At this time, one of the guards suddenly said with a playful expression:

"Are you sure you want to fight our village master alone?"

After the man asked, he only heard all the armor soldiers laugh one after another, and a look of playfulness appeared on their faces.

At this time, Changsun Chong looked at everyone's expressions very strangely, and even looked at himself with a sneer, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, and said secretly

: "Isn't there anything wrong with this matter?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at Changsun Chong in front of him, and asked with some surprise:

"Do you really want to fight with me? Are you sure?!"

When Changsun Chong heard this, he looked at the armor guards with Sensen's killing intent on the side, and then at Lin Chen, who was not holding any weapons, and everyone's expressions seemed to be a little abnormal.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a beautiful figure coming from behind Lin Chen, who was this person not Li Liqing? At this time

, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and just wanted to step forward, but thinking that he was going to fight with Lin Chen, he turned his head to look at Lin Chen again, and said with a tough face:

"That's right!

Although this situation is a bit strange, but the words of the duel have been spoken, how can I retreat? I can only rush up.

Lin Chen looked at Changsun Chong, who had a hard face on his face, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

"This kid seems to really regard himself as a soft persimmon."

"Since this kid took the initiative to find abuse, how could he have any reason to refuse?!"

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but take a closer look at Changsun Chong, seeing that his legs were unstable and his arms were slender, even if he had some martial arts, he was also an embroidered pillow.

Thinking of this, he stretched out a finger with a disdainful expression, hooked his finger at him and said, "Changsun Chong, let's make a move!"

As soon as he heard this, Changsun Chong didn't stay long, his face sank, and he immediately clenched his hands into fists, and the speed as fast as the wind immediately attacked Lin Chen's face.

Seeing that his heavy punch was about to smash into Lin Chen's face, the smile on the corner of Changsun Chong's mouth was almost unstoppable.

I asked myself that among the sons and brothers in Chang'an City, few of them could avoid his fast punch.

However, just when he was very proud, he suddenly saw the corners of Lin Chen's mouth hooked slightly, and he looked confident. I saw that his arm was slightly raised at this time, and his broad palm was mixed with a gust of cold wind, and he rushed towards the eldest grandson.

Even if he had already punched, that fast punch was about to reach Lin Chen's face, but he was the opponent of Lin Chen, who had the "courage of an overlord", and this kind of speed was simply not worth mentioning in Lin Chen's opinion.

At this time, the eldest grandson Chong's face tightened, and he secretly screamed that it was not good, and he wanted to change his posture, but it was too late to close the momentum.

I saw Lin Chen's palm swing out quickly, and before Changsun Chong's fist arrived, he was hit on the cheek by Lin Chen's palm.


The huge impact force of "Bang"

directly slapped him to the ground, stirring up a puff of dust on the ground.

At this time, Lin Chen looked at Changsun Chong who was lying on the ground, and said coldly: "Such a waste is still fighting with me?!" At this time, Changsun Chong, who was

slapped away, only felt that his head was buzzing, and his eyes were even whiter. Blood and teeth that had just been knocked out were spit out.

He tried to get up from the ground, but his head was swollen and he couldn't exert any strength.

It took a long time to barely lift his head.

At this time, those armor soldiers looked at Changsun Chong, who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, showing an expression that was really like this, looking at him not only falling to the ground, but also knocking out several teeth, they couldn't help but pat their thighs, hahaha laughed.

"This kid, I thought I could fight with the owner of the village in two moves, but I didn't expect to be overturned with one move

!" "Your kid is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers

!" "Waste! What a waste!"


After speaking, he laughed continuously.

As soon as the family brought by Changsun Chong saw that Changsun Chong was knocked to the ground like this, he immediately stepped forward and helped Changsun Chong up, and asked nervously:

"Young Master, Young Master, are you okay?"

Looking at everyone's extremely ridiculous posture, even Li Lizhi seemed to have a trace of a smile on her face.

There was a dark look on his face, and his heart was even more depressed, at this time, his chest was undulating, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he turned his head and glared at

Lin Chen angrily, and shouted: "Do you have the ability to come again?!"

As he spoke, he broke free from the support of everyone behind him, and wanted to rush forward and duel with Lin Chen again.

But when the family behind him saw this posture, he couldn't beat it at all, how could this work?

Hurriedly pulled Changsun Chong back, and hurriedly persuaded:

"Young master, this is all slapping to the ground, I'm afraid I'm going to die if I come back!"

They said that they pulled Changsun Chong even more desperately, not letting him have any chance to come forward, they were all hiding from the master when they came out, this young master was beaten, and at most they would punish them when they went back.

But if their young master loses his life, I am afraid that even if they go back, their lives will not be guaranteed, and preserving Changsun Chong at this time is equivalent to preserving them.

The eldest grandson was aggrieved for a while, his eyes were red, and he wanted to step forward to compete with Lin Chen again, but the people behind him were holding on to him, making him unable to move.

Immediately shouted angrily:

"Let go! Let go!" Those

family members saw that Lin Chen actually had such terrifying force, which made them let the young master go up, it was like sending them to death! Seeing this, where did they dare to let Changsun Chong go up again? They didn't obey Changsun Chong's orders at all, but their subordinates pulled tighter.

The eldest grandson was angry for a while, and when he was about to open his mouth again. But suddenly I heard Li Lizhen speak:

"Eldest Sun Chong, go back! I have married my husband, and I will be with him for the rest of my life." As he

spoke, he snuggled up to Lin Chen's chest, and the two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of tenderness and sweetness.

At this time, Changsun Chong heard Li Lizhen's words like a knife poking at his heart, and the picture of the two people snuggling together in front of him was even more eye-catching.

The feeling of tightness in my chest is getting bigger and bigger......


A mouthful of blood spit out directly

at this time, Changsun Chong, pale, looked at Li Lizhi in front of him, trembled his lips and shouted in a low voice: "Cousin......

"torture." Torture, even if you are beaten, you will also suffer a crit of the heart!

There is a fishy sweetness gushing out of the mouth, wow......


Suddenly, it was dark in front of him, and he fainted directly on the ground.....

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