Li Shimin looked at his two daughters, who were now on Lin Chen's side.

As if the treasure in his heart was stolen, he was depressed and had nothing to do with this Lin Chen. Whoever made this sweet potato was made by him, such a high-yield artifact, he still really wanted it.

I want to want it, but this money ......

Li Shimin, who was entangled, unconsciously looked at Li Lizhen on the side.

He suddenly remembered that the fine salt that he cooperated with Lin Chen before, since the cooperation, the sales of this fine salt have been very hot, and he has made a lot of money.

And this royal family accounts for fifty percent of the income, and there must be some money in this inner treasury. I want to use this money, but the management of this royal treasury is in the hands of Changle.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but look at Li Lizhen with anticipation, waiting for her to take the initiative to mention the matter of the inner library.

Li Lizhi lowered her head and thought about it carefully, and then said:

"If my father and son are not mistaken, there are a few shops near Hanguang Gate that are royal properties, and my father can use these to offset ......"

She suddenly remembered that her husband had mentioned to her that she wanted to set up a few shops to do some business.

Just thinking about it, I remembered a few shops near Hanguang Gate in this Chang'an City.

Although these are all royal properties, but the royal family is not profitable, and it has been neglected for a long time.

Rather than wasting the shop there like this, it is better to let his husband take it over to do some business and make some money.

Hearing Li Li's words, Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, and immediately became angry

, and said loudly: "You unfilial daughter, why do you turn your

elbow out?!" Lin Chen heard Li Shimin scolding his wife so angrily, and his face suddenly turned cold, and he said unhappily: "How can this be an elbow turning out? Now that she is my Lin Chen's wife, she is naturally towards her husband, is this still wrong?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help but start thinking for a while, and he had to say that what Lin Chen said was reasonable.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Chen and Li Lizhen had already become relatives and lived a good life.

Thinking of this, his face changed from blue to purple for a while, and finally sighed helplessly.

Lin Chen saw that Li Shimin did not refute his words, so he continued: "I think the mortgage of this shop is feasible, and you can also do some business at that time!" Li Shimin heard that Lin

Chen was actually moved by this shop, looked at him with some doubts, and asked puzzledly

: "These shops are all private property of the royal family, what are you using them for?"

Lin Chen smiled mysteriously when he heard this, and then said: "I don't have to worry about this."

Then he looked at the embarrassment on Li Shimin's face, and he also knew that this old stubborn was afraid that he would be reluctant, so he continued to speak

: "Uncle Yue, I won't let you suffer, in this way, how about I give you 30% of the income of this shop?"

Li Shimin looked at Lin Chen with some suspicion, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

"This kid has such a good heart?

He lowered his head and thought about it for a long time, but he didn't come up with a reason. It's already a duck on the shelves, and I have to agree.

finally made up his mind, and then he said: "Okay!" No

wonder Li Shimin was uneasy, it was really Lin Chen who knocked on his things, and this cold man actually offered to make a profit, which made him a little uncertain.

Either way, the matter was finally settled.

Then the two sides signed a supplementary agreement, and after the sweet potatoes were counted, they were directly brought to the royal estate.

According to Lin Chen's request, a large cellar was specially dug in the royal manor to preserve sweet potatoes. Wait until the next spring to plant the seedlings.

After the agreement was agreed, Li Shimin also left with his eldest grandson Wuji.


When Li Shimin left, the little son deliberately hid, and no matter how much people tried to find her, they didn't find her.

Li Shimin, who originally planned to take her back, had to give up at this time, so he could only leave first.

Lin Chen and Li Lizhi had just sent Li Shimin and the others away, and when they turned their heads, they saw a corner of their clothes exposed from the grass pile on one side.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, pretending to speak to Li Lizhi and said, "I originally promised the little son to make French fries for her, but I can't find anyone now, so forget it

!" Li Lizhi also followed Lin Chen's gaze, and when he saw the familiar corner of his clothes on one side, he also understood, and replied with a smile: "Husband, Lizhi wants to taste the taste of these fries!"

As soon as he heard Lin Chen and Li Lizhen say that they wouldn't make the fries, the little son behind the haystack suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly jumped out from behind the haystack, and said loudly: "Who said they couldn't find me, haven't I been there all the time!" Lin Chen

and Li Lizhen looked at each other and smiled, and they knew each other tacitly, this little boy didn't want to go back, so he thought of this way to hide. But it's still a child, so unscrupulous, he took the initiative to jump out.

After the little son finished speaking, he jumped directly to Lin Chen's side, took his hand and said, "Brother-in-law, you promised to make fries for the little brother-in-law!" Lin Chen smiled and pinched the smooth little face, and said with a smile: "Okay! Brother-in-law promised not to regret

it!" The little son heard Lin Chen's promise, and his face bloomed, and he was even more excited to pull Lin Chen to rush back, and urged in his mouth: "Brother-in-law,

hurry up!"


As soon as he returned to his residence, Lin Chen picked out a few good sweet potatoes and started to work in the kitchen.

I saw that Lin Chen peeled a few sweet potatoes first, cut them into strips, put them in the oil pan, fried them until golden brown, and then they came out of the pot.

Lin Chen even put some of the previously made tomato sauce in a small bowl, and looking at the puzzled expressions

of the two, he introduced: "These fries can be dipped in tomato sauce and eaten, it has a different flavor!"

Hearing Lin Chen say this, the two of them were even more excited on their faces, they had already smelled the fragrance of the fries, and both of them were a little impatient.

At this time, seeing that the fries were finally ready and served, Li Lizhi and the little son hurriedly put the fries in their mouths, and a sweet and soft feeling of crispy on the outside and tender on the inside shocked the expressions of the two.

French fries made of sweet potatoes are golden in color, sweet in taste, and particularly tough, and chew harder.

As soon as the two of them took a bite, a sense of satisfaction appeared on their faces.

The little son was even more happy, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

I couldn't help but think in my heart:

"In this world, her brother-in-law spoils her the most, and he can cook so many delicious foods for her." I really want to

grow up faster!" The little son looked down at his little hands, his face couldn't help but feel a little more worried, and sighed slightly

: "When will you be the second lady of the cottage?!" Looking at the fries in the bowl, her eyes suddenly lit up:

"I heard Sister A say that you can grow up faster if you eat more, and you can grow up early, so that you can be the second lady of the cottage earlier.......


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