After the eldest grandson Wujian Lin Chen and the others discussed the matter of fine salt, they planned to leave the cottage.

Before leaving, the eldest grandson Wujian called the little son, and he began to pack his bags.

Originally, I didn't bring anything, just some makeup powder clothes for women and the like. It's not much, but it's trivial.

The little son took small steps and came to the door of the eldest grandson's innocent residence.

Tilting his head sideways, he looked at the appearance of the eldest grandson Wujian packing his bags, and asked suspiciously: "Queen Mother, you are leaving so soon......" The eldest grandson Wujian turned his head

, smiled at the little son and said softly: "Yes! Your father should be in a hurry when he goes back late, the queen mother should hurry up and pack up, let's take the carriage back before noon!"

When the little son heard "we", he was stunned and asked: "Queen Mother, do you want to take the little son back?"

The eldest grandson continued to clean up in his hands, nodded lightly and said, "Of course, the little son should go back with his mother quickly, otherwise your father and emperor should be worried."

As soon as the little son heard this, his little face suddenly tightened, and his face was unhappy: "Queen Mother, the little son didn't say that he wanted to go back!?"

Seeing the unhappy look of the little son, the eldest grandson smiled helplessly, then stopped the movement in his hand, and said with some disgust: "You have been here for many days, and you will go back with the queen mother today, your father is still waiting in the palace, obedient." The

little boy pouted, and immediately retorted, "I don't, I'm going to be

here!" "There's a lot of fun here!" And my brother-in-law will give me candy to eat, and he can give me a lot of fun! My brother-in-law will have a lot of things. I don't want to go back!" Speaking

of Lin Chen, there was an uncontrollable look of reverence in the little son's eyes. When you are sick, you still have your brother-in-law by your side, how can you leave such a good thing?!The

eldest grandson shook his head with a smile:

"You have been playing for a long time, so don't disturb your sister and them." Listen to the queen mother's words, there are a lot of fun things in the palace! When you return to the palace, the queen mother will not object to whatever you want to play!"

The little son pouted and said with some dissatisfaction: "The queen mother deceives, there is no more interesting place in the palace than this." "

There is a brother-in-law in this cottage, but there is no one in the palace!" The eldest grandson Wujian smiled dumbly, and then said: "Your brother-in-law has his own things to be busy with, you are a child, and you can't help anything here, be obedient, let's go back quickly!" Seeing

that his mother insisted on taking him away, the little son shook his head again and again:

"I'm here, and the people in the village call me the second lady, I think it's a very beautiful thing to be a brother-in-law!"

I have decided that when I grow up, I will marry my brother-in-law, and I will be my brother-in-law's second wife!"

The little son's eyes were firm, but it made the eldest grandson Wujian couldn't help but smile.

This little boy always speaks amazingly, and he dares to say anything at a young age.

The eldest grandson Wujian stretched out his slender index finger, tapped the little son's forehead, and said angrily:

"At your young age, you know what it means to marry! Don't be afraid of other people's jokes when you say it!"

The little son watched his mother take his words as a joke, and stomped his feet with an unconvinced face.

With a firm look in his eyes, he said, "Queen Mother, what I said is true! I know what it means to marry, just like a sister marrying a brother-in-law

!" "Anyway, if I don't go back, I'm going to be here!"

Seeing that his daughter was like this, the eldest grandson Wujian was about to persuade again, when Lin Chen and Li Lizhen happened to walk to the door. The little son saw Lin Chen at a glance with sharp eyes, and immediately pounced.

The eldest grandson Wuji's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Little son, don't be rude!"

Lin Chen and Li Lizhen originally came to see off the eldest grandson Wuji, but as soon as Lin Chen arrived at the door, he was pounced on by the little son in the house.

Lin Chen rubbed the little son's hairy head, looked up with a smile and said to the eldest grandson, "It's okay, the little son-in-law doesn't like so many courtesies." Hearing

Lin Chen's excuse for the little son, the eldest grandson Wujian laughed helplessly.

picked up the luggage on the table and said, "Little son say goodbye to your sister and brother-in-law, we should go......"

The little son grabbed Lin Chen's sleeve tightly at this time, and his whole body pounced on Lin Chen's body. His eyes shook his head very firmly

: "I don't!" "I'm going

to be here!" The eldest grandson Wujian also lost his patience at this time, a little annoyed, and said in a cold voice: "Don't mess around! Hurry up and go back with the queen mother!" When the little son heard that the eldest grandson Wujian

was angry, he suddenly became anxious, and he was even more reluctant to let go of Lin Chen, and looked up at Lin Chen with wide eyes, and said with a serious face:

"Brother-in-law, will you wait for me for ten years?" I'll marry you in ten years!" Hearing

this, several people present were stunned, and immediately laughed when they looked at the little son's serious face.

The eldest grandson Wujian was even more disgusted: "Little children's family, even if you are not at the age of marriage in ten years......

" The little son puffed out his mouth and said loudly in a milky voice: "When you were thirteen or fourteen years old, you were already married to your father. Ten years later, the little son will be sixteen years old, of course he can marry his brother-in-law!"

everyone looked at the little son with a determined expression, and the expression on his face was even more cute, and everyone immediately laughed again.

The little son was also very angry at everyone's disapproval, snorted, and turned his head away from them.

Lin Chen looked at the appearance of the little son, and said to the eldest grandson Wujian with a smile: "Mother-in-law might as well leave the little son in the cottage to play for a few more days, and when she wants to go back, the son-in-law will definitely arrange a carriage to send it back in person."

Li Lizhi also spoke: "Yes, queen mother, let the little son play here for a few more days, with her son-in-law, she will definitely take care of her."

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wujian looked at the little son's angry appearance, sighed slightly, and said

, "Okay, just let her stay here first." Seeing

that the little son looked over with a happy face, he couldn't help but stare at the beauty, and said strangely: "You little naughty! I'm going to trouble your sister and brother-in-law again!" Hearing that

the eldest grandson Wujian agreed, the little son grinned, and quickly jumped up and ran to the side of the eldest grandson Wujian to confirm again.

"The queen mother agreed?"

The eldest grandson Wujian reached out and poked the little son's smooth forehead, and said helplessly, "What if you don't agree? You don't go back with the queen mother!" The

little son quietly stuck out his tongue, and then thought that he could stay in the cottage, and immediately clapped his hands and smiled:

"Great! I can stay as a second lady!"


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