Zhang Xiu had a pair of vigilant eyes and looked at the other side of the pitch black.

There seems to be nothing else here except the sound of the wind.

In this cold winter, a layer of ice has formed near the shore, which is just right for them to go ashore.

And at this moment, the air suddenly became cold, accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, the sky was covered with dark clouds!

Tweet - Woohoo -

The Demon God immediately roared:

"General be careful, the strong crossbow is coming!" The

Demon God threw Zhang Xiu to the ground at the first moment.


bang bang - bang bang -

a dozen icy spears, straight into the hull.

All the soldiers on board were horrified, and their minds couldn't help but sound the terrifying encounter described by the soldiers under Yuangai Suwen who luckily returned alive.

Just today, the news that Li Zhiyun cut off the right legs of thousands of soldiers has long been spread.

Will he end up with the same tragic end as them? Will

his leg be cut off

? The fiery red horizontal knife has countless red marks on his chest, making you unable to survive, unable to seek death?

Hua Yan stepped forward to stabilize Zhang Xiu, and shouted at everyone:

"Don't panic, our warships have been closely connected!"

Sure enough, there was a rustle and the sound of horses' hooves on the shore, and the stabbed warship suddenly shook.

But did not move forward.

"Everyone obeys the order, the battleship retreats quickly!" As

soon as everyone heard this, they immediately rowed their oars and desperately retreated backwards, desperately trying to escape this ghost place quickly.

Zhang Xiu said angrily

, "Demon God, you are so daring!" "

Do you want to run away before you land?"

Bang bang

- dangdang -

several Wolong batteries along the shore were actually pulled over by the battleship and fell straight into the water!

Zhang Xiu was suddenly overjoyed

, so it was, so it was! This move made the dozens of Wolong Fort of the thief army useless.

At this

moment, a reconnaissance warship quickly approached

: "General Qiyu Zhang, no army of Li Zhiyun's navy division has been found within a radius of fifty nautical miles

!" Zhang

Xiu pulled out his horizontal knife, stood on the bow of the ship, and shouted:

"Soldiers, prepare for landing battle!" Everyone

immediately untied the shields on the battleship, protected their whole bodies, and headed for the shore.

Boom -

The cold river water invaded the lower body, and the egg was frozen into two small yellow beans at once.

There was a rustling sound in the woods not far away

, and dozens of iron horses flashed by, quickly rushing forward! The corners of Zhang Xiu's mouth turned up slightly, the evening reconnaissance was correct, and the troops here were extremely empty!

Listening to the sound of the hooves of the fleeing horses, you can judge that it is only dozens of iron horses.

"All the soldiers obeyed the order, quickly capture Luozhou City!" In

an instant, the war drums thundered, and the banner hunted.

Five thousand girder soldiers prepared arrows, protected shields, lifted ladders, pushed giant logs that hit the door, and headed towards Luozhou City.

"Whoever is coming, don't stop quickly!" Above

Luozhou City, which was only a few feet high, hundreds of soldiers with bows and arrows stood and aimed at Zhang Xiu and the others under the city.

The Demon God took a step forward and shouted:

"Wait and open your dog's eyes to see, General Zhang Xiu, the commander of the Daliang Baling Officer Corps, is here, and he has not yet opened the city to surrender

!" "Surrender?"

"Then you also open your dog's eyes and see, it's your Grandpa Cheng!" The

Demon God and Cheng Yanjin scolded each other, but a sly smile flashed in their eyes.

Fucking demon god, really exactly the same as Li Cunxiao's goods, with a slippery tongue!

Zhang Xiu's face was stunned, could it be that the general defending the city was the three-board axe Cheng biting gold

? Why is he here?

If you can hack him to death, it will be a great achievement

!" "Cheng Biting Jin, if you don't open the city and surrender, General Ben will definitely kill all of you, and the people of this city will also be buried with you!"

Then it depends on whether you have this ability here

!" Cheng Yanjin's big board axe slammed together, and shouted

: "Archer, shoot me!" Zhang

Xiu also immediately shouted:

"Shield cover, archer ready!" Suddenly

, the two sides shot back and forth.

But Zhang Xiu's archers numbered thousands, and the black-pressed arrows flew towards the city, and Cheng Yanjin and everyone could only hide in the corner, and kept scolding in his mouth

: "Zhang Xiu, are you not afraid that our emperor is nearby, and he will take your life at any time?" Zhang Xiu

, who was hiding under the shield, laughed as he pushed forward:

"You mean Li Zhiyun?"

"Why didn't Wolong Fort open fire?

"General Cheng, there are no spears available at the moment

!" Cheng Yanjin immediately said angrily:

"A bunch of waste!"

The army led by Zhang Xiu had already arrived under the city gate, and the huge wooden stake began to hit the gate of Luozhou City.

"Cheng Bitjin, don't go down to the city to die!" "Zhang Xiu, do you think that Cheng Bitjin is afraid that you will not succeed, come, fight to the death!" Cheng Bitjin

stood up from the city, but was forcibly pressed down by a group of soldiers, and forced to carry him directly down the city:

"General Cheng, the number of thieves is huge, and our army is invincible! If you don't retreat, I'm afraid that the whole army will be destroyed!"

"General, let's run, if we don't run, it's too late!"

The sound of Cheng Yanjin's struggle getting smaller and smaller, while Zhang Xiu's sound of banging on the door became louder and louder.


The gates of Luozhou City were knocked open, and Zhang Xiu led five thousand warriors into the city.

Cheng Yanjin and the others had disappeared.

Zhang Xiu looked at the dozens of corpses lying scattered on the ground, and looked at the somewhat quiet Cangzhou City in front of him, his face was full of clothes.

The deployment of troops in Luozhou City was somewhat small, and he knew it.

But why so little?


Look, General!"

the demon god interrupted Zhang Xiu's thoughts and pointed to a brightly lit barracks in front of him.

Zhang Xiu immediately stepped into the barracks and looked around.

And the next moment, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them!

I saw thousands of spears and arrows that had not yet been loaded with gun heads.

There are also several wooden boxes in the corner.

Zhang Xiu winked at the Demon God, and the Demon God slowly leaned in.

The moment he opened the wooden box, the demon god looked directly at the box with two eyes, and excitedly shouted:

"General, this is

black powder!" "This turned out to be black powder!" Zhang

Xiu, Su Hu'er and the others walked over in three steps and two steps, carefully touching the bag of black powder wrapped in sackcloth, with a happy face.

Black powder was rare, especially five boxes of black powder!

He had seen it on Yuangai Suwen's ship before, and Yuangai Suwen regarded them as treasures.

Now... Happiness

came a little suddenly, which made Zhang Xiuxiu happy.

"General Zhang, this must be an arsenal for

Li Zhiyun!" "Judging from these unformed spears and arrows, it is enough to show that Li Zhiyun has insufficient weapons and it is difficult to launch an attack in a short time!"

"Give all this to General Ben and take care of the torches!"

Zhang Xiu was already thinking in his heart about how to ask Xiao Mill for credit.

After looting the barracks for almost an hour.

Zhang Xiu and the others finally found ten loads of grain and grass and countless gold jewelry from the broken house behind the barracks!" Zhang Xiu

walked out of the broken house, looked at the candle flames dotted by Luozhou City with a pair of eyes, and said fiercely:

"Drive out all the people of this city, whether men, women, or children, cut off one leg

!"Everyone excitedly raised their horizontal knives, bloodthirsty flames burst out of their eyes, and they broke into the homes of the people.

And the next moment, everyone ran out in horror!

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