A few families are happy and a few are worried.

For Zhao Yue, the county commander of Jingyang City, although this time it was said that Lin Chen killed the Turkic Great Khan Ashina Jieli and repelled the Turkic army.

It also preserved Jingyang City.

Originally, he also prepared a generous gift, and was ready to go to Qingcheng Mountain to thank the city for his kindness.

But what he didn't expect was that he hadn't acted yet, and the people in this city were one step ahead of him.

Not only did he go to Qingcheng Mountain with many gifts to thank him, but he also stayed in Qingcheng Mountain and was reluctant to come back.

At this time, he took his subordinates and walked in Jingyang City.

The streets are usually very lively, but now they are unusually quiet.

There are also far fewer people buying and selling on the streets.


cakes!" "Freshly baked baked cakes!"

A selling voice attracted the attention of Zhao Yue, the county magistrate.

I turned my head and saw a baked cake shop open on the side of the street.

Then he walked to the front and said in a deep voice:

"Boss, here are

two baked cakes!" "Okay!"

The boss immediately packed the two baked cakes and handed them over.

Zhao Yue motioned to his subordinates to hand the money to the boss.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the baked cake shop waved his hand again and again, and his face was even more happy:

"No need, no need." Xiao Lao'er is the last day to come out of the stall today, and he will go to

Qingcheng Mountain tomorrow!" The corner of the county commander Zhao Yue's mouth twitched uncontrollably, it

was this Qingcheng Mountain again! In the past two days

, he heard the most about this Qingcheng Mountain! Only at this time, the boss who sold baked cakes continued:

"You don't know, the forest master of Qingcheng Mountain, but he killed the Turkic Great Khan!"

There is a forest village master in Qingcheng Mountain, and even the Turkic army can't break through

it!" "That forest village master is a god!" The

boss mentioned Lin Chenlai, his eyes were shining with hope, and the more he talked, the more proud he became.

I wanted to continue, but I was scolded by the guard in civilian clothes next to Zhao Yue.

"You are all the people of Jingyang City, why do you have to run elsewhere!" He

had already seen that the face of the adults from the family was not very good, and he also knew that in the past few days, many people had gone to Jingyang City.

Now there are not many people left in the city.

This is still running to Qingcheng Mountain one after another.

Moreover, the person who bought the baked cakes also mentioned that Lin Chen became more and more energetic, although he naturally also knew that Lin Chen and the Turks had saved Jingyang City.


the owner of the bakery heard this man's words, his tone was very stern

, and his face changed, and he stretched out his hand and said sharply: "Two baked

cakes for ten cents!" When the guard heard that he looked at the boss of the baked cakes who turned his face faster than turning the book, he suddenly became extremely angry, reached out and took out ten cents in his pocket and handed it over.

And the county magistrate Zhao Yue naturally heard this praise, his face was gloomy, and he was silent all the way.

The guard beside him hurriedly comforted

: "My lord, let's not go to the Qingcheng Mountain, go to Lin Chen, and let him send

the people back!" Zhao Yue, the county commander, said with a wry smile on his face:

"Go to find someone?!"

"Joke, people have now defeated the Turkic barbarians, killed the Turkic Great Khan, and protected the entire Jingyang City, and even the entire Tang Dynasty!" "

Haven't you heard?" This is even when the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military ministers have submitted a request to make Lin Chen an official

!" "Such a person, you are going to the door to find trouble with others at this time, this is not a door-to-door search?!" In

other words, this Qingcheng Mountain is a place where 50,000 Turkic barbarians can't take it, and they go to the door?

The Yawei scratched his head with a distressed face and said:

"My lord, if you let it go, this Jingyang City will become an empty city......

." Zhao Yue, the county magistrate, looked back at the street that came over, it was empty, and there were few shops on the entire street.

In just a few days, it is already about to become an empty city.

He sighed helplessly and said

, "How to manage?" "

You can't tie these people here!"

The guard was also helpless, yes, although this Lin Chen has no grade now, but no one dares to touch this one of the merits.

Now this most popular person is probably going to be this Lin Chen.

couldn't help but muttered casually:

"If only someone could take care of this Lin Chen......"

Hearing this, Zhao Yue, the county commander, couldn't help but have a stirring in his mind, and instantly remembered it.

"That's right, the old man will go to find Your Majesty!" Even

if this Lin Chen is meritorious, he can't be like this!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly went back to pack his things and prepared to go to Chang'an City to sue the emperor


! ......

A young man in the mansion of General Zuowuhou

in Yongzhou

was leisurely fishing by the lake.

This person was born by his grandfather Tang Gaozu Li Yuan canonized as the king of Yidu.

At the age of nine, he was named the king of Yue by his father Li Shimin, and was named the governor of Yangzhou and Yuezhou, and led the general of Zuo Wuhou to guard Li Tai of Yongzhou City.

"Lord Wang

!" "The patrolling guards have spotted Turkic soldiers in the south of the city!" a

guard stepped forward to report.

The man turned around and said indifferently

, "Oh, how many?"

The guard hurriedly reported

, "There are about 10,000 soldiers and horses." "

The fishing rod in Li Tai's hand is stunned, there are still two cities here from the border pass of the Tang Dynasty.

As Li Shimin's most beloved son, it is naturally impossible to put this Li Tai in an extremely dangerous place.

In this land of Yongzhou, although there will be some Turkic barbarians mixed in from time to time, they are all small groups of people.

These made Li Tai fight from time to time, which can be regarded as a period of experience.

And Li Tai naturally understands this in his heart.

The border pass is guarded by a general, and it is impossible for the Turks to enter it.

Usually one or two hundred spies sneak in.

But why did 10,000 soldiers and horses suddenly appear this time

? Or did they find it from

the direction of the south of the city? That side is the direction of Chang'an City, how did the Turks get around?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn around with some confusion and asked

, "Ten thousand?"

The guard nodded and replied,


Li Tai frowned slightly, then threw down the fishing rod in his hand, and hurriedly ordered:

"Immediately straighten out the soldiers and horses!" Go to the South City Gate

!" "Yes!"


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