An hour later.

The three came to a small town southwest of Jincheng.

Jinchengfang Town.

There is a temple here - Huichang Temple.

Li Cunxiao didn't think so much.

Coming here is nothing more than that the emperor wants to worship incense and ask for Buddha and give birth to a few fat sons!

Those princesses are six or seven months pregnant!

But Fang Xuanling didn't think it was so simple.

According to what he knows about Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun not only does not believe in Buddhism, but also strongly advocates traditional Taoism.

This can be seen through the importance attached to Sun Simiao, Yuan Tiangang and others, as well as the support for Taoist temples.

On the land of China today, Buddhist temples have been bulldozed in half, replaced by various rising Taoist temples.

Fang Xuanling always felt that there was something in his heart.

But I couldn't remember what it was.

"Three benefactors, do you want to come to the incense or return the wish?"

Li Zhiyun clasped his hands together and replied to an old monk in his sixties on the opposite side: "

Master, the deceased of the great monk Xuanzang, may I ask if he has ever been here?"

Li Zhiyun said, took out the letters that Xuanzang had exchanged with him, and handed them to the old monk.

The old monk glanced at it, and the handwriting on the letter indeed belonged to Xuanzang.

The picture of talking about the Buddha with Xuanzang here came to the mind of the old monk.

The two had an in-depth exchange all night, sometimes agreeing with each other, sometimes marveling.

He sighed very much that the young Xuanzang Hui had extremely deep roots and could not see the bottom.

Moreover, according to Xuanzang, the reason why he realized the Tao was profound was because of a young man.

Looking at the face of the person in front of him, it seems that the superior person in Xuanzang's mouth is this person!

Subsequently, the old monk's attitude immediately improved:

"The three benefactors please come in quickly."

Fang Xuanling walked in confused.

He didn't understand why Li Zhiyun wanted to mention Master Xuanzang.

Could it be that Xuanzang has something to do with himself?

Li Zhiyun and the three sat down, and the old monk introduced himself:

"Poor Dao Dharma Daoyue, Huichang Temple presides."

"I wonder what advice the three benefactors have come to Huichang Temple?"

Li Zhiyun threw up his hand

, "Dare to ask Master Daoyue, how many monks are there in Huichang Temple?"

"When Master Xuanzang passes through your land, can he accept disciples?"


Fang Xuanling smiled.

Did this emperor take the wrong medicine?

The first question is quite serious.

The second question came up and asked if Xuanzang had taken disciples here?

In front of him were two monks, Dao Yue and his junior brother Daozong.

These two monks, how to say, must be almost sixty years old!

And Xuanzang is only a teenager, how is this possible?


Dao Yue's expression was shocked, and an unnatural color appeared on his face.

Only he knew about Xuanzang's acceptance of disciples, and Xuanzang had promised never to reveal it.

The monks never speak.

In fact, Xuanzang never mentioned this matter to Li Zhiyun.

The next moment, a scene that stunned Fang Xuanling appeared.

The two old monks nodded:

"Donor, please come with me."

Li Zhiyun followed the monk Daoyue to the backyard.

In an instant, Fang Xuanling and Li Cunxiao couldn't help but admire in their hearts.

Just such a small temple, the entire courtyard is full of monks chanting!

There should be more than a hundred people visually!

And the disciples of Master Xuanzang in Li Zhiyun's mouth should be among these people.

But Daoyue did not stop, but walked towards a side room in the corner.

On the bed in the side room, a one-year-old child is sleeping.

Daoyue picked up the child and said to Li Zhiyun,

"Donor, this child was picked up by a poor monk on the road."

"I don't know why, Master Xuanzang took the first look at him, and said that this person has extremely deep wisdom roots, and he must be my Buddha master when he grows up!"

"Master Xuanzang also said that when he returns from the Western Heavenly Scriptures, he must bring this little doll to Chang'an to assist him in sorting out the "Records of the Western Regions" and translating the scriptures."

Li Zhiyun nodded and asked, "

Can Master Xuanzang give him the magic number?"

Fang Xuanling said in amazement:

"Such a small doll was given a legal number?"

"How is that possible?"

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely at Fang Xuanling.

In Fang Xuanling's stunned eyes, Dao Yue nodded:

"Return to the benefactor, Master Xuanzang gave the name 'Defense Machine'!"



Debate monk?

Fang Xuanling suddenly stood up from his chair:

"You mean his name is Debater?"

The two looked at Fang Xuanling in surprise, what happened to this doll?

Why such a big reaction?

It wouldn't be... His wild species?

"This benefactor, do you also like this little monk very much?

"This little doll has a full heavenly court, a square pavilion, a ruddy complexion, and a strong body."

"Whoever sees it will like it very much!"

Fang Xuanling's face sank.

Love a hammer!

Dog forced!

It is this debate monk who puts a green hat on his son!

Fang Xuanling stepped forward and lifted the child's clothes.


The child looks like a year old.

But this person has had a specialty since childhood!

No wonder it haunted that Gaoyang Princess.

Fang Xuanling looked at Li Zhiyun for help.

Li Zhiyun thought of a solution.

"Master, you see that your Dharma number is 'Daoyue', and your junior brother's Dharma number is 'Daozong'."

"Your name is related to Taoism, but why did you come to study Buddhism?

A flash of embarrassment flashed on the faces of the two.

It seems that there is a hard time speaking.

"But it doesn't hurt to say."

Daoyue stepped forward:

"The benefactor can see through, and now you have also seen many people in our temple, and they can barely survive on the incense on weekdays."

"If we change this place to a Taoist temple, it is estimated that we will not even be able to eat."

Li Zhiyun ordered Li Cunxiao to take a full hundred taels of gold from his horse and put it in front of the two.

The two monks looked at the bright gold, their faces full of puzzlement:

"May I ask the benefactor, this is...?"

"If you are willing to turn the temple into a Taoist temple, this gold will be considered to support you!"

The two old monks looked at each other, unable to believe that this was true.

To build a Taoist temple, there is still gold to take?

In this chaotic world, this is really the first miracle in the world.

Dao Yue did not take the gold in Li Zhiyun's hand.

Instead, he asked puzzled

, "Since the benefactor is a good friend of Master Xuanzang, why does he focus on the Tao and not the Buddha?"

"Moreover, the poor monks see that the Taoist temples around them have long been dilapidated, and Taoism may exist in name only in people's hearts."

Li Zhiyun did not answer this question, but asked:

"Dare to ask Master Yue, how many monks will we have in Chang Temple?"

A look of pride appeared on the faces of Dao Yue and Dao Zong:

"Don't hide from the benefactor, although the scale of the temple is small, there are a total of two hundred and eight disciples!"

Li Zhiyun smiled and said

, "There are more than 200 people in this small temple, and they really came to eat and pray for the Buddha?"

"Or, to deliberately avoid the calamity of troubled times?"

"And in the ruined Taoist temples around, how many Taoist priests went down the mountain to help justice?"

"The master should understand in his heart, right?"

The pride on Daozong and Daoyue's faces turned into a trace of embarrassment.

As Li Zhiyun said, how many of these "monks" are truly devoted to Buddha?

But even so, even if there are a hundred and eleven taels of gold in front of you.

Daoyue and Daozong did not intend to change this place into a Taoist temple.

That means losing a steady stream of incense revenue.

Daozong and Daoyue shook their heads:

"Thank you for your benefactor's kindness, we can't accept this gold!"

Li Zhiyun originally wanted to turn this place into a Taoist hall, so that he could solve the identity of the defense machine.

But apparently this is not the way to go.

"Okay then!"

Li Zhiyun turned his head and pointed to the argument in Dao Yue's arms, "

This person has a problem with his character and is not suitable for cultivating Buddha!"

Dao Yue was stunned: "Why?" "

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