In an instant, every soldier spared no effort to kneel on the ground, pouted his butt, looked hideous, and barked hysterically:


Woof!" "Woof!" "Woof!"

The voice of one person, Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill could not hear.


particular, this barking also triggered a chain reaction, and the surrounding wild dogs also barked!

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill lowered their heads red-faced and buried deeply in their arms.

But even if the ears were blocked, they still heard this dignified dog barking

! The sound was in the ears, and the sound collapsed

! More than 100,000 allied troops on the warship looked at the banks of the Yellow River, their fists clenched but their eyes were helpless!

How to save each other?

I only hope that Li Zhiyun can abide by the rules of engagement and not kill the troops!

In Li Zhiyun's world, there is no rule!

The next moment, everyone was escorted forward and stopped in front of a huge "mass grave" in front of them.

"Mass grave", Li Zhiyun has long been dug up in advance.

Around the pit, densely packed with new monuments and old graves.

The terrain here is high, especially Li Zhiyun built a monument with cement that is 20 meters high

! On the monument, there are a few big characters written - the victims of Luoyang City are immortal

! Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao, Zong Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Zheng Wenxiu, Wei Chi Jingde and others led all the soldiers to bow deeply to the monument!

Fathers and fellow villagers who died in Luoyang City, I, Li Zhiyun, have come to apologize

to you!" "Sorry, I didn't give you peace in this troubled world

!" "Sorry, I didn't protect you under this catastrophe!" "

Now, I take 10,000 dog thieves of Goguryeo and Daliang to make sincere sacrifices to you!!

"They, the ghosts of your hell, are at your disposal as cattle and horses

!" "In the coming day, you will step on the souls of these dog thieves and ascend to heaven!"

"May you—rest in peace!! The

sorrow and sorrow in everyone's eyes instantly became murderous!

Facing nearly 10,000 trembling and majestic soldiers, Li Zhiyun brandished his red flame halberd, as if he had fallen from the sky, slashing at them madly!

The crows and vultures in the sky hovered in the sky, and the chirping seemed to celebrate this gluttonous feast!

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill above the Yellow River had long been stunned in place, and together with the 100,000 remnants of the defeated soldiers behind them, they were also extremely shocked to look at the cruel picture in front of them.

Many people experience dizziness and vomiting, and even more are scared out of feces and urine, and the light in the pupils begins to fade.

Everyone seemed to be crushed into a heavy boulder in their hearts, and they couldn't breathe.

Gao Jianwu personally walked up to the high platform to beat the drum, his eyes full of tears of anger and shame:

"All soldiers, evacuate quickly!" "

I allow Wang Gao Jianwu to swear here, not to destroy the Shenzhou Empire, and not to return to the dynasty!" Gao Jianwu

and Xiao Mill led more than 300 warships, like dogs who lost their families, and rushed to the base camp...


"Boom!" "

Emperor mighty, emperor Yum!"


All the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire looked at the allied army that was fleeing at great speed, and instantly boiled!

The great victory in this battle can comfort the dead ordinary people and lift the hearts of the whole country's army!

In the complex background that the smallpox virus storm has not completely ended inside, and there are millions of troops outside.

This battle was too tiring to fight

! This big battle was too difficult to win

! And the next scene made them understand that everything was worth it!

I saw countless people pouring out from all directions, walking towards the soldiers.

Most of them are ordinary people, as well as the families of civil and military officials, children who study, grandmothers

who falter... Walking in the forefront were the Empress Dowager Wan Xuanyu of the Shenzhou Empire, Empress Wu Shu, and all the concubines.

Each of their faces was stained with tears and filled with joy; each of them held milk, meatloaf, cowpen hills, watermelons, cucumbers and other food in his hands.

All the soldiers looked at these dearest fathers and fellow villagers, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this big battle was short, everyone exhausted their whole strength and fought to the death.

At this moment, when I saw the familiar people, the tense muscles of my whole body relaxed.

In this cold winter, drink a sip of hot milk, and then eat a bite of iced watermelon, it is really a double heaven of ice and fire, heaven and earth are happy, give me a river, I will not change!


Li Zhiyun knelt in front of Wan Xuanyu: "Mother, the child worries you!"

Wan Xuanyu pulled Li Zhiyun up and gently wiped the tear and blood stains from his face for him:

" Yun'er, it's nothing for your mother, it's just that you and the soldiers have worked hard!" Wan

Xuanyu handed Li Zhiyun a glass of milk and turned to visit the injured soldiers.

Changsun Wuxian also followed.

Wu Shu saw Wan Xuanyu give up his position, and immediately ran over and got into Li Zhiyun's arms.

Li Zhiyun came to a princess hug, and a pair of starry eyes were full of affection.

Wu Shu raised Qianqianyu's hand with tears in her eyes, straightened Li Zhiyun's hair, and said softly

: "Brother Yun, the concubine believes that you will win the battle, and you will do it; the concubine believes that you will return safely, and you will do it; the man the concubine fancy will not be wrong, the concubine..."

Suddenly, moist lips blocked Wu Shu's cherry little mouth:

"Don't talk, experience it with your mouth!"

Li Zhiyun's flexible tongue probed a green bud within the red lips.

The two kissed each other affectionately, and at this moment, it seemed that this kiss between heaven and earth was the most important.

What war, what blood, what rivers and mountains

! Nothing can resist this affectionate kiss!

The morning sun and warm sunlight shone on the side of everyone's face.

Although their faces were tired, although their faces were full of blood, although their clothes were ragged, at this moment, they formed a moving picture.


After a short rest, all the soldiers immediately began to build the broken walls, burn the corpses, and clean up the battlefield.

After the smallpox virus ravaged some time ago, everyone also realized the importance of hygiene, and Li Zhiyun also introduced the cremation system!

Li Zhiyun summoned all the soldiers to the main hall of the Ming Hall to discuss the matter.

Taking advantage of the gap when the civil and military officials were still coming, Wu Shu walked over.

The word like is written on the face.

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