After Li Shimin made overnight preparations, the 100,000-strong army was ready to go.

Before leaving, what Li Shimin didn't expect was that Li Zhiyun actually rushed over.

And shoved a bag into his hand.

"Li Shimin, I hope you don't break your word like that Li Jiancheng, in addition...

Li Zhiyun pointed to the hundred tiger iron riders behind him and continued:

"These iron horses are familiar with the road conditions, so take them as your guides!" Li

Shimin looked at the hundred tiger iron horses killed by Su Muxiao, and suddenly understood everything in his heart.


put it bluntly, they are sent to monitor themselves

! However, in front of 100,000 soldiers, this hundred people are a fart!


Shimin rushed toward the northwest with an excited heart.

He didn't know what was waiting for him, but he knew that this time he must seize the opportunity to get rid of Prince Li Jiancheng!

Li Shimin's 100,000-strong army finally arrived in Xianyang County, fifty miles outside Chang'an City.

But he did not continue to march further, but directly chose to station a hundred thousand troops here!

because, keenly, he had already smelled that after entering the territory of the Tang Kingdom, everything was too smooth



Special thanks to the big guy [fans of the Royal Warriors] for their strong support and interaction with this book! Special thanks to the big guy [Yan Jiuming of Bayi Building] for the inspiration capsules; the big guy [Demon God Huayan] [Li Zilizi] sent the reminder charm! Thank you to the president of the firmament college, the president of the Single Dog Association, and the stars of the sun for the gifts.

The author of the street Jun asked weakly, you big guys have five stars in their hands, if there are words, give the author Jun a ~ Thank

you for the support of the big guys!--

The author has something to say:

Special thanks to the big guy [fans of the royal warriors] for their strong support and interaction with this book! Special thanks to the big guy [Yan Jiuming of Bayi Building] for the inspiration capsule; the big guy [Demon God Huayan] [Li Zilizi] sent the reminder! Thank you to the dean of the firmament academy, Single Dog Association - Gifts from the president, the stars, etc.

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