
with Li Jing's order.

In an instant, on the "Return" array, hundreds of parallel fronts began to tighten.

The middle soldier of each parallel front crossed towards the nearest front.

View from above.

It seemed to be a huge zigzag shape, and the 200,000-strong army that was connected to each other and intricately

entered by the surrounding lines was immediately divided into more than a thousand groups by countless fronts.

Each group had only 200 people.

The 200,000-strong army suddenly lost its overall combat capability! The soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire raised their sharp spears and stabbed fiercely at the enemy army! The

200,000-strong army

was eaten away in less than an hour.

The infantry commander Muhammad looked back at the King of the Ring.

He believed that the King of the Ring Sun must also have seen the danger of this formation,

but the King of the Ring Sun did not seem to be moved.

In the eyes of the King of Ringing Sun, these 200,000 are nothing.

If he could, he could recruit the federations in a short period of time and quickly form new infantry regiments.

Mohammed could only bite the bullet and once again ordered the army to press on.

And this time, Muhammad learned to be smart.

While directing the soldiers to press down slowly, he sent people to the back door of Azande to report the news.

Falsely claiming that the main gate was about to be captured, he asked Azander's cavalry to quickly come and rendezvous.

Sure enough

, Ben thought of finding a step down, and immediately led 300,000 cavalry to the main gate.

The King of the Ring was watching the battle, and he did not believe that Mohammed dared to deceive him.

And when he rushed to the main gate, Azande was dumbfounded.

Where is this about to take the main gate?

It's already in a state of stalemate.

The great array of words in front of him was frantically devouring the infantry!

Azande, who originally wanted to retreat, was seen by the King of the Ringing Sun.

The King of Jieyi immediately ordered Azande to lead the cavalry to press the whole line and attack the Huizi Array of the Shenzhou Empire.

In the face of a large battle of the back words composed of infantry, perhaps only the cavalry has the opportunity to wash it away.

Azande could only helplessly mobilize the cavalry and charge towards the "return" array!

Li Zhiyun in the city secretly shouted that it was not good!

"Forward!" But

seeing that the "Hui" character array began to move, all the soldiers took the initiative to approach Muhammad's infantry while maintaining their formation.

They should entangle each other as soon as possible to prevent the cavalry from charging the formation.

And on the other hand.

Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Gao Shun, Chen Qingzhi, Yue Fei and others led the cavalry to block in front of Azand.

The two sides engaged in a personal battle.

Muhammad's infantry always had their soldiers raise their shields to protect themselves as they advanced.

Because he had already seen the power of the mysterious weapon in Zhao Feiyan's hand, he could quietly take the first rank from thousands of meters away!

In less than an instant, Zhao Feiyan had already noticed the cavalry commander Azande in the crowd.

Zhao Feiyan smiled heartily.

A big piece of fat meat is in front of you, why don't you miss it?

"Sizzle..." "


with a gunshot.

The calm and experienced Azande, who has lived most of his life, would not have thought that his life would end quietly!

As Zhao Feiyan pulled the trigger, Azande fell off his horse.

The position of the temple was pierced by bullets, and the blood stained the earth red at once.


didn't even figure out how Azande was killed!

Chen Qingzhi took this opportunity and immediately led the white-robed army to rush into the cavalry phalanx.

After three in and three out, the cavalry phalanx was divided into three pieces.


!" "Good death!"

the King of the Ring Sun who was sitting in the rear watching the battle, cursing and cursing in his mouth.

He had no sympathy for Azande, who had just been killed.

He also realized for the first time the terrifying features of the Shenzhou Empire.

At this moment, more than 400,000 corpses have been left on the battlefield.

However, the opponent's "back" character array is as solid as a rock, and it is still constantly devouring the lives of infantrymen.

The first battle was really humiliating! The

two sides fought until the evening.

The soldiers of the Ring Sun Empire could not advance half a step.

The king had to order a truce.

Looking at the tide of fading enemy troops, Li Zhiyun also gave the order for a truce.

The battle lasted from early morning to evening, nearly twelve hours of non-stop fighting, and the soldiers were already exhausted.

It's night.

Li Zhiyun summoned all the ministers of culture and martial arts to discuss the matter in the palace hall of Piban City.

He believed that the King of the Ring Sun would never give up, and maybe he was organizing a new round of battles.

From the current point of view, although the opponent's infantry regiment and cavalry regiment have been severely damaged, the King of Jie Sun still has 500,000 car corps and elephant legion!

After deliberating for half a day, everyone unanimously decided.

Use artillery to deal with enemy vehicle corps, and Wolong battery to fight enemy elephant corps.

As long as the black and thick spear can stick an elephant.

The elephants lost their ability to maneuver.

In addition, hundreds of armored fighting vehicles and elephants are driven hard against hard and rigid.

In Li Zhiyun's impression, these elephants weigh only 3-5

tons! Can they withstand the impact of armored combat vehicles weighing more than 10 tons?

This is like a truck colliding with an off-road vehicle, and the victory or defeat is clear at a glance!

The king must not have made up his mind to arrange for the elephant army to fight!

Obviously, he thought it was completely unnecessary.

This also shows that the King of Jieyi still has the mentality of underestimating the enemy, which is exactly what Li Zhiyun wants to see.

At this moment, if he can solve all the forces of the King of the Ring Sun except the elephant soldiers, he can free up his time and energy to concentrate on dealing with these elephants!

Early morning the next day.

The sun still hasn't penetrated the clouds and shone across the earth.

The king of the Ring Sun had already ordered 800,000 infantry and more than 200,000 cavalry to launch an attack on the city of Piban!

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