As soon as the little son saw the two pieces of paper on the table, he recognized Lin Chen's handwriting on them at a glance.

I looked at it sideways for a long time, although I didn't particularly understand what it was.

But even Meng Jie guessed that he roughly guessed what he said above.

After understanding it, the little eyes blinked and muttered:

"It turns out that my father wants to do business for my brother-in-law!"

I remembered that I had seen it in my brother-in-law's study before, and the agreement signed by my father and brother-in-law in the fine salt business was roughly the same as this.

Thinking of this, the little son couldn't help but look down at the bottom of the paper, her brother-in-law had already signed the letter, and only her father's was left.

Without thinking about it, the little son picked up the brush on the table and signed it underneath, looked at the seal that Li Shimin put on the table on the side, picked it up, and covered it.

After doing this series of things, the little son picked up a piece of paper on the table, gently blew the ink that had not yet dried, and then said with a smile:

"Brother-in-law must be very happy to see it!"


As soon as

the little son came to Lin Chen's study, he shouted loudly outside the door: "Brother-in-law, can I come in?"

Lin Chen heard the little son's voice, smiled, put down the book in his hand, and said softly:

"Come in!"

When the little son came in, he held a piece of paper in his hand, and jumped very happily to Lin Chen's side.

With a happy face, he said with a look of invitation:

"Brother-in-law, what is this?"

Lin Chen looked at the cute look on the little son's face, and couldn't help but reach out and rub her fleshy little face, and then took the paper in her hand.

After seeing the above content and the payment below, Lin Chen was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Is this signed!?"

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but secretly think that Li Shimin had taken this agreement back for several days, and there was no movement, and he was afraid that this old stubborn was unwilling to pay.

Now that the contract has been signed, then this matter has been decided, and there will naturally be a lot of money in the follow-up.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at the signature again, it was Li Shimin's flying white body, yes, and the seal.

Hah! It's finally settled.

The little son's eyes rolled around, nodded seriously, and said to Lin Chen with a small mouth: "Of course, brother-in-law, this is what I asked my father to sign, the little son behaved so well, but he wants to be rewarded!"

Lin Chen smiled loudly, rubbed the little son's head and said very happily:

"Okay! Wait for my brother-in-law to make you fries tomorrow!".

When the little son heard that Lin Chen had cooked something for her, she was immediately very happy, and immediately clapped her hands.

Since the agreement has been finalized, it is natural to celebrate.

Then Lin Chen immediately beckoned the people to set up a banquet, preparing to celebrate in the evening, and by the way, he also sent someone to invite Li Shimin to participate in the banquet.


Li Shimin stayed in the house and was depressed, thinking about the agreement with Lin Chen, and wanted to sign it, but the conditions put forward by Lin Chen were too harsh

, not only let him use the money to buy it now, but also the right to sell and manage it after planting next year Lin Chen.

He didn't get anything by himself, and the treasury had to pay such a large sum of money. No matter how you calculate it, I feel that this transaction is a bit of a loss.

But this is not signed, and it is such good food.

Such a high yield can only be found here with him Lin Chen.

If the entire Datang can popularize planting, it will definitely benefit the people and the country. It would be a shame to just give up.

It's a hateful Lin Chen, this kid, has already written the agreement, and there is no room for negotiation.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin sighed heavily.

When I came to the table, I was about to pick it up when I suddenly saw that the paper had been signed.

Li Shimin's eyes widened suddenly, and he wondered:

"This ......"

looked at the handwriting on the flying white body on it, and rubbed his eyes again, making sure that he was not mistaken.

This is clearly what he wrote, but how can he remember that when he went out, there was no such word?

Li Shimin scratched his head suspiciously, thought hard, and muttered:

"Could it be that I signed it in a dream?"

Li Shimin picked up the folded rice paper and slowly opened it.

A poem in flying white font suddenly came into view, the font is vigorous and powerful, and the strokes are flowing and flowing, which ...... Isn't it his flying white body?

Li Shimin was suddenly blindsided, looked down along the poem, and when he saw the three words "little son" on the inscription, he finally understood.

This is what

the little son wrote! The little son was taught by him, and when he saw that her handwriting was so similar to his own, Li Shimin's face was a little ugly, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this time.

Li Shimin looked at the poems in Feibai in his hand, and then looked at the agreement on the side.

I couldn't help but cry:

"Isn't this a cheat?!"


Li Shimin, who was lamenting, heard a report outside the door at this time: "Your Majesty, just now someone from the cottage came to spread the news that their village will hold a banquet in the evening to celebrate the signing of the agreement, and specially invite Your Majesty to go."

Hearing this, Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at the table, and there was indeed only one agreement left.

And the other one, the Eight Achievements was taken away by the little son, and now it must be in Lin Chen's hands.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin suddenly felt depressed in his heart.


Li Shimin was finally invited to the banquet.

As soon as Lin Chen saw Li Shimin appear, he hurriedly greeted

: "Uncle Yue is here! Sit

down, sit down!" Li Shimin sat down with an unkind face, only to hear Lin Chen say with a smile at this time

: "Uncle Yue, since the agreement signed by you and me has come into effect, then I will ask someone to start counting the number of sweet potatoes tomorrow to ensure that I will not delay you!"

Li Shimin was angry when he heard this, and immediately took out the agreement in his arms and said:

" This is not the words I signed, this agreement is naturally not counted

!" "Huh?"

Lin Chen's face was suddenly a little unhappy, this white paper and black words were clearly written, even the private seal was stamped, and the handwriting was not yet dry, could it be that he was going to regret it?

At this time, Li Shimin's arm suddenly raised, and he pointed at the little son, only to hear him say again:

"Little son, you are too bold! You dare to imitate my handwriting!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was stunned for an instant, turned his head to look at the little son, and said with a surprised face:

"What?!This is signed by the little son?!"


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