Early morning of the second day, the south gate of Chang'an City and Beining Gate.

"King Qin, why haven't they arrived yet

!" "Oh, that dead ghost in my family has followed King Qin out for so long, and I don't know if I think about the old lady!" "

I see they want to fart, I heard that they arrived in Xianyang yesterday, and only came back today." "

The people standing at the gate of the city, chatting non-stop.

The ministers of culture and martial arts on both sides of the road were silent and bowed their heads slightly.

For them, King Qin's return to the city was a good thing.

It's hard enough to have a prince in the city, and now there is another prince's nemesis.

The taste of sandwiching them in the middle and being back and forth by people, who can stand it.

At the front of the team, Changsun Wuji and Changsun Wuji were impressively listed.

Yesterday, they did not sit idle, but mobilized people around them to spread the news of Li Shimin's return in order to expand the influence of public opinion.

Liu Wenjing, Yin Kaishan, Fang Xuanling, Xu Shiwei and others also stood behind Changsun Wuxian and looked forward to it.

Although they were deprived of military power, their hearts still belonged to Li Shimin.

They were confident that as long as they were there, this original army of 100,000 would not dare to make a second attack on Li Shimin.

Everything is ready, just wait for the east wind.

Not often.

A large number of soldiers and horses appeared directly south of Chang'an City!

The leaders were Li Shimin, the king of Qin, and the great general Qin Qiong.

Everyone immediately knelt down, shouting!

"His Royal Highness King Qin, Chitose Chitose Chitose!" Changsun

Wuxian suddenly rejoiced, and rushed up with Li Chenggan in his arms.

Li Shimin immediately dismounted, rushed over to hug the mother and son, and almost cried with joy.

Isn't it

for the moment of family reunion? Isn't

it for those ten seconds? The

100,000 soldiers behind Li Shimin are also looking for their families in the crowd with golden eyes.

The sudden change in the painting style of the army entering the city has become a large-scale gratitude scene for family gathering!

Looking at the picture in front of him, Li Shimin was a little relieved.

What is needed is this effect, and what is needed is for the entire city to participate.

Forgive him, Li Jiancheng did not dare to kill himself.

"Wei Chen/Last General, see His Royal Highness King Qin!" Liu

Wenjing, Yin Kaishan and the others knelt in front of Li Shimin, the expressions on their faces full of guilt and unease.

They lost the 100,000 army in the city, and now the King of Qin has brought another 100,000 army, what will happen next

? Will the King of Qin Li Shimin lead everyone and defeat the princelings in one fell swoop?


them, Zheng Yuanxuan, the secretary of the Taichang Temple, led more than 20 sacrificial officials, holding coins and jade, liquor, recommendations, uniforms, and other objects, and came to Li Shimin in a mighty manner.

Changsun Wuxian suddenly muttered in his heart.

A woman's innate seventh sense tells her that the comer is not good!

Under the leadership of Wei

Zheng, everyone knelt respectfully in front of Li Shimin, raised a set of black gowns with his hands high, and bowed his head:

"Wei Zheng, welcome His Royal Highness the King of Qin's triumph

!" "King Qin, all princes have always performed worship during the Chongyang Festival, and you have not returned and missed this important day.

"Li Shimin suddenly chuckled in his heart, this Wei Zheng gourd must be selling poison

! Fuck, if you miss it, you miss it, in the past, the march and war were adrift, and it was not often missed!

Wei Zheng saw that Li Shimin had not taken the uniform, and immediately raised his hand again, raised his voice, and said:

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin, return to the beginning, know the grace and repay the grace, and worship the ancestors is the importance of advocating filial piety for the ancient sages!"

"As the prince, you should set an example of great filial piety for the people of the city!" Hearing

this, the onlookers also understood what was going on.

It turned out that Wei Zheng was asking King Qin to worship his ancestors!

No wonder, Wei Zheng has always been an old stubborn man with a strong brain.

"Your Royal Highness King Qin, you don't need to accompany us here, go and

worship the ancestors!" "Yes, ancestor worship is a big thing, we also went to worship the ancestors in the first place!"

The common people who did not know thought that they had delayed Li Shimin's major affairs, and hurriedly persuaded.

Li Shimin smiled bitterly and asked

, "Xuancheng, where is King Ben going to worship?" Wei

Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed coldly, but his tone was flat:

"His Royal Highness King Qin must have forgotten that the prince has always gone to Daxing Palace to worship his ancestors!"

Li Shimin's right eyelid suddenly jumped.


yourself in front of the tablets of the ancestors and the emperors, and Li Jiancheng will do it

! Changsun Wuxian looked at the black gown, thoughtfully, this dress looked full of bad omen!

Immediately, she directly staggered Wei Zheng and said to Zheng Yuanxuan, the secretary of the Taichang Temple in the second row:

"Lord Zheng, this palace asks you a question."

Zheng Yuanxuan immediately bowed his head and said, "Princess, please say." "

This palace has been canonized as a princess, may I ask if this palace is

a royal person?" "Princess Hui, you are naturally a royal person!" Zheng

Yuanxuan did not know what medicine was sold in the Changsun Wuxian gourd, and Yu Guang swept towards Wei Zheng.

Who knows, Wei Zheng was also confused.

You ask me, how the fuck do I know?

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