How could Tilly not be killed? 1

How could the Taijun not be defeated!?

There is no one in the entire northern desert who can understand Han Qiu better than her Princess Tulu.

For this man whom he admires_ Princess Tulu, but not a little bit of fun was missed

Only later.

Han Qiu gradually became silent and bide his time.I didn't make any big surprises⊥

Slaughterhouse Gongsheng gets less and less news!

I didn't expect this to be silent for a long time.The man I once admired so much has appeared directly in Beimo.”

And in such an invincible pose!

- When they came up, they beheaded the number one Lin of the Northern Desert.Defeat the [-] ambush soldiers in the northern desert!

If it doesn't sound, it's over!

A blockbuster ⊥

It can only be said that he really deserves to be the man that my Slaughtering Furnace Princess has admired for a long time, right?

Han Qiu stared at Princess Tulu's adoring little eyes with a black line.

Some helpless and some surprised

I didn't expect it to be so far away

Bei Mo, which is thousands of miles away, has its own fascination.

And she's still the princess of a country. It seems she's still a poisonous Ako!


Han Qiu won't be soft-hearted because of this!


"Gag her mouth,"

Han Qiu directly instructed the soldiers.

He is not a man who can't walk when he sees beauty!

Although this slaughtering princess is a beautiful and exotic person.

but L

There is still a gap compared to my love, Princess Changle.”

Even compared to his maid, Yu Yunshang, it is slightly inferior!


The Tulu Princess who was gagged by the sackcloth kept swallowing at Han Qiuming

As if to say something.

But Han Qiu is not interested to continue listening⊥

He directly waved to the soldiers to take her down and imprisoned!

Before leaving, he still looked at Han Qiu with admiration. He couldn't look away.

Han Qiu rubbed. Rubbed his head, feeling a little headache 1

He was in love with a woman who was yelling at him.

Just one shot and you're done!

Where is the need for so much trouble!

at this time 1

Although the two

Both belong to the enemy country, but she has no hostility towards herself at all!

And x adore himself so much


Shake the head L to expel distractions from the brain

Immediately, his eyes fell on Li Yingwan, who had disheveled hair.

The eyes are a little complicated.

This is the first time that Han Qiu has officially met her face to face since she crossed over.

Intuitively ignored

Han Miao didn't want to face her. i don't know how to face her either.

If the girl of the average family is good, it’s fine to break off the marriage directly⊥

From now on, the road goes up to the sky, go each side

but on

But she is Li Jing's daughter!

Li Jing took in him and supported himself when his parents died!

This kindness is very strong, very thick!

So L

The marriage contract between the two has been dragging on, Han Qiu did not take the initiative to withdraw, and Li Yingwan did not mention it again.

Even after Han Qiu and Chang Le get married

Marry her.Han Qiumai couldn't reach the hurdle in his heart.

Don't marry her. I'm sorry for Li Jing's kindness to him.

So Han Qiu feels in a dilemma!

He has been avoiding facing Li Ying


It's finally right today

on ⊥

The surrounding soldiers were sweeping the battlefield.Capture weapons and hold prisoners.

No one made the first sound

Just looking at each other so quietly

Li Yingwan's eyes contained panic and nervousness.Surprise, panic, self-blame and remorse”

There was helplessness in Han Mi's eyes.Dodge.And a little bit of resentment.”

Biyi L

That memory was deeply engraved in his mind.",

The trampled dignity of men is not so easily forgotten

Both eyes are full of complexity

"You're not hurt are you?"

"You're not hurt are you?"

Speak out.

Both were stunned.

I didn't expect the other party to say exactly the same thing!

But the difference is that Li Yingwan cares from the heart.

And Han Qiu just greeted him politely because of Li Jing's relationship.

But 1

This is enough to make Li Yingwan, who has been ignored by Han Qiu for a long time, full of excitement!

Originally, her frosty face melted instantly!

Smile as bright as a spring flower

its to

There are tears in the eyes

just a sound

insignificant off

But it made Li Yingwan feel an unparalleled happiness in her heart!

He looked at Li Yingwan speechlessly

It's just a sentence, you shouldn't be so excited, right?⊥

Still crying?⊥

Han Mi was a little puzzled.

He will never understand the feeling that Shui Jiu is ignored by others

Don't say it's small.

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