Han Qiu looked at Qin Qiong and asked.

"of course not!."

"How can the old man lead the whole army with such a loss?"

"From today onwards, this old man will be a pawn under the champion Hou."

"Let L be dispatched

Qin Qiong said with a look of guilt.

Even if Han Qiu didn't say it, he would hand over the right to send troops directly.Bingquan, Cheng Yaojin and the others are also loose.

If Qin Qiong is not willing to pay, they will

I really don't know what to do!.?

On the one hand, they are good brothers who have been on the battlefield together for many years.

On the other hand, the invincible myth of the Tang Dynasty

Qin Qiong should be supported in terms of affection, but Han Qiu must be supported in principle!

Fortunately, Qin Qiong is very refreshing

"it is good!"

"I declare!'.

"I am the commander-in-chief of all of you from now on!"

"It will definitely lead you to break through the northern desert king city and sweep the northern desert grassland"

"Lead you to greatness

Tang Tuo's ten-thousand-thousand-turned-off-the-fail-to-establish meritorious deeds! '

Han Qiu's voice is like Hong Zhong-

The heart beats faster and the blood boils in all Tang Jun's little hearts

What is their purpose in joining the army?

It's not just to make a fortune.Defend the country!


There is a man who can lead them to achieve. How can they not be excited!

"Champion Hou Weiwu 1. Swear to follow Jun Hou!" A soldier suddenly raised his arms and shouted excitedly.


Like a lit dynamite-z!

Countless people responded to L

"Champion Hou Weiwu 1. Swear to follow the champion Hou Shang"

"Champion Hou Weiwu vowed to follow


"Champion Hou is mighty _ vow to follow champion Hou"

Everyone is using all their strength to shout!

The sound is deafening!

The momentum is overwhelming!

There was a frenzy of adoration on everyone's faces."

Even Chen Yaojin.Yu Chi Gong and other generals also joined in involuntarily!

this moment

Han Qiu is like a god!

enjoying the devout worship of believers

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six Repay the Body of the People with the Way of the People! 【6/6 for full order and custom】

Defeat the Beimo army and take over Qin Qiong's military power.

Han Qiu directly led the Tai Army into Muyang City.

Let the Taijun rest here-

Inside the tower hall.

Han Mi was staring at the huge map in front of him in a daze.

To the north of the Tang Dynasty was the kingdom of Kongjuewang that had been destroyed.

The west of it is Beimo, which is now at war with him.

To the north is the Xueyantuo Khanate under the control of Jiuxing Xianle.

The land area of ​​Xueyantuowang is no smaller than that of the Turkic Khanate.

The shores of Lake Baikal have been their territory.

It's just that the extreme north is bigger than the cold

They are mainly active on the steppe bordering the Turkic Wang Kingdom.


The Turkic Khanate has become a part of the Tang Dynasty and directly borders the Xueyantuo Khanate.

Han Qiu doesn't believe that Xue Yantuohe is indifferent?"

Going further west from Beimo, you will reach Gaochang, Qiuci, Shule, Yanqi and other countries in the Western Regions.

Looking at the map in front of him, Han Qiu pondered for a long time.

Gradually, a heart-pounding look appeared in his eyes!

After the army rests.

Han Mi directly led the 28 Taijun into the grassland.


Attack on the military location in the North Desert.. Jinlingguan

This pass can almost be said to be the gate of the North Desert!

As long as Jinlingguan is opened, it is equivalent to opening the door of Beimo!

Congjinling Pass can drive straight to Beimogan City!

The guardian of Jinlingguan is no one else!

It is the ancestral car of the Marshal of the Northern Desert Army

This man also has some means of using soldiers.

Back up around the point before. _ Then deliberately let them out for help.

Finally, let people be ambushed on the only way for the Tang army to ambush!

If the reinforcements of the Tang Dynasty were not led by Han Qiu this time.

Then it is very likely that he has been caught in the scheme of Zu Wheel.

Consequence 1

That's unimaginable L


There is no such person in the world if L is Han Qiu.

All intrigues and intrigues are useless under his overwhelming strength and demon-like intelligence

Not only damaged the first wife of Bei Mo

and L

Also lost [-] soldiers and horses!

It's really a loss

Playing tricks in front of Han Qiu, Zu Wheel is not qualified!

Jinling closes.

Zu Wheel looked ugly at the Tang soldiers who surrounded them.


The scene is so familiar!

prior to.

Isn't he the one who sent people to besiege Muyang City that looks like I?

Now it's his ancestor's turn!

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