"Come on!"

"Bring it up!"

The old man gave an order.

The servants brought a carriage covered with a piece of red silk.

The old man suddenly lifted the red silk.

"General, please see, the legend of the Seven Sea Flood Dragon Armor and the Overlord Spear is the armor and sword of the Overlord of Western Chu, weighing more than a thousand catties!"

"For so long, no one has ever been able to touch them!"

"The general is so brave, he must be able to make them surrender!"

Han Qiu looked around and was immediately attracted by the Seven Sea Flood Dragon Armor and the Overlord Spear.

The seven-sea Flood Dragon Armor is dominated by black, with gold borders inlaid at the joints, and in front of the armor is a mighty and domineering golden Flood Dragon Head!



This is the most intuitive feeling to Han Qiu!

Let's look at the Overlord Spear.

The total length is about three meters, and there are four branches of cold light around the tip of the spear.

It looks a bit like a halberd.

Engraved with an empty blood slot.

Once pierced into the body.

Absolutely bleeding!

The gun body is engraved with a golden dragon pattern entrenched in it.

Show your domineering aura!

"General, why not give it a try?"

"Let me wait and admire the general's demeanor!"

The old man suggested.

He is the arrangement of the system.

Naturally, it will help Han Qiu to be more in the limelight.

In this way, you can get more prestige points!

"it is good!"

Seeing such mighty and domineering armor and weapons, Han Qiu was also motivated by hunting and agreed directly.

Han Qiu was under the expectation of countless people.

Put on the Seven Sea Flood Dragon Armor.

Pick up the Destroyer Gun.

After waving for a while, he played a set of Xiang Yu's famous marksmanship - the Eighteen Bawang!


Stand up!

The people onlookers suddenly felt that the earth was trembling!

It is conceivable just how heavy this Destruction Overlord Spear is!

After finishing a set of marksmanship, Han Qiu only felt that his heart was surging with enthusiasm, and it was difficult to calm down!

Fighting against Hu Lu at the border of Youzhou reminded Han Qiu of Yue Fei's song Man Jiang Hong.

Can't help but read it out loud!

"Angry into the crown, relying on the lantern, Xiaoxiaoyu rests.

Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon.

Don't wait for idleness, white the young head, empty and sad.

The shame of paying tribute is still not yet snowed.

When will the courtier hate it?

Drive a long car and cross the Helan Mountain.

Aspirations hungry for the Hulu meat, and laughed and thirst for the blood of the Huns.

Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que. "

Majestic sound!

Passionate poetry!

Generous and heroic momentum!

Full of majestic righteousness and heroism!

The people around were stunned!

Oh my God!

What kind of genius is this? !

A set of marksmanship is only a few breaths of time!

To actually make such a heroic poem? !

Handsome face!

Upright body!

Domineering momentum!

Amazing talent!

Everything is so charming!


"General Han. You are so handsome!"

"General Han, I want to marry you!"

"General Han, I'm going to give you a monkey!"

Some famous ladies from Youzhou, everyone's daughters and beauties from all walks of life finally couldn't bear it anymore and showed their love to Han Qiu loudly!

Han Qiu's charm has blinded their brains!

Forget about etiquette!

Forget shame!

Forgot everything!

There is only one name in my mind!

That is!

Han Qiu!

ps: The new book is released. If readers like it, please vote for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes to support a wave!Grateful!


Chapter [-] Chasing Stars in Ancient Times [For Flowers, Evaluation Tickets]


What is this swollen fat four? !

Are these people crazy? !

I know I'm handsome!

I also admit that I am very attractive!


Are you too crazy? !

Especially the aunt with gorgeous hair!

You...you...you look bigger than my mom!

Are you still arguing to give birth to monkeys for me? !

Is this appropriate? !

"Thank you for your love from the fathers and the villagers, and Han Qiu is here to thank you!"

"That... I'm in a rush to urinate!"

"Goodbye to you!"

Han Qiu gave a strange cry and turned around and ran away by urinating.

People at this time.

The blood is on the rise!

How can I let him go!

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