Incredible 1 Incredible!

They can't believe their ears"

How could this happen?

How can there be such a high yield of food! 2

Rice they know.

Daniel, what are beans and sweet potatoes?

The yield per mu is [-] catties, and the yield per mu is [-] catties

The output of grain is more than ten times higher than usual.

It's just so terrifying."

"no, I can not!'_

"It's impossible for this to happen L

"You must be lying L1!


"Give me this guy who lied about the news and pull me out with a stick and kill 1.1!

Cui Boyuan stood up directly from his chair.He roared angrily.

His voice is very loud

But no amount of wife could hide the fear in his voice.

It's not that he doesn't believe it"

but can't believe l

I don't want to believe it!

He'd rather be the servant who lied

Of course


Everything is just comfort in his heart⊥

"What the little one said is true!

"The whole city of Chang'an spread 2

"So many people saw Champion Hou dig potatoes and sweet potatoes out of the fields with their own eyes."

"Your Majesty, there are also many ministers of the country all present!"

"It's even cooked and eaten on the spot!"

"It is said that the taste is very delicious, even better than white bread and white rice!

Under the intimidation of Cui Boyuan, the domestic servant fell to his knees and fell to the ground. He quickly told everything he had seen and heard like a bamboo tube pouring beans!

When Cui Boyuan and the rest of the Cui family heard Li Er and a group of ministers.

The extremely slim hope in the mountain has completely disappeared.

Cui Boyuan slumped on the ground as if he had lost his soul.

dull eyes

look sullen"

All the strength seems to be drained

No wonder Han Qiu didn't interfere at all with their wanton harvesting.

turn out to be!

He just waited for him, the more Tian Bu could collect, the better!

The funny thing is that at that time, I thought that they were just assholes.

turn out to be!

you are the one

the funniest person

Taiyuan's Gan clan, Fan Yanglu clan may also secretly surrender to Han Qiu."

Otherwise, it is impossible to sell the price of grain at only one-tenth of the purchase price this year.

They are simply expressing their sincerity to His Majesty Han Qiuxue today.


wall grass

Two-faced villain

Cui Boyuan kept cursing those aristocratic families who were about to defect.

Their family has spent almost all their wealth to buy food s

However now 1

All destroyed in one 8!

All smashed!

Centuries of wealth have all broken the trap of countless grains!

And it's still not getting it back

It is impossible to sell at a high price

Only sold at low prices.

And at a very low price!


No one buys it at all!

just now.

Ten Bean Sweet Potatoes have just been brought to Datang by Han Qiu.

It is the time when the people feel the freshest.

At the same price, they would rather choose sweet potatoes and ten beans rather than buy those stored grains in the hands of the family.

Cui Cui of Qinghe is completely useless this time.

Hundreds of years of accumulation instantly destroy the king

The hearts of all the clansmen rise up

The fear of Han Qiu directly rose to the extreme!,

Climbed to the top!


They are the only ones who truly understand the horror of this man!

There is no way to fight back against this man

Even if they are a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years

This guy can't do anything!

Politically, he solved Baiguan's impeachment against him in just a few words, and he also took the initiative to plead guilty and was willing to be punished.

Culturally, movable type printing was directly produced, which greatly reduced the cost of books, allowing books to be widely circulated in the Tang Dynasty. L directly dug the roots of their family.

Economically, it directly created a bleak resentment that squeezed their salt business out.I still don't know where to get the grain that can produce several thousand per mu - dig a hole and let them jump in.

now think of it.

What Han Qiu has done these days

Seemingly out of order.In fact, it is intertwined!

Start politically.Then to the culture, then to the economy!

Step by step - step by step to carry the family to the abyss⊥

very far-reaching calculations 1

What a powerful ingenuity!

What a cool trick!

an inheritance number

The century-old family is not as good as Han Qiu alone

He was toyed with by Han Qiu, a young man who was inferior to the weak crown, in the palm of his hand.




Compared to the gloom on the Cui family's side, it was bleak.Desperate!

Han Qiu is very happy here

cheers ⊥

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