"Quick, quick, quick!" Qin

Qiong, in order to reach the Qixia Gate before Li Jiancheng, ordered all the soldiers to bring only horizontal knives and bows and arrows, throw away all heavy armor, and move at full speed.

The people, who had just dispersed, were startled by the sound of hurried footsteps and shouts and came out to watch.


Wenjing shouted to all the people while marching urgently:

"It's not good,

it's not good!" "That Qi King Li Yuanji intends to ambush and kill the King of Qin in the Daxing Palace!" "Pity the King of

Qin for his filial piety and go to worship Empress Dou defenseless!"

Most of the rivers and mountains of this Great Tang were laid down by the King of Qin, if you have a conscience, follow me to save the King of Qin!"

Between the whiskers.

Qin Qiong's 50,000-strong army and Li Jiancheng's 50,000-strong army gathered together at Qixiamen.

Changsun Wuxian also heard the news, changed his big-sleeved coat for the first time, put on the battle armor of the girl's generation, picked up the horizontal knife and rode on the war horse, and quickly killed towards the Qixia Gate!

The next moment, it surprised everyone.

Liu Wenjing quickly fell off the horse, stumbled

to Li Jiancheng, and knelt down with a "poof": "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the big thing is not good

!" "That Qi King Li Yuanji ambushed in the area of Daxing Palace, intending to kill His Royal Highness the King of Qin!" Li

Jiancheng lowered his head and frowned, tell me this, are you particularly sick?


Jiancheng was just about to raise the whip, but Liu Wenjing hurriedly stopped:

"Presumably, the prince also got this news and came to mediate the dispute between the two kings!"

Liu Wenjing deliberately raised her voice, and the surrounding people could hear it clearly.

Li Jiancheng was suddenly stunned.

Am I fucking here to kill Li Shimin

, but when Liu Wenjing said this, the eyes of the people of the whole city instantly focused on Li Jiancheng's face.

Li Jiancheng suddenly let go of the hand that was holding the reins, and could only reply:

"Yes, Prince Ben is having fun and hunting with the people outside the city, and he never wanted to take advantage of his father's absence, but these two younger brothers...

"Hey!" Li

Jiancheng put on a helpless look, and all the people also looked at Li Jiancheng with great admiration.

"Okay, everyone get out of the way, otherwise the King of Qin and the King of Qi will die!"


The door to the Qixia Gate was opened.


"! A man covered in blood was thrown out from the city

! Looking at this back, it was most likely the King of Qin!

Everyone stepped forward to look around, and Changsun Wuqian, who had just arrived, rushed through the crowd, shouting in panic, "Husband... Fujun "....

At this moment, her heart was broken.

Li Jiancheng smiled heartily, this Li Shimin looked like he was dead!

"Ah, it's the King of Qi!" Someone

in the crowd suddenly shouted, so shocked that Li Jiancheng almost fell off his horse.


Shimin only had fifty men!



Qin!" "It's His Royal Highness King Qin!" Less

than ten people walked out from the gate, they were covered in blood, their eyebrows were cold, murderous, and


Li Shimin was like a triumphant king, and a moving song sounded in his heart:

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, and Weijia Hai is returning to his hometown!" King

Qin's sassy heroic posture stunned everyone.

Li Jiancheng's eyebrows were locked, and there was a "gurgling" sound in his clenched fists

! He was not convinced

! Why was Li Shimin so desperate?

"Kill, kill me!" There

was a shout of killing from within the Qixia Gate, led by the prince's henchman

Feng Li! Qin Qiong immediately drew his sword at him, and all the soldiers surrendered Feng Li's weapons!

And when Qin Qiong followed Feng Li's back and looked inside the Qixia Gate, his face was full of shock and fear.

I saw that on the long avenue, there were some corpses lying horizontally, and the ground was full of potholes, filled with blood and water

! Feng Li and more than 200 other people who rushed out were the last survivors of this great war

! That is to say, Li Shimin annihilated nearly 800 enemies at the cost of losing more than 40 tigers and iron horses!

If it weren't for these bamboo grenades and tiger iron horses, he would have died under Li Yuanji's knife today!

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