When Lin Chen received the letter from Chang'an City, it had already been a few days later.

Lin Chen took the letter and looked down to check it, this time the letter was written by the eldest grandson Wujian.

Looking at the redistributed share ratio on the letter, Lin Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows lightly.

"Five-five points?"

The other five points set up the Royal Inner Treasury, and Li Li took care of it.

Lin Chen frowned slightly, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

At first glance, the fine salt business is still divided equally with the royal family, but if you think about it carefully, this fine salt business is now banned from sale, although he has privately let a part of it be circulated to sell. But after all, this was a secret business, and not much money was sold.

If you cooperate with the imperial court, this can not only take advantage of the sales channel of the imperial court, but also produce and sell in large quantities. Fine salt can also be widely sold to any place in Datang.

Not only has the business become bigger, but there is also a steady stream of money coming in, which is much more than he is selling in secret.

Although it is divided into five and a half, the other five points are taken care of by his wife.

This royal neku, although the royal family has its right to borrow, but his own lady to take care of and govern, this own lady must be towards himself, he has no doubt about this.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's brows stretched, and the corners of his mouth hooked slightly:

"This deal is not a loss!"

As soon as the matter of the two parties on the sale of fine salt was confirmed, Li Shimin issued a holy decree announcing that the government would start selling fine salt.

Due to the low output of the current fine salt factory, the output of this fine salt is not much, and after the channel with the government is opened, the goods are a little tight.

For this reason, coarse salt is also sold at the same time, and the people can choose freely. It wasn't until later that Lin Chen added a few more factories of fine salt near Chang'an City, and Shen Xingyi of Xingyi Commercial Bank was responsible for managing them. So far, the fine salt business has been completely stabilized, and the coarse salt has gradually faded out of the people's table.


When Lin Chen was busy with the fine salt business for a while, it was time for the sweet potatoes to ripen and harvest.

The mountain people are busy harvesting sweet potatoes.

In the early morning, Li Lizhi had just finished breakfast, and then checked the account book sent by Princess Changle's mansion and the recent receipts of the fine salt business.

Originally, when he was in the palace, the eldest grandson Wujian had handed over the matter of Li Lizhi being in charge of the house, and after coming to the cottage later, Lin Chen handed over the income and expenditure of the cottage to her.

After this exercise, Li Li's quality abacus is now very good, and there is no problem with the accounts.

After a while, it was finished, and knowing that the entry seal in the village was harvesting sweet potatoes, he also got up and went.

At this time, Lin Chen was directing how to harvest sweet potatoes in the field. Next to it is even more weighed, ready to be weighed at any time.

On this Qingcheng Mountain, there are about 100 acres of land that have been reclaimed, and about 20 acres of spring sweet potatoes have been planted.

Now it is the time of spring sweet potato harvest, and the sweet potato seeds given by the system are still planted for the first time, and he is also very curious about what the harvest is?

When Li Lizhi came, she happened to see the mountain people carrying the sweet potatoes dug out of the field and weighing them.

Came to Lin Chen's side and said softly, "Husband."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and then focused on weighing again.

The mountain people in the cottage went into battle together, and the harvest was much faster.

In a short time, an acre of land has been harvested.

The iron pillar responsible for weighing on the ground, since the weighing quantity exceeded 1,000 catties, the smile on his face has not stopped, and when he is nearing the end, his mouth is about to grin behind his ears.

After a while, the number of weighings came out.

Tie Zhu shouted excitedly: "The owner of the village, the owner of the village, our yield per mu is 5,000 catties! There are 5,000 catties!" Lin

Chen and Li Lizhen were overjoyed when they heard this.

I didn't expect that the seeds given by this system could have such a high yield in the mountains, and it was indeed rare!

Li Lizhi jumped up even more excitedly, hugged Lin Chen's arm and said excitedly:

"Husband, husband, this is 5,000 catties!" She has never seen more than 300 catties when she grows so big.

I heard the queen mother say before. Among the royal estates, there was one of the most fertile plots, where some wheat was grown. Farmers are specially sent to take care of them, but the annual yield per mu does not exceed 300 catties.

But this is already the highest yield in Datang, and what ordinary farmers plant is basically about 200 catties. When I came to this cottage before, I heard that the farmers here said that the yield of corn was about 1,000 catties.

She wasn't quite convinced, after all, she had already harvested corn when she came. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but now it's different, this is watching the mountain people weigh it with their own eyes. That's a whole 5,000 catties!

What kind of concept is this?!

Li Lizhen was a little unthinkable at this time.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi who was excited on the side, the light in his eyes never stopped, he couldn't help but smile softly, and reached out to caress Li Liqin's goose-fat smooth face.

Turning his head and looking at this sweet potato field again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile slightly, this harvest is not bad!

When all the mountain people heard this, they stopped their work one after another, looked up in this direction, their eyes widened, and they said with an incredulous expression:

"What?!5,000 catties!?"

"My good man! This yield per mu is more than what I have planted for 30 years!"

"Oh my God! Such a high yield! The owner of the village is really amazing!

" "......"

Such a big harvest, the mountain people in the cottage are all full of smiles, and they are walking very briskly.

Just in time for the harvest in the field, some other things in this village were missing, so a few people were arranged to go to and from Anxian County to buy.

On the way back, I was still excited about the yield of this harvest.

"We've harvested so much grain in our first year, and when we grow more next year, won't we have to burst our warehouses!

Five thousand catties, dare to think? I have never seen such a high yield of grain, this village owner is amazing, you see that the grain can have such a high yield, several generations have never seen it

!" "Hurry back, I'm afraid it's too late!"


" The speaker had no intention of listening to the heart, and after they left, several farmers who bought nearby listened.

remembered that their Zhuangzi had just harvested grain, and the entire Zhuangzi was only 2,000 catties.

Where is it that there is such a high yield of grain in this place? I also have this thing in mind.

Many of the mountain people in the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain have come and go to buy in Lantian County, and naturally there are many people who know each other.

After several inquiries, these farmers learned that it was a cottage in Qingcheng Mountain, and the grain produced there was extremely high, and the mountain people did not have to worry about eating and drinking.

These peasant households have worked hard for several generations, taking care of the farmland for those high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and they are not paid much, and the annual wages are not enough to eat, and most of them can only do some other work to supplement the family.

Now that there is such a high-yield place, the mountain people there are even more worry-free, and several farmers suddenly decided:

"Let's go! Let's go to the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain!"

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