Fighting? Fighting?

Everyone present was stunned, looked at the situation in a daze, and then turned their heads to look at me, and I looked at you.

This fight is understandable, looking at Lin Chen's fist that has not yet been withdrawn.

Isn't this Lin Chen getting started now? The people have already been beaten to the ground......

But what does this crackdown mean? They don't know what to do.

However, this scene was strange, and everyone stared at the few people on the field without blinking, trying to see some answers from their faces.

At this time, the eldest grandson Chong had an angry look on his face, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and his eyes were full of anger and looked at Lin Chen.

Obviously, he had been annoyed by Lin Chen's actions.

What kind of bullshit fight?!What kind of bullshit fighting?

!He didn't understand!

Looking at the Li cat who was covering his nose and lying on the ground unable to move with a painful face.

He knew how strong this punch was, last time on the cottage in Qingcheng, the strength of this Lin Chen was already very amazing with just one punch.

I also recuperated from my injuries for more than ten days, and then I will be healed.

And now this Li Mao was punched directly by Lin Chen, and the strength was even more amazing, and it was already a miracle that he did not pass out immediately at this time.

Thinking of this, Changsun Chong really wanted to shout:

"Lin Chen, you are really the behavior of a bandit leader!"

But when he thought of his father's warning, this kid has a backer behind him, and there is also the protection of the palace master sent by His Majesty, and the most important thing is that His Majesty ordered to conceal Lin Chen's news, and he must not leak Lin Chen's true identity.

After thinking about it, he still swallowed back the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

But in my heart, I was not convinced, why was this Lin Chen so arrogant, even if he was in the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain, now in the realm of Chang'an City, he was still so arrogant!?

The more he thought about it, the more angry Changsun Chong became, and was about to get angry, Ah Da next to him suddenly pulled Sun Chong's sleeve and whispered:

"Young master, don't forget what the master once said ......."

Last time, I helped the young master come up with an idea, and wanted to clean up Lin Chen, but I didn't expect to be discovered

by the master, and after being punished, I heard the old man mutter: "There are so many ways in the world, how many people are not caught by the tail?"

Later, I heard the young master say this method of fighting, Ah Da finally understood, and at this time, he remembered what the master had said, and couldn't help but remind Changsun Chong.

Hearing Ah Da's reminder, Changsun Chong also sobered up instantly, this poetry meeting was originally aimed at Lin Chen, that is, Lin Chen was humiliated in front of everyone and had no place in Chang'an City.

At this time, if you open your mouth to shout with Lin Chen, wouldn't you lose the elegance of the literati?

Originally, everyone already knew that today was the poetry meeting, but this Chen actually came up and beat people on the occasion of the poetry meeting, and this had already lost his temperament in front of all the literati!

The more arrogant and domineering Lin Chen was, the more gentle and elegant he naturally had to be, so that he could bring out his extraordinary intentions.

So Changsun Chong forcibly calmed himself, took a few deep breaths, and secretly said in his heart

: "Anyway, I am reasonable, are you afraid that he will not succeed?"

Thinking of this, although his expression was full of anger, but this behavior seemed quite elegant and polite, and he said slowly:

"Lin Chen, you and I have already met Wendou, this is to send a post, today my eldest grandson Chong is here for this matter, and you ...... Why do you want to fight?!Beat up the guests in my house?!"

Although this series of questions was not loud, it was just enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear it clearly.

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Chen, and their eyes were full of doubts.


this time, Lin Chen didn't care about the voices of everyone's discussions, and the helper that Changsun Chong brought for himself opened his mouth to question him.

Instead, he glanced disdainfully at the bloody cat Li on the ground.

He naturally left some strength on this Li Mao, and before the main topic began, he knocked this kid unconscious, wouldn't it cheapen him

? Fu turned his head again, and said with a sneer:

"Big fight? It's just to beat that impostor!"

After speaking, he looked at Li Mao with a look of disdain.

And when the Li cat heard this, he chuckled in his heart, and even forgot to shout in pain, and glanced at Lin Chen with a rather weak heart.

Lin Chen couldn't help but sneer when he looked at this Li Mao's weak appearance, and then turned his head to look at Changsun Chong, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

"This Changsun Chong...... I had some festivals with myself, I had already taught him a lesson last time, I thought that this kid would be in peace, but I didn't expect that he would dare to continue to do things!"

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's eyes had a fierce light, and he couldn't help but squint slightly.

"Since you have sent it to the door like this, I, Lin Chen, will never show mercy

!" Then he shook his sleeves, and said disdainfully:

"Look at you, what if you fight?!" Lin Chen's response was very domineering, making the smile on the face of the eldest grandson chong suddenly freeze.

I saw that at this time, Lin Chen suddenly came to Changsun Chong's face, stretched out his broad palm, and grabbed Changsun Chong's collar.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, revealing a smile, and he said

, "Don't dirty my Drunken Immortal Residence!" Seeing

that Lin Chen was really ready to make a real move, the eldest grandson Chong was even more panicked on his face, and shouted again and again: "You, Lin Chen, what are you going to do?!You let go!"

But Lin Chen didn't pay attention to this shout at all, still carrying the eldest grandson Chong, ready to go out.

Immediately, everyone only saw that Lin Chen was like carrying a little chicken cub, and directly threw the eldest grandson out of the restaurant.


This is the eldest grandson Chong, the son of Zhao Guogong in the current dynasty.....

Moreover, I don't know if I live or die?!This

Lin Chen ......was

also shocked by Li Mao, at this time, the blood on his nose was flushing, and he saw that Changsun Chong and his accompanying family members were thrown out and beaten indiscriminately, and the shouts at this time came one after another, and he was even more frightened, and said with some horror in his eyes:

"That's the grandfather of a small country, you are a small restaurant owner, dare to do this?!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen Huo Ran turned his head to look at him, sneered and said, "The fight is over, it's time to fight fake!"


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