The so-called seedbed is a suitable sunny terrain with flat terrain, good drainage, and low groundwater location, and the seedbed is about one zhang wide in the east-west direction.

Today's sweet potatoes are the time of seedling raising, and only good seedlings can produce more fruits.

Li Shimin led the old farmer all the way to the seedbed land, pointed to the seedbed in front of him, and asked a little nervously:

"Old man, how is this?"

The old farmer immediately bent down and squatted, held a handful of seedbed soil in his hand, and rubbed it in his hand.

Looking at the soft soil, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, this seedbed is just right."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's heart was relieved, and in order to find a suitable place to raise seedlings, he asked people to choose all around the royal manor.

There are really not many suitable ones, some of the soil is suitable, but the location is not good, and some of the location is good, but the soil is not good.

Pick and choose, and this place is just picked out.

Immediately after, the old farmer said

, "Spread the cow dung and horse manure evenly on the seedbed, and cover it with a layer of fine soil.

"This improves the quality and quantity of the seedlings. But don't apply too much horse manure or the like, otherwise it will rot the roots. A thin, uniform layer is sufficient.

Li Shimin nodded seriously, and there was a waiter on the side who wrote these down one by one.

When the farmers around the seedbed heard this, they immediately began to take action.

In a short time, the seedbed was spread according to what the old farmer had said.

At this time, Li Shimin asked with an open face

: "Old man, what should I do next?" I

saw the old man turn around and walk to the front of the sweet potato pile stacked on the side, squatted down and began to carefully select among the sweet potato piles, and said to the farmers on the side while picking:

"This kind of potato, you should choose potato chunks with smooth skin, bright skin color, uniform potato pieces, moderate size, no disease and no injury, no cold and wet damage, and more white pulp."

Li Shimin also immediately leaned over and began to pick according to what the old farmer said.

I saw that after the old farmer selected for a while, he suddenly stood up and began to check the results of everyone's selection, just walked up to Li Shimin, looked at the selected seed potatoes, stretched out his hand to pick them up, his face sank, and he scolded

: "How can such a frozen sweet potato breed seedlings?!"

Hearing that this old farmer actually scolded His Majesty so much, the Praetorian Guards on the side immediately became furious, and they stepped forward to hold their halberds, and said sharply:

"Bold! How dare you be disrespectful in front of Your Majesty!"

Cheng Yanjin on the side also stepped forward impatiently, and had already rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat the old farmer.

Li Shimin saw that the group of people behind him were about to step forward, and immediately turned his head and shouted:

"Stand down! Don't be rude!"

Although everyone was very dissatisfied with this old peasant, His Majesty had already given an order, and they had no choice but to retreat.

Li Shimin saw that everyone had retreated, so he turned his head.

Looking at the sweet potato in the old farmer's hand, there was really a frozen mark on the back.

Immediately bowed his head obediently and admitted his mistake.

Immediately, the old farmer took out two more seed potatoes selected by Li Shimin, pointed to these

sweet potatoes and said: "After a winter of storage, sweet potatoes will definitely have some frozen and rotten places, so you must be careful when selecting seed potatoes, otherwise it will affect the number of seedlings and the final yield."

Li Shimin nodded very teachablely, behaved like a child, and agreed again and again.

"What the old gentleman taught, but I didn't pay more attention. The

old farmer looked at Li Shimin's humble and eager to learn, nodded with satisfaction, and turned to look at the seed potatoes selected by other farmers.

Looking at this scene, everyone present was stunned and didn't know why.

How could their Majesty have such respect for a common man, even if he was so rude, he would not be held accountable.

Cheng Yanjin, who was on the side, watched His Majesty tolerate the old peasant so much, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"This person dares to be presumptuous in front of His Majesty, why does Your Majesty have to endure it again and again?"

Li Shimin heard this, and couldn't help but glance back at Cheng Yanjin, feeling that he was very short-sighted.

He said

, "What do you know?" These old peasants are all nobles! These sweet potatoes are all divine objects!" When

everyone heard this, their eyes showed surprise, and they looked at the old farmer with suspicion, and then at the sweet potatoes on the ground.

Full of doubts, he said

, "The old farmer is a nobleman?"

"These sweet potatoes are sacred objects?"

But looking at these things, they didn't see any way?

The corners of their mouths twitched one by one.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart

: "Your Majesty doesn't have a fever, right?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, they suddenly heard a loud voice say:

"Your Majesty is right, the old farmer is indeed a nobleman!"

Hearing this shout, everyone immediately looked in the direction where the sound came.

I saw a young man in white coming from a distance.

Cheng Yanjin immediately recognized it, who is this person not

Lin Chen? Today is a critical period for sweet potato seedlings, so after Lin Chen was busy with the affairs in the village, he also rushed over.

I saw Lin Chen come to Li Shimin and said

, "The old farmer is indeed a nobleman, not only in planting.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Chen in confusion, and even Li Shimin had a puzzled look on his face, waiting for him to explain.

At this time, Lin Chen's eyes were quite profound, and he looked at Li Shimin and said loudly:

"The king is the boat, the people are the water, and the water can carry the boat or overturn the boat." Hearing

this, the people behind him immediately fell into deep thought, and this remark made their hearts extremely touched.

This is the first time I have heard of such a metaphor for the monarchs.

And Li Shimin, who was also shocked, his eyes suddenly lit up when he heard these remarks.

He experienced the turbulent times at the end of the Sui Dynasty all the way, and most of them were uprisings of the people, and this time thinking about it, the influence of the people on the king can be said to be crucial.

Thinking about it this way, he was naturally able to quickly understand the truth in this sentence.

After thinking so deeply

, Li Shimin couldn't help but look up at Lin Chen, and praised him very instructively: "Lin Chen, what you said made me feel like I had just woken up from a big dream!"

Hearing Li Shimin's praise, Lin Chen couldn't help but be stunned, and couldn't help coughing a few times, and said with a little weakness:

"Who said this in the Tang Dynasty?"

"Oh, isn't this Wei Zheng!".

However, at this time, Wei Zheng was squatting on the ground, helping the old farmer select seed potatoes, and suddenly, he only felt as if he had been hit by an arrow in his chest, and suddenly throbbed.

He looked up suspiciously, his eyes were a little confused, and he muttered in a low voice:

"How do you feel like your life is missing something......"

"This feels really weird!".

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