Li Shimin strode to Li Zhiyun.

"Plopped down" and knelt down.

"Last General Li Shimin, see the emperor!" Li

Zhiyun said quietly,

"General Li is here!"

but Li Zhiyun did not let him get up.

The eldest grandson Wuji, Xiao Yu, Fang Xuanling and others behind Li Shimin also knelt down together.

Li Jing excitedly patted Fang Xuanling's shoulder and pulled him up

: "Xuanling, you are finally back, but you want to die Laozi!" Fang Xuanling

smiled despicablely:

"Why, are you still afraid that I won't come back?" Liu

Min looked at the expression on Li Zhiyun's face, and then looked at Li Shimin who was kneeling on the ground, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassed.

It's not a matter of kneeling all the time

!" "Under Liu Min, see Admiral Tiance!" Liu

Min bowed respectfully to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin immediately knelt down to return the salute.

"Okay, let's all get up!" Li

Zhiyun glanced at Liu Min, who smiled heartily and pulled Li Shimin up.

"Whew... Whining... "

I want Aye..." suddenly

there were several children's cries outside the tent.

Li Jing, who was standing on the side, did not look at Li Shimin so disgusted in his eyes.

Especially in the current situation, it really needs the cooperation of the Tang Kingdom army!

It is best to allocate 100,000 people to your own account.

So Li Jing directly turned to Li Shimin and said: "General Li, did you bring your son Li Chenggan with you?"

Li Shimin nodded with a smile, his eyes were full of excitement, and stepped forward and held Li Jing's hand tightly:

"Not bad pharmacist, I brought your nephew here!"

Li Jing's face stretched, it seemed that this guy could still socialize.

When Li Zhiyun heard this, he had a preliminary judgment.

When Li Shimin

came to Luoyang, the capital of God, he did not take his child to see Changsun Wuxian at the first time, but came directly to the military camp.

"I want to go see my nephew

!" "And Fang Aiai!"

Li Jing pulled Li Shimin and Fang Xuanling out together.

Li Zhiyun silently followed behind.

Under Luoyang Mountain, before the military tent.

It was close to evening.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on this land.

The face of each soldier was filled with confidence and determination.

The hand holding the weapon looked extremely tough,

ever since they heard that Li Zhuo had joined forces with Tubo and Tuyuhun million-strong troops with the intention of invading the Shenzhou Empire.


, since the moment Li Shimin returned to Li Zhiyun, they had no longer regarded themselves as Tang Jun, but as true soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire!

In the end, whether His Majesty Li Yuan admitted it or not, they identified Li Zhiyun!

Li Shimin carefully took Li Chenggan from his nanny and put it on Li Jing's hand.

Li Jing took Li Chenggan tremblingly and pinched the bird

: "Hey hi, this little fart boy looks really good

!" Li Shimin pushed Li Jing with pity:

"Be careful, don't pinch the bird!"

And at this moment, a voice came:

"This child has been paying attention to his feet since he was a child, let Sun Simiao show him tomorrow!"


everyone was a little puzzled, what did this mean?

But Li Shimin was suddenly stunned, his face was full of excitement and

shock! Excitement is because Li Zhiyun cares very much about this child, after all, blood is thicker than water

! and the shock is the "foot disease" mentioned by Li Zhiyun!

Since Li Chenggan was born, his right foot has always shown some inflexibility, but he did not pay attention to it.

In fact, in history, although Li Chenggan was canonized as a prince, he was always worried because of his foot disease, for fear of being bumped into by others


Because the royal family would not let a "disabled" become a prince!

Thank you, Your Royal Highness, tomorrow, I will ask Sun DaoChang to take a look.

Fang Xuanling said

, "Emperor, this little fart is also your nephew, or... You hug?" Li

Zhiyun's expression was cold, and Fang Xuanling's expression was startled.


Shimin's face was also a little embarrassed.

Li Jing even lifted Li Chenggan in his arms over and immediately took it back.

Li Zhiyun rummaged through his arms, turned over a candy and handed it over.

"Come, call uncle, uncle will give you candy to eat!" At

this time, Li Chenggan had just learned to speak, but his vocabulary was limited.

Li Chenggan opened his little hand and begged Li Zhiyun for a hug.

Li Zhiyun carefully held Li Chenggan in his arms.

I don't know why, I just like children at the moment.

Maybe it has something to do with being a father,

Li Chenggan called "uncle" very forcefully and vaguely.

"Hahaha!" "

Hahaha!" Everyone

laughed happily, Li Zhiyun put down Li Chenggan, and turned to hug Fang Aiai.

Li Zhiyun said to Fang Xuanling with interest: "I didn't expect Fang Zhi'ai to be so cute when she was a child, it's so good

!" Fang Xuanling smiled, who knew that Li Zhiyun's words changed: "Xuanling

, I wonder if you are looking for that discerning monk?" "

If you don't kill him early, this Fang Zhi'ai will become the strongest green hat king, the modern king treasure wall!"


Zhiyun mentioned

this matter many times, and there must be a person called

the monk of the defense machine! Maybe it is really just as Li Zhiyun said, he will put a green hat on his son in the future

! No

, not afraid of 10,000, just in case

! It's time to find the monk of the defense machine early and cut it with a knife!

Li Jing looked at the happy picture in front of him, and felt a little lost.

Li Shimin looked at the dejected Li Jing and pointed to the front of the army:

"Medicine master, who do you think they are?"

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