Zhong Limei is naturally not showing weakness

One command ⊥

Behind him, the Wei Wu army composed of Wei Wu pawns smashed out L.

Although infantry versus cavalry!

But don't be afraid!


Cavalry and infantry collide!

Both purchases hurt!

Xue Yantuo's cavalry was knocked over.

The heavy armoured infantry of the Wei Wu army were also

Wei Wuxin still did not fall into the elite camp.

But 1

Being able to fight against cavalry in the form of infantry is also enough to show their extraordinary strength!

"Chong Chong Di!"

"Push me hard!"

"Break the barrier. Back to the prairie!

Zhenzhu Keqian loudly ordered Xue Yantuo's ten soldiers.

Although his voice is too much!

but L

The words are so eloquent!

Abandoning so much energy is to break through the barrier and return to the grassland!

once Upon a time.

They were shouting slogans. "Attack Datang and unify the grasslands!"

In the blink of an eye, it turned into breaking through the barriers and returning to the grasslands 2

That's the best voice to say

One of the bushes!

His ambitions had long since vanished under the attack of Wu Shun's (aoi) ambush.

The thing he most wants to do now is to be able to return to his country as soon as possible, to his dry city


The champion Hou of Datang is really terrible⊥

From head to tail, he was defeated without even seeing his people.”

And the defeat is very complete L

This is the real trick to strategizing more than a thousand miles away!

I'm not wrong at all

Jinzhu Khan always feels like he is in Korea

The tricked round turns L

Under the onslaught of Xue Yantuo's army, Zhong Gaomei did not order the Wei Wu army to resist desperately.

This is Han Qiu's order L

Before leaving, Han Qiu told them all A. Don't fight L recklessly

Take a step-by-step cannibalization approach!

Once @ twice he doesn't feel the loss

Five times, six times, and eight times, he knew the pain was 1

I just can't notice that it's consumed so quickly, little by little.I don't know how he died

Zhong Limei looked at the countless corpses left behind,

Zhenzhu Khan, who ran away, couldn't help showing a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

Ha ha!

Do you really think you can escape?

Breaking through Zhong Limei's ambush, Zhenzhu Khan ran wildly all the way.

I dare not eat rice, dare not drink water,

Run straight, keep getting lost

Erlian ran to the death of three horses before returning to the realm of the capital of the Xueyantuo Khanate.A smile appeared on Khan's tense face.



Finally, you don't have to worry about ambushes anymore, but L

Think of the ginger wine delicacies in the royal city, the sweet wife and concubine.

Pearl Khan's face was full of excitement

Going to attack Datang this time is like a nightmare for him!

At the end of the [-] Taijun, only a mere [-] people were left with him.

Tucheng went to [-]%!

Can not be a heavy loss l

There are no three or five years and time is hard to recover!

Zhenzhu Ke Wang Zema walked to the gate of the city_ Shouting e to the city

"Open the city gate L."

"I'm back L_"

It was not cheers that greeted him!

But a dense rain of arrows!

He was so frightened that he stepped back again and again.. his face was shocked.

"I'm really

Bead Khan!"

"What do you do? 1,"

"Want to rebel?,"

Zhenzhu Khan loudly confronted the soldiers on the city tower.

"Zhizhu Khan. I'm sorry

"Starting today. This city is the territory of the Tang Dynasty!"

A figure suddenly appeared in Xue Yantuo's royal city.

Wearing ten sea dragon armor L

Holding the Destroyer Spear"


Domineering Warriors 1

Not Han Qiu and who else 21

Beside him are Li Yingwan and Qin.Cheng Yaojin, Yuchigong and other generals.

This city was already taken by Han Qiu when Zhenzhu Khan attacked the Tang Dynasty.

Looking at Han Qiu's body in the city

Zhenzhu Kewang suddenly felt his head buzzing

There was only one thought in my mind.

Convex(Ai dish#) 11_,

My house was stolen? January ticket, evaluation ticket, automatic subscription! Thank you for your great support" (1-_


Chapter 1 The end of the road!Han Qiu's ambition! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】

Shocked and apprehensive!



Zhenzhu Khan rode a horse and stood under the tower with a face of embarrassment.

I feel totally stupid!

I am Nima!

I worked hard to run hundreds of thousands of miles from the path of the mountain.

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