The little son nodded hurriedly, and said crisply: "Don't worry, the queen mother, my brother-in-law has said that I will definitely cure

the little son!" At this moment, Li Lizhi walked in, and saw that the little son was in good spirits, and also stepped forward with a smile and asked: "Are you thirsty, do you want to drink water

?" The little son shook his head, looked at the empty back of Li Lizi, and couldn't help but be a little disappointed: "Sister, where did my brother-in-law go?"

Li Lizi smiled and covered the quilt for the little brother-in-law, and then said: "I scared my sister just now, and your brother-in-law is going to get you medicine now!"

The little brother-in-law stuck out her tongue, and she was embarrassed to get into the quilt again, and she didn't expect that she would suddenly become ill again.

Seeing the little son like this, Li Lizhi couldn't help laughing.

The eldest grandson Wujian saw that the little son was not in a big deal for the time being, so he looked at Li Lizhen suspiciously, and asked, "This Lin Chen actually knows how to heal

?" Remembering that when this little son was in the palace, every time he fell ill, it was the imperial doctor of the Tai Hospital, and he couldn't wake up without a day or two.

But tonight, Lin Chen actually used only a silver needle to wake up the little son.

Li Lizhi smiled softly, and said with some pride: "I have never seen my husband have been diagnosed and treated, but my husband is very powerful, and he knows a lot of things!"

What you said in your previous letter, this fine salt can really solve some diseases?"

Li Lizhen nodded without thinking and said: "What Erchen said is true, if Mother doesn't believe it, she will go to the village with Erchen tomorrow to take a look!"

It is clear that this Lin Chen is just a thief, and he also kidnapped his two daughters, and even kidnapped himself up the mountain by mistake, he should have been very angry with this Lin Chen, but after seeing that he really woke up the little son, he was a little questioned, is this Lin Chen really like Li Lizhi said?

In case the little son has an uncomfortable place at night, the eldest grandson Wujian slept beside her to take care of it.

Lin Chen sent someone to go to the city to grab the medicine with the written prescription, and then personally watched the boiling medicine, and tossed until midnight.

looked at the little son who had drunk the medicine and fell asleep groggily.

When Lin Chen turned around and was about to leave, he heard the eldest grandson Wujian say with a somewhat unnatural expression: "Thank you for your treatment today!" Lin Chen

nodded lightly, and said expressionlessly: "No need! Since she called me brother-in-law, I will definitely treat it, and the little son will be completely cured with two or three days of medicine, no different from a normal person." Then he

stepped away.

The eldest grandson Wujian was even more shocked by Lin Chen's words just now, this little son's illness, the imperial doctors in the palace were helpless, this Lin Chen could actually be cured?

Looking at Lin Chen's back as he left coldly, he opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Li Lizhi took her eldest grandson Wujian to the cottage for a walk.

After going out, they followed the main road of the stockade.

"Hello Mrs. Zhai Owner!" a

farmer saw Li Li and immediately greeted them warmly.

The eldest grandson Wujian looked at this farmer and found that this person had strong arms, and at first glance, he looked like he was doing farming in the field all year round.

But such farmers are a little different from the ones she has seen.

Not only is his face ruddy, but he also has a carefree smile on his face, and he is extremely respectful when he sees Li Liqing.

But this kind of respect does not come from Li Lizhen's identity, but from her title

, Mrs. the owner of the village! That's right

! It is this "Mrs. of the owner

of the village"! But Li Lizhen has just married Lin Chen, and it is impossible for these people to respect this new lady of the village.

Then there is only one possibility, and it is Lin Chen, the owner of the village, who is respected.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little moved, what kind of ability could make these farmers respect so much?

With these doubts, the eldest grandson Wujian followed Li Lizhi all the way to visit all kinds of things in the village.

The original purpose was to investigate the matter of fine salt, but all kinds of things that Li Lizhen saw along the way surprised the eldest grandson Wujian.

I didn't expect these things to be done by Lin Chen.

As it goes on, until the fine salt plant.

The eldest grandson Wujian stood in front of the fine salt factory at this time, looking at the busy mountain people, who were making fine salt.

In addition to being amazed, he couldn't help but believe that Lin Chen was the person behind the fine salt.

Li Li explained to the eldest grandson Wujian what the effect of eating fine salt was, and even called someone over as she spoke.

"Little stone! Come here!" I

saw that at this time, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy ran over, stayed closer, and respectfully saluted Li Liqian: "Hello Mrs. Zhaiqing!" Li Lizhi

nodded, and turned to the eldest grandson Wujian and said: "Queen Mother, you see, this little stone has eaten too much coarse salt before, the neck is fat, and the body is not very good. The

eldest grandson looked at the small stone suspiciously, looked at him and nodded repeatedly. There are still doubts in my heart

: "This fine salt really has such an effect?"

The little stone didn't know who the woman in front of him was, looked at her very suspiciously, and immediately said: "Of course, this is the fine salt developed by our village owner, which is naturally unusual." Not only me, but also the other people in the village have eaten fine salt and gained strength, and the symptoms caused by the previous coarse salt have subsided a lot!"

Of course, the owner of the village is the most powerful person in the world, and we mountain people used to be hungry and worried about our livelihood every day.

"Nothing has been the same since the owner of the village came. took us to farm, taught us a lot of things, and now we not only have food and clothing, but also have everything, and live like a fairy. "


What the eldest grandson Wujian didn't expect was that just mentioning Lin Chen would attract the surrounding mountain people to speak of praise and respect, she had never seen such a sense of admiration for a person.

Recalling what she saw today, she couldn't help but have a flash in her eyes, and whispered, "It seems that this Lin Chen is a little unusual......."

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