Wu Shu muttered and smiled at everyone.

Luo Shixin and the others hurriedly saluted.

"Everyone hurry up and get busy

!" "Everyone go to a farther place to cast cannons!"

"Today, the soldiers of the Admiralty Battalion are also working hard, Lord Zheng, it is better to give the soldiers a day off!"

Luo Shixin said while patting Zheng Wenxiu's shoulder, not forgetting to turn around and give Li Zhiyun a "come on" thumbs up.

Zheng Wenxiu nodded, and everyone also walked away envious and jealous.

Seeing that everyone retreated, Wu Shu took Li Zhiyun and came to the swimming pool inside.

"Brother Yun, teach me how to swim?"

"I heard that swimming is the best way to exercise!" Li

Zhiyun nodded, saying well.

In his previous life, there were many people around him who trained by swimming.

Swimming can exercise all parts of the body.

But Li Zhiyun still laughed:

"As the saying goes, those who drown can swim."

Wu Shu shook his head:

"This is prejudice!" "

If you can't swim, if you fall into deep water, it may be a lot of luck!" "If you can swim, it's

different!" Li

Zhiyun nodded, but smiled awkwardly.

How do I

teach you to swim?!

Only then did the two spot Kinderman standing in the corner.

"Concubine Kinderman to see the empress..." Kinderman

immediately saluted Wu Shu cautiously.

"Kinderman??" Kinderman immediately knelt on the ground and tentatively asked

: "It's just that the concubine wants to dare to ask, you are playing in this pool, are you familiar with water?" Well


Kinderman's question was asked to Wu Shu's heart! Wu Shu

looked at Kinderman with a pair of beautiful eyes:

"Do you know how to swim?"

"I grew up by the sea, of course I know water!" Wu

Shu and Li Zhiyun looked at each other and smiled, stretched out their hands and pulled Kinderman towards the pool.

Just as Kinderman was in the pool seriously teaching Wu Shu the essentials of swimming.

A male duck voice came from

outside the tent: "Emperor Qiyu, Princess of Tang Kingdom Qin, Changsun Wuxian asked for a meeting!" Well


Li Zhiyun flicked the water droplets on his head, just about to speak, Wu Shu, who had just trained to swim, took the lead, she may not have heard clearly who was asking for a meeting outside, but just now when swimming drank several sips of water, choked, and said in a displeased tone:"

Wang Shaoyang, you are so daring, we are learning to swim, how can outsiders disturb?" The

eldest grandson Wuxian outside the tent was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect Wu Shu to be here, just think about it, this little woman is not easy to deal with.

But Changsun Wuxian just took two steps back and stopped.

"The concubine Changsun Wuxian disturbed Empress Yaxing, but the concubine does have something important to see His Royal Highness, please ..."

"Come in!"

Li Zhiyun looked at Wu Shu and said, "Maybe... She was in a hurry.

While speaking, Changsun Wuxian walked in alone.

A ravine rises in the snow-capped mountains.

Rao is a little drunk and hazy.

"Concubine Changsun Wuxian to meet His Royal Highness the Emperor, the Empress Concubine..."

"Sister, please get up quickly, you are the Emperor's second sister-in-law, that is, my second sister-in-law!" "

I don't know what happened to my sister anxiously coming to find His Royal Highness?"

Li Zhiyun looked at Wu Shu with satisfaction.

Although this girl is young, she is still relatively polite.

No need to guess, she must have come for Li Shimin's trouble!

But Changsun Wuxian is such a smart person, how can she open the door and see the mountain.

This would be offensive, it must be another way of saying it.

"The concubine waited for her husband Li Shimin to just step out of Chang'an, when she got a tip that there were a large number of enemy ships on the Yellow River!"

"The concubine did not dare to slacken, originally wanted to catch up with her husband to bring this news, but did not catch up all the way, this did not directly come to Luoyang. Hearing

this, Wu Shu and the others found that Changsun Wuxian seemed to be really tired, and his eyes were bloodshot, so he probably didn't sleep well.

Li Zhiyun's heart trembled slightly, and he said softly:

"My sister-in-law has worked hard all the way, and I know about this matter!"

Changsun Wuxian suddenly felt happy in his heart.

Li Zhiyun still affectionately calls himself sister-in-law!

This shows that he still recognizes himself in his heart.

In this way, Li Shimin still has hope!

"The concubine is not hard, but the emperor, you are very broken for the unification of China, and your body is exhausted..."

Changsun Wuxian felt particularly comforted in his heart.

This shows that Li Zhiyun does not regard himself as an outsider.


Sister-in-law, can you swim

?" asked Wu Shu.

Changsun Wuxian nodded:

"I will."

"When you practice here, let's change to a larger swimming pool, so that it will be more comfortable to swim

!" Wu Shu quickly nodded happily.

Changsun Wuxian had a plan in his heart.

How to further enhance the relationship with this girl?

Then build a bigger swimming pool!

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