After Fu Yun heard the fat man's idea of catching fish, he immediately said excitedly:

"And such good things

?" "Why didn't King Ben think that these three miles away was

the Yellow River?" Fu Yun immediately decided to let the fat man lead a ten-man detachment to the Yellow River to catch a few fish to try.

See if it's safe.

The fat man and ten other people tiptoed to the top of the Yellow River.


bang - bang bang -


Smash a hole in the ice.

Unexpectedly, the carp under the surface of the river actually jumped up by itself! The

fat man immediately excitedly took a few fat and large carp to come to regain his life.

Fu Yun looked at the carp, a smile blossomed on his face, and the doubts in his heart disappeared.

At present, this Chang'an City has been besieged, and Li Zhiyun's soldiers do not dare to come out.

There is definitely no danger in going

to the banks of the Yellow River! Fu Yun immediately decided that if you want to play, you can play a big game

! All the logistics regiment of 5,000 men will go fishing

! Catch 20,000 kilograms of carp to relieve everyone's hunger! By

the way, improve the food of the soldiers and boost their morale!

In this way, everyone will definitely be dead set on themselves.

It's good to defeat Li Zhiyun as soon as possible!

Fu Yun Geyou lay down, his little eyes slightly squinting and longing for the beautiful fish soup.

After all, who wouldn't want to drink this delicious fish soup?

Whoever eats this Yellow River carp will become a true destiny!!

so to speak....



The evening breeze is gentle and the night is charming.

There was no sound.

The fat man led a logistics corps of 5,000 men and set out towards the banks of the Yellow River.

A force of 5,000 men vigilantly cut through the ice on the Yellow River.

This season, only the middle of the Yellow River is not frozen, and there is a layer of ice on both banks.

Bang bang -

bang bang -

countless large and small holes were chiseled in the ice, and the carp began to jump up.

I don't know why, this time the carp is particularly active, and they are all jumping up desperately!

At this moment, the carp jumped even more, the surface of the water began to shake violently, and the waves pushed the ice and floated forward.

In the middle

was a building ship, one on the left and one on the right to escort it!


, two warships fired countless artillery pieces at the 5,000 soldiers who were fishing! Bang bang bang

- bang bang -

artillery fired one after another, 5,000 people were like targets, killed and disabled

! Blood stained the entire ice!

"Who? Who?" Li

Rail, who

was sleeping, was awakened and immediately got up and went to the outside of the tent.

Li Rail's brows frowned, isn't this the location along the Yellow River

? Shouldn't

Li Zhiyun's navy be coming?

Li Rail's clothes were not neat, so he took tens of thousands of people to the flashpoint

! Fu Yun, who was tasting fish soup, was also attracted by this cannon sound, and his heart clicked, and a bad premonition surged in his heart!

He slept like a dead pig, after all, he was old and exhausted from singing night and night.

Along the Yellow River.

Li Rail was shocked by the tragic scene in front of him! There

was hardly a single corpse on the ground, and all of them were blown to pieces!

Only a few soldiers who did not have time to go on the ice to fish survived.

After questioning, Li Rail learned that this was a transport fleet.

Two warships escorting a building ship happened to pass by this place.

Looking at the direction, it should be heading towards Luoyang Lake.

After the two Mengchong warships finished firing their guns, they disappeared over the Yellow River with lightning speed.

The building ship was forced to run aground due to improper operation and excessive tension by the soldiers, hitting boulders along the coast.

While Li Li was pondering, Fu Yun also rushed over.

Tonight's fishing operation, but his order.

If these soldiers are silent, it will definitely affect his relationship with Li Rail.

But when he saw the miserable scene in front of him, he almost vomited out the fish soup he drank! Who

is the other party

? So cruel?

The moment he raised his head, he caught a glimpse of Li Zhuo's extremely gloomy face, and Fu Yun immediately said:

"Brother Li, don't be impatient, they came here to fish also to improve the food for the whole army!"

Li Rail was keenly aware of the residual fish soup oil stains on the corners of Fu Yun's mouth, and even a fish bone fell on his sleeve robe.

It is said that all barbarians outside of China are barbarians, and it seems that this sentence is really good

! The king of a country with Tuyuhun

is actually this virtue, and it is enough! But he cannot be angry, after all, he still needs Fu Yun's 300,000 soldiers and horses to win this war.

Li Rail ignored Fu Yun and ordered everyone on the ship to be executed immediately!

The door of the ship was opened, and a wooden ladder was placed across the ice along the coast.

Two soldiers trembled down from the ship

... Li Rail looked furious.

"Arrest them all for me, and you must interrogate the strength of this Li Zhiyun navy!"

Li Rail stared at the door of the ship and roared loudly.

But after roaring, it was found that after

the two small soldiers came down, there was no one left?

At this time, from the fourth floor of the building ship, there was a "gurgling" sound of stairs being stepped on.

Someone started to go on.

Listening to this voice, there should be no less than five hundred people.

Li Zhuo has already thought about slaughtering these 500 people on the spot under Chang'an City tomorrow!

And when the people on the building boat slowly walked out, everyone was stunned.

What kind of soldier is this?

These are clearly all female prisoners!

Everyone is dressed up with flowers and heavy makeup.

On this cold river, they snuggled together, pitiful.

For a moment, everyone was overwhelmed and their brains went blank.


Everyone's eyes lit up.

Especially Fu Yun, his eyes couldn't take his eyes off.

Who are they, where are they going, could

they be treacherous agents?"

"Bring those two little soldiers to King Ben!" The two soldiers

in charge of escorting the ship knelt on the ground tremblingly, not calling themselves:

"Don't kill me, I'm just in charge of transporting the goods."

Li Rail's suspicions grew:

"Say, where do these people come from and where are they going?"

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