Li Shimin turned his head to look at all the

soldiers and said, "Everyone obeys the order!" In

an instant, 100,000 soldiers knelt on the ground, and the black pressure was very spectacular.

"The army is camped outside the city, and the soldiers take turns to visit relatives and leave, and the length of time should be strictly controlled within two hours, please allocate your time reasonably!" Changsun

Wuqian, Qin Qiong, Fang Xuanling, and others were very puzzled

! What is Li Shimin's order

? When is this, and the army will be stationed outside the city?

Wei Zheng and Wang Ji looked at each other and smiled, this prince is the prince!

At a critical moment, he took everyone out of the city to hunt, and this move alone paralyzed Li Shimin.

Look at this, Li Shimin is hooked!

Li Shimin staggered the doubtful gazes of Changsun Wuxian and the others, and said to Wei Zheng:

"Master Wei, where are we changing clothes?" Wei

Zheng was suddenly overjoyed and immediately led Li Shimin to a carriage prepared in advance.

Changsun Wuxian grabbed Li Shimin and kept shaking his head, with crystal tears in his eyes.

Li Shimin gently patted Changsun Wuji's jade hand, smiled at each other, and pushed Changsun Wuji towards Changsun Wuji.

Changsun Wuxian was stunned, just now

! She actually saw a different look in Li Shimin's eyes! With

her understanding of Li Shimin, Changsun Wuxian knew that this kind of look would only appear in two situations.

The first is when Li Shimin is ravaging himself.

Second, when he was already full of confidence in this battle when the great war came!"

Lord Wei, the prince just said that this king can step into the Daxing Palace with dozens of guards?"

Li Shimin's face was full of nervousness, which was deliberately acting for Wei Zheng to see.

If you are too calm, it will cause the other party to be alert.

"Yes, King Qin can bring dozens of personal guards to Daxing Palace!" As

soon as Wei Zheng's words fell, Yin Kaishan, Xu Shiji, Qin Qiong, Liu Wenjing and other four fierce generals immediately knelt in front of Li Shimin:

"His Royal Highness King Qin, the last general is willing to go!" Wei

Zheng whispered in his heart, the prince is worthy of being the prince!

Who knows, Li Shimin seemed to have seen Li Jiancheng's thoughts, and did not pay attention to Yin Kaishan and the others, but instead walked straight to the tiger iron horse behind the 100,000-strong army, and handed over his hand:

"Next, there will be you!"

Fifty tiger iron horsemen immediately came out and stood behind Li Shimin.

Everyone looked at Li Shimin in amazement, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Even Wei Zheng and Wang Jue began to lose sight of Li Shimin.

These iron horses seem to be fiercer than ordinary soldiers, but then there are Qin Qiong and Xu Shiweimeng?"

"Your Royal Highness King Qin, I am willing to go!" Yin

Kaishan and the others repeated their request again, they felt that this King Qin must have a problem with his ears.

Li Shimin waved his hand and said to everyone:

"Before the army is settled, there will be a few of you

!" "You don't need to accompany King Ben!"


to mention that there were 10,000 soldiers and horses of Li Yuan and 20,000 soldiers and horses of Li Jing to cooperate in the battle!

Was this Li Shimin too confident in the tiger and iron horse?

But Li Shimin resolutely stepped on the horse and slowly marched towards the Daxing Palace after Wei Zheng.

Li Shimin didn't know what was waiting for him in this Daxing Palace, but if he was destined to fight Li Jiancheng.

A proverb floated

in Li Shimin's mind: "There are many piles of thunder in the valley in September, and there are many piles of thunder graves in October"!

Looking back at Changsun Wujian, a tear of reluctance slipped from the corner of Li Shimin's eyes.

In this farewell, please Jun Zhen, when I return, I will definitely fight you for three hundred rounds!

About a moment of incense, Daxing Palace appeared in front of Li Shimin.

Daxing Palace is located in the southeast corner of Chang'an City, next door to the huge Furong Garden.

It is secluded and quiet, and it is the best choice for placing the tablets of the ancestors.

In other words, even if the two armies fight here, not many people can hear it

!" "His Royal Highness King Qin, there is Daxing Palace ahead, please unload your weapons so as not to collide with the ancestors!" Wei

Zheng stopped and looked at the fifty tiger iron riders behind Li Shimin.

"There you are!"

Li Shimin bowed his hand respectfully to the Tiger Iron Rider.

Wei Zheng and Wang Jue were dismissive in their hearts, why did Li Shimin only promise these tiger and iron riders

? Could it be that they all have the courage to be unjust

? Then why not become a great general?

The corners of Wei Zheng's mouth turned up slightly, and he waved his big hand:


and it was on the wall of the palace gate of Daxing Palace.

Li Yuanji, Feng Li, Wei Ting, and the others had already shook hands and spears and crawled on the ground.

Li Shimin

slowly approached the gate of Daxing Palace, but at a distance of about 20 meters, he suddenly stopped.

A pair of eyes measured the height of Daxingmen.

This is the inner city, and the height of the wall is about five meters, which is not high.

"Your Highness King Qin, why... Stopped?"

Wang Jue asked very loudly, so loudly that it directly reached the ears of Li Yuanji on the other side.

Li Yuanji peeked at Li Shimin and the fifty cavalry behind him, and smiled.

Li Shimin suddenly turned to Zheng Yuanxuan, the secretary of the Taichang Temple, and asked:

"Lord Zheng, according to the usual practice, do you need to set off firecrackers before worshiping?"

Qiyu King Qin, it was the negligence of his subordinates who forgot to arrange these links!"

Wei Zheng smiled sarcastically, when the fuck was this, still thinking about these things?

"Your Royal Highness King Qin, I don't need this firecracker..."


Wei Zheng could say the word "want", Li Shimin interrupted him and took out a bamboo tube from his sleeve!

The same was true of the fifty tiger iron horses behind Li Shimin, and each of them immediately took out a bamboo tube from the marching bag on his back.

Wei Zheng

: ??? Wang Jue: ???

mentally retarded before death?"

asked Li Yuanji in the city, lying on the back of his ass.

"Back to King Qi, they seem to want to set off firecrackers!" "Huh, a bunch of fools! When is this all fucking mother, and they still want to set off firecrackers!"

Li Shimin raised the bamboo tube in his hand and aimed it at the Daxing Palace in front

of him, and rode to the tiger iron behind him: "You guys line up, and throw the bamboo tube into the city with me, so as to tell the ancestors and the ancestors that I, Li Shimin, have come back to see them!" In

an instant, fifty tiger iron riders lined up, and fifty-one bamboo tubes drew a beautiful parabola in the air, roaring towards the city!

"It's just a few broken bamboo tubes, everyone gave me patience and don't make a sound!" But

... Can this be endured?

- PS: I wish you beautiful men and beautiful women a happy weekend~ The pursuit of this book is more stable at about 25%, that is to say, 800-10,000 people see the last chapter every day, but [five-star praise] is so few, in addition, dozens of [urge change] every day what the hell, haha ~

Dear readers grandparents, move the little hands to make a fortune, give this book a [five-star praise] ha, the author kneels and thanks~


The author has something to say:

Special thanks to the fans of the Royal Warriors, Demon God Huayan, Merry, Yushu Linfeng, Dark Night, Don't Ask, Ask is the God of War,,、 super like Di Youyou, True Love Fans, Obscurity, Sun and Stars and other friends for the gifts, thank you!

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