This water-powered textile machine, with Lin Chen's teaching, the female workers who originally had a textile foundation naturally got started much faster.

Whether the problem of this machine is solved, the matter of textile materials is still a top priority.

On the one hand, Lin Chen ordered people to purchase some cotton and linen as textile materials.

Fortunately, these materials are all available in the current Datang.

In addition, silkworms are also indispensable.

Since there is this machine, the textile thing is naturally on the agenda. Construction began the day after the materials were ready.

In half a day's work, four or five horses of brocade had been produced.

And these cloths woven by water-powered looms are not only faster, but also faster than those old looms of the past.

The patterns made are more numerous.

And this loom machine. It is also a whole of spinning.

Just take it out in the middle and add these already made defenses to the dyeing you want after dyeing.

Then the yarn will be dyed in color. Put it on the loom by adjusting the size and width of the spindle to design patterns of different colors.

In this way, the water-powered textile machine not only saves labor but also increases the pattern of the cloth.

When Lin Chen came with Li Liqing. Seven or eight horses of brocade had been piled up in front of the water-powered textile machine.

When I saw those ordinary cotton and linen, I was able to weave such gorgeous cloth.

It really surprised him, and Li Lizhi's eyes widened. Looking at the batches of gorgeous cloth with delight. It's like a trick, weaving from the water-powered loom endlessly.

As the women worked, soon the long pieces of cloth were rolled into a ball.

Placed neatly and uniformly in place, the joy in Li Liqing's eyes was even worse. He stepped forward and stroked these. Gorgeous cloth. The joy in his eyes deepened. He turned his head to look and asked happily to Lin Chen on the side. "

Master, this machine can make such a beautiful cloth, and it can do it so quickly. It's a god!" she

always knew that her husband was powerful. Every time, she always surpasses her expectations and makes such a strange object.

Each time it brought her a different surprise.

She turned around in surprise. hugged Lin Chen on the side. raised his little face and said excitedly. "

Husband, with so much cloth, I can make a lot of new clothes now!" Lin

Chen looked at his lady with a happy face, smiled and shook his head, sure enough, women have loved beauty since ancient times. Especially when it comes to dressing up.

Now these cloths alone are being woven. Li Lizhi has already begun to plan how to make new clothes.

However, Lin Chen already had a plan in his heart for these, after all, he was a modern person who had traveled through the past for modern clothing. The perception is different from that of these ancient tailors.

If you want to do a business in cloth, you naturally need to do some innovation. If you follow the same path as everyone else, then it's not interesting.

Lin Chen had a plan to integrate his modern clothes into it.

Regarding Li Li's excitement about the class, he just smiled and said nothing.

I'm also thinking about it. It's time to design a unique dress for your own lady.


On the other side, Wang Shi, who is the Hou Ye. I had just been carried back from Qingshen Mountain by a group of government soldiers.

The family's savings suddenly wailed.

Especially his wife Xie Ying. As soon as I saw my master being carried back, it was obvious that he had more air in and less air out. Suddenly there was a loud wail.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Don't scare

the slave family!" "If you leave, what will the slave family do?

!" "Master, wake up quickly!"


Suddenly the entire Hou Mansion was filled with sadness.

Everyone bowed their heads and began to weep bitterly.

For a while, the painful voice came straight out of the people who

passed by the gate of the Hou Mansion outside the mansion, and they thought that the family had a funeral.

While everyone was weeping bitterly, the king stone. I may have been awakened by this noisy voice.

frowned. Lifting his heavy eyelids, he opened a gap and looked over.

And the lady on his side saw that her master woke up, and immediately stopped crying, and hurriedly stepped forward in surprise. "

Master, master, you're awake, you're about to die of scarelessness." Then

the eagles quickly turned their heads and ordered their men to the side.

"Why don't you ask the master for a doctor, go quickly!"

the little guy ran away as soon as he smoked.

At this time, the male Wang Shi struggled, his eyes were finally clear, and he came over to look at the familiar figure in front of him.

frowned. Only then did he remember all the previous encounters, and immediately asked with a fierce light in his eyes

, "Where is Lin Chen!" Wang Shi's wife was stunned for a moment, and asked rhetorically:

"Lin Chen?!Master, what are you talking about?"


Wang was stunned.

She is a woman who does not leave the door of her home, and she doesn't know what has happened outside recently.

Naturally, I don't know who this Lin Chen is.

And just now, his younger brother who was not a good weapon came over and explained to himself, so that Wang Shi could say more nice things in his ear after he woke up.

I don't know where my brother and his husband have gone.

Why did she come back like this, but looking at her brother's nervous expression, she knew that this matter might not be so simple.

But now this matter is not her concern, what she has to do now is to serve Wang Shi well, and punish her brother more severely.

Just when Wang Shi was still stunned, the doctor invited by the little guy immediately rushed over, and everyone was busy again and carried Wang Shi to the house.

The doctor began to diagnose and treat him.


As evening approached, an ordinary carriage swayed into the city.

When they reached a narrow alley, another carriage came to meet them.

The man in Chinese clothes inside immediately changed to a carriage.

The chariot stewards immediately drove the horses, and the two wagons went in different directions.

By this time it was already dark, and one of the carriages came to a halt before it came to a gate.

Someone at the door immediately stepped forward to answer, and whispered to

the carriage and said, "Li Gongzi! My family has been waiting for a long time!"

The man in the carriage in Chinese clothes stretched out his finger, opened the curtain of the carriage, saw the person who came nodded expressionlessly, and bowed down and got out of the carriage.

Then he walked towards the house in front of him.

And on the door of this mansion, it is written:

"Jinyang Marquis Mansion" a few big characters!


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