At this time, Li Shimin looked at these many glass objects in a daze, and felt even more sorry for his warehouse in his heart.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses, slapped his big hand, and exclaimed,

"I'm going to find Lin Chen and chase back the things in my warehouse!"

The eldest grandson Wujian on the side hurriedly said:

"You are Your Majesty, since you have already promised to others, how can you be so untrustworthy?"

Li Shimin heard this, his expression was stunned, and his face was even more blue and white.

Guanyin was right, she had already promised to let this Lin Chen come to the warehouse to choose at will.

As an emperor, what he said was a holy decree, and he couldn't take it back.

Thinking of this, I can't help but vent.

But when he thought that so many treasures he had worked so hard to collect in his treasury had been taken away by this Lin Chen, he muttered very distressedly

: "How is this good?"

The eldest grandson Wuji's eyes rolled for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, he also thought of a way, and hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty, why don't we also have an auction?!"

Hearing the word 'auction', Li Shimin suddenly came to his senses.

Thinking of Lin Chen's auction, he made a lot of money, and any glass object was sky-high.

But if this is an auction, how can we invite people?

Thinking of this, he looked at the eldest grandson Wujian with a puzzled expression, and hurriedly asked

, "What kind of auction method?"

The eldest grandson Wujian smiled slightly, and said loudly

: "Your Majesty, there are a lot of glasses in our hands now, but there are no princes and ministers in the court!"

When Li Shimin heard this, his face suddenly rejoiced:

"Yes! Why didn't he think

of this?" "He received a room of glass, and it was not worth much in his own hands, but there were not many pieces of this glass in Chang'an City, this was still a scarce thing, and there was no one in the hands of the princes and ministers. "

Wouldn't it be okay to take it out and sell it to these princes and ministers?!"

"And this thing has to be fast!"


On the second day

, as soon as the ministers of the early court entered the palace, they saw their majesty sitting on the dragon chair with a happy face.

This is usually after the ministers lined up, Li Shimin was the last to appear and accept everyone's worship, but today it is a little strange.

Everyone was curious, could it be that there was something good about this majesty today?

Curiosity is curiosity, but as a courtier, there is no shortage of courtesies.

After all the officials in the main hall paid homage to Li Shimin, today's early dynasty can be regarded as the official beginning.

Now is the time of the autumn harvest in the north, and officials everywhere are roughly reporting on this year's grain production.

Li Shimin listened to the output reported by various places, and remembered in his heart that he had bought a lot of sweet potatoes from Lin Chen, which was much higher than wheat and the like.

If this sweet potato can bear more fruit next year, it will also be able to promote planting.

It's just that this planting, although Lin Chen gave some methods, but the farmers who took care of it were a little difficult to understand.

I thought to myself, the next time I see Lin Chen, I will definitely talk to him about this sweet potato planting method.

The rest are some daily government affairs reported by officials, and there is basically nothing left.

Seeing that there were no more officials who came forward to report on political affairs, all the officials also thought that today would be over earlier.

But at this time, I heard Li Shimin say loudly:

"Recently, I have obtained some glass objects, and I want to share them with all Aiqing."

"Today, an auction will be held on top of this court

!" "All Aiqing can compete fairly, and the highest bidder wins!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the waiter on the side took a beautiful glass product and put it on the round table in front of Li Shimin.

When all the officials present heard this, they were stunned, turned their heads and began to talk in whispers:

"This glass is a good thing, it is said that it was auctioned at a sky-high price in the Drunken Immortal Residence before! There are not many pieces in the entire Chang'an City, but I didn't expect Your Majesty to have them here." "

This is a treasure!"


everyone said and looked at the glass on the round table, the material, the sense of transparency, it was simply beautiful, and all the officials present looked happy when they saw the glass.

However, when everyone thought of this auction in their hearts, they would have to spend a lot of money, where did these officials get so much money?

Although some officials had some private property in their hands, they were all privately operated, and His Majesty even forbade it.

Returning to Your Majesty, this glass is too precious, although the ministers want to take it, but they are shy in their pockets, I am afraid that they will not be able to come up with so much money!

" Li Shimin waved his hand indifferently and said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money, take calligraphy and paintings, take weapons, as long as it is a good thing, treasures can be exchanged for things!"

As soon as they heard this, everyone immediately showed excitement. The Manchu civil and military did not wait for the announcement of the start, and began to exchange with a roar.

In this way, an extremely strange auction, under the auspices of Li Shimin, kicked off on the court......

court"A pair of jade Ruyi

!", "Glass Pagoda

!", "South China Sea

Pearl!", "Night Pearl!",

"......"" "Deal, Hubu Shangshu won a glass high-waisted bottle with Cao Cao's "Gon Xue" rubbing!"


As the auction progressed, the officials originally thought that there were only a few glass objects.

But after the shooting, I saw Li Shimin take out another one.

This was followed by three, five, ten, twenty ......

In the beginning, these ministers were blushing and thick-necked over a piece of glass.

But in the end, the Manchu Dynasty was almost a share of the civil and military.

In the end, these princes and ministers became more and more confused, and they always felt that something was wrong with this matter.

I can't help but wonder why there are more and more of these things......

After the end of this particularly meaningful court meeting, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were overjoyed.

They all carefully hugged the glass objects they had come to today, and happily returned home.

Although it feels like His Majesty took out a lot of glass today, which makes them feel that something is not right, but it is nothing.

Thinking of the glass that Lin Chen auctioned in the Drunken Immortal Residence before, how much was it worth, they were very clear, thinking of this, they all felt that they had obtained a treasure, and they were even more careful to preserve it.

It was not long before Li Shimin received the treasures from the officials' mansions, and he immediately returned to his private treasury and refilled the treasure vault.

Looking at the re-enriched treasury, a smile finally appeared on his face.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a chamberlain come to report:

"Your Majesty! Lin Chen has come to ask for a meeting!"

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