There will be patrols in the cottage every day, with 20 people in each team, taking turns to be on duty.

Today it was the turn of Team Leader Li Laosi.

Li Laosi was walking in front, and he was still very distressed when he recalled what happened the day before yesterday.

Wang Mazi saw Li Laosi's absent-minded appearance on the side, so he directly pushed it with his elbow, and asked excitedly: "What do you want?

Wang Mazi pursed his lips and said angrily: "You go and ask the owner of the village." "This kidnapping has scared the little girl a lot, and she still wants a reward! Isn't he a fool! Thinking of this, Wang Mazi couldn't help but glance at Li Laosi with disdain.

"I don't dare to go!" Li Laosi waved his hand again and again, the owner of the village was angry before, and he was frightened, and he didn't dare to go to himself again.

Wang Mazi looked at Li Laosi and was instantly stunned, and immediately laughed.

Seeing Wang Mazi laughing at himself, Li Laosi glared at him warningly. Wang Mazi smiled for a moment, then changed the topic and said:

"Li Laosi, don't say it, this little princess is really good-looking, and she is definitely a beauty when she grows up." Our village is mainly to marry the second lady, she must be the most suitable!

" Hearing Wang Mazi say this, Li Laosi nodded very agreeably and said: "That's right, only this can be worthy of our village owner!"

Then the two couldn't help laughing.

Walking to a fork in the road, Li Laosi and Wang Mazi led the two teams to inspect in two directions. The two teams meet at the foot of the mountain and then turn back to complete the route.

As soon as Wang Mazi separated from Li Laosi, one of the mountain people under his command saw that there seemed to be a figure flashing behind the bushes.

"Who!?" shouted the mountaineer, his eyes fixed on the back of the tree.


After a shout, no one appeared.

Wang Mazi looked around, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you mistaken, maybe it's a beast or something?"

The mountain man said with some uncertainty: "It looks like a human ......

" Wang Mazi's eyes must be, and he said in a deep voice: "Let's go!

Wang Mazi looked at the trapped people and shouted angrily: "What kind of people!? What is the plan for sneaking up on my cottage?!"

Those people originally came to explore the way, and then delivered a message to the cottage, but they didn't expect that they would strayed into this trap of hunting. A few people just stepped into the air and fell in, and just after they were a little sober, they saw that they were being interrogated by a group of people.

There was also some displeasure in his heart: "We are the palace guards, and we are here to deliver the message!"

Hearing this, the mountain people were even more annoyed. Thinking of the news that these officials came to investigate the cottage three times and twice, it was even more disrespectful to their village owners, and they were already a little impatient.

Wang Mazi shouted angrily: "You have tried to visit my cottage several times, you must be plotting against me?!"

Then he waved his hand and said: "I have all been tied up, escorted into the village, and wait for the owner of the village to fall!"

When the palace guards saw this situation, they instantly became anxious, and shouted: "We are escorting the queen mother here, and we have come to see your village master

!" "This is our waist card and letter asking to see you!" Then Zhen took out a golden waist card with a letter attached to it.

Wang Mazi was slightly stunned, took it and looked at it repeatedly, and looked down at the few people in the trap with some uncertainty.

The fox asked suspiciously: "Are you really the palace guards who came to protect

the queen?" The few people immediately nodded, and said loudly: "If you don't believe it, find someone to check it!"

Wang Mazi looked at the appearance of a few people who swore an oath, and was a little unsure, the queen who listened to these people was the mother-in-law of the owner of the village, and it would be bad if there was a misunderstanding.

Thinking of this, Wang Mazi immediately ordered someone to go to the cottage to send it to the owner of the village for verification.

Turning around, he continued to ask: "If it is really as you

said, it is to escort the queen, what about the queen?" The guards saw that these mountain people were reasonable people, so they said truthfully: "The queen mother is waiting on the mountainside. Hearing

this, Wang Mazi always felt that something was wrong, and after thinking about it carefully, he secretly screamed that it was not good, halfway up the mountain, Li Laosi happened to go to inspect.

Thinking of this, Wang Mazi ordered someone to get a few people out of the trap, and then hurriedly ordered someone to go and report to Li Laosi.


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