The pungency of this chili pepper is so spicy that people who don't usually eat it can cry in one bite.

In the previous life, although many people were not spicy or happy, they were still unbearable by the spicy feeling of chili peppers, and they couldn't eat a hot pot without a few rolls of toilet paper.

What's more, Li Shimin has never eaten this chili pepper.

This is also a chili pepper produced by the system, which is used to make hot pot, and the spicy feeling can be said to be even better. In order to take care of Li Liqian, he deliberately put some less, and the cooking was not too heavy.

But eating chili peppers alone is different, and the spicy taste is condensed in it!

This old stubborn eats his own good things, and he is still unhappy, so he just takes this opportunity to rectify him! Let him also make a fool

of himself! Li Shimin looked at and heard Lin Chen say this, and thought to himself:

"This corn is so delicious, and now that I have tasted the shabu-shabu of this hot pot, it is also extremely delicious." This...... I'm afraid the chili peppers are not bad!" "

Why don't you taste it?"

Li Shimin directly put the chili pepper directly into his mouth.

He took a big bite of it.


for a moment the taste raged in his mouth, as if he was on fire.

The tongue instantly knotted and swollen, and tears could not stop rushing out.

jumped up directly and kept wandering around the table.

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin's embarrassment from the side and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Li Shimin still had the majesty of an emperor, and the expression on his face was painful, and he had no time to care about anything else.

The first time he ate spicy food, he kept pacing back and forth around the table with red eyes, not knowing how to get rid of the burning sensation.

Li Lizhi looked at her father like this, hurriedly picked up the tea on the table, handed it over, and hurriedly said

, "Father, hurry up and drink this!

Li Shimin didn't doubt it, he hurriedly took it and went down directly.

A glass of water was in the stomach, which could be regarded as a relief, and listening to Lin Chen's laughter at this time was even more harsh.

Raised his eyebrows, pointed at Lin Chen's nose and said angrily:

"You kid dare to play tricks!"

Lin Chen brewed his emotions, endured it, and his face turned red, he spread his hands and said,

"Lord Yue!

Li Shimin was extremely angry for a while, remembering that his purpose was to leave here quickly, and he couldn't annoy this Lin Chen.


just suppressed the displeasure in my heart, looked at the thick soup in the copper furnace, and then looked at the chili pepper, and there was a hint of realization on my face.

He looked at Lin Chen and said,

"Suck ...... Suck ...... boy! That's what makes the soup feel burning, right!?Suck ......"

Li Shimin kept sucking his mouth and looked at Lin Chen's smiling appearance.

I couldn't help but snort coldly in my heart, this kid made it clear that he wanted to embarrass himself!

Although there is tea in the stomach, the aftertaste is really heavy, and it is still hot in his mouth.

Lin Chen said with a smile:

"That's right

, this is the essence of hot pot, chili!" It turns out that this red ingredient is

called chili! Li Shimin silently recited it several times in his heart, secretly wrote down the name, thinking that when he returned to the palace, he would definitely let his subordinates look for this thing called "chili" in the territory of Datang!

Looking at the sky outside, it was not too early.

It's time to leave.

Picking up the tea on the table, he took another sip and suppressed the hot feeling in his mouth.

He cleared his throat and said, "

It's not too early, I should go back!" As

soon as Li Lizhen heard this, he thought that Li Shimin was going to mention the matter of taking him away again, so he hurriedly said: "Father, Lizhi is really good here, you see that there are all kinds of delicious food, and the husband is not a bad person." Besides, Lizhen and her husband have already become husband and wife, and the two of us must not be separated!"

Li Shimin listened to Li Lizhen's unusually firm words, his eyebrows jumped a few times, and he wanted to scold. But looking at Lin Chen's warning eyes, he swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

Then I thought that he wanted to leave here quickly, and if he was entangled with Li Lizhen about this matter again, I was afraid that he would not be able to leave in the future.

This Li Lizhi fell into a magic obstacle for a while, and she must have been coaxed by this Lin Chen.

Looking at Lin Chen's handsome appearance, it is no wonder that Li Lizhi can be fascinated.

Hmph! He will only "serve people with Israel!" When he goes out from here first, he will definitely make this Lin Chen look good!

Then he cleared his throat and said,

"Ahem... Since you have a good home, it is inconvenient for your father to bother more!"

Li Liqing's eyes lit up: "Father, what do you mean...... You agreed?!"

Li Shimin nodded with a reluctant smile on his bad face.

"Great, thank you father!" Li Lizhi immediately came to Lin Chen's side, pulled Lin Chen's arm and said with a smile:

"Husband, great, my father agreed!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, he didn't care much, he got married and married his daughter-in-law, it would be good if you liked me, as for whether others recognized it or not, it didn't matter.

But it's also happy to see that my little lady can be so happy.

"Since my father-in-law agrees, let's stay in the village for a few more days, so that we can do our best to be the landlord

!" "Yes, father, you see that the sky is also dark, you can stay here first!" Li Lizhen also immediately agreed.

Li Shimin hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, I still have affairs to deal with, it's inconvenient to stay longer, let's leave now!"

What kind of joke is this, if you stay for a few more days, then you will have to do it, and when the time comes, if Lin Chen plays any tricks, he won't be able to leave.

After all, there are a lot of things that have a lot of dreams this night!

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin's appearance that he was afraid that he would leave him behind, and he was amused in his heart.

"Since the father-in-law has state affairs to deal with, it is inconvenient to stay longer, next time the father-in-law comes again, I will treat him well!" Li

Shimin replied absentmindedly: "Good ......"

Seeing that the sky outside was already dark, I don't know what happened to the Praetorian Guards under the mountain.

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin and kept looking outside, anxious to leave, and shook his head with a smile.

Could it be that he can't eat people here?

Then he led Li Shimin out of the door.

Come to the gate of the wall.

Lin Chen looked at Wei Chi Jingde and the others who were surrounded not far in front of him, and said: "Uncle Yue, then send it here, since you have agreed to this marriage, come with the holy decree of marriage next time...... "

In fact, for Lin Chen, it doesn't matter if this holy decree is not a holy decree, anyway, they have become relatives, and the raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice."

This holy decree is just to make his little lady Li Lizhi feel relieved.

When Li Shimin heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, and he didn't say anything with a dark face, and left directly.

Li Lizhen hurriedly saluted

: "Father, go slowly!" Looking at Li Shimin's distant back, without looking at her again, Li Lizhi muttered in frustration: "Father is still a little unhappy......

" Lin Chen hurriedly hugged Li Lizhen beside him, and looked coldly at Li Shimin's back in front of him: "It's okay! As long as you and I are happy!"

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