Grunt L

Zhenzhu Khan looked at Han Qiu who was close at hand and swallowed hard⊥

eyes full of fear

body trembling with fear

He felt a strong smell of death

"Do not kill me!

"I _ would like to come down!"

"Xueyantuo Khanate is willing to become a subsidiary state of the Tang Dynasty forever, paying tribute every year, and coming to the dynasty every year."

Zhenzhu Khan said tremblingly, his voice was full of deep fear.

When the time of death is about to come!

Zhenzhu Khan also cast aside the dignity of the Khan of a country and directly begged to Han Mi!

but L

How could Mi Han agree?!

Why should Xue 3 Yantuo Khanate become

Tang's vassal state?

Make it directly into the territory of the Tang Dynasty

What do you keep the king for?

Until the future is stronger

Han Qiu is not stupid!

How could he do such a coin-splitting thing?”

"It's useless to say more"

"Today you must die!"

"For the sake of you being the lord of a country, I will give you a decent way to die!

"Go ahead and kill yourself"


Qiu said to Zhenzhu Khan.It can be regarded as an open-face to him.

"Since, all?"_,

Looking at Han Qiu's determined eyes, Zhenzhu Khan knew that he would never escape his death."

With trembling hands, he pulled out the machete from his waist.

but on

But it's too late to let go L

no one wants to die

Zhenzhu Kewang is no exception!

Last L

His eyes turned fierce, and he rushed towards Han Qiu with a machete.

"Ah ah ah go up".

"you die for me"

He is fighting for the last very slim chance of survival!

but L

This is undoubtedly a mayfly shaking the tree, seeking its own death!

"Humph! I don't know what it means"

The cold festival comes first⊥

Gun shoots like a dragon"

Dang Na L

The machete in Pearl Kewang's hand was knocked directly by Han Qiu

The spear slid across his neck with unrelenting power!,

A good wife's head soars into the sky

The red blood spilled into the blue sky

Falling down without a big body L

Blood stained the lawn

A generation of prairie heroes will fall to their graves |

It also announced the demise of the huge Xueyantuo Khanate.

A grassland empire destroyed by Han Qiu!

After beheading Zhenzhu Khan, Han Qiu jumped off the snow-treading owl.

Looking at this - the boundless blue lake L

If Han Qiu remembers correctly, this should be Lake Baikal in later generations.

Only this lake in the entire north can have such a huge area!

Just like an ocean - like!

It really deserves to be called the world's deepest, the largest freshwater lake in Asia and Europe by later generations.

really spectacular L

It not only has a very magnificent scenery but also has a lot of aquatic products. This lake alone can feed countless people!

But 1

Start from this moment!

Everything here belongs to the Tang Dynasty

I do not know how long it has been.

rumbling L

There was a sound of hoofs behind him.

Han Qiu looked back and saw that it was Tai Tang's troops chasing the remnants of Xue Yanyuan.

They are here too!

"Pearl Khan is dead".

"Don't kill when you land!"

Han Mi raised the head of Zhenzhu Khan with the broken formation gun in his hand.He shouted loudly at the Xue Yantuo soldiers who were still resisting.

Those Xue Yantuo soldiers lost their fighting spirit instantly when they saw the head of their khan!

All stand still!

Some can't believe it!

their khan .. dead L_

The death of Pearl Khan directly shattered their beliefs."

Where, there is still the mind to resist? 1

Almost all chose to surrender.

Only a few stubbornly resisting Shiyue were ordered to be executed by Han Qiu!

Since you don't want to drop l

Then cover with your Kewang

"Ladies and gentlemen 1."

"Pearl Khan is dead"

"Xueyantuo Khanate has been destroyed!"

"We won 1_"

"From now on, this land belongs to our Taitang's collar+!"

"You are all the heroes of Kaijiang Tuoshi, and you are all heroes of the Tang Dynasty."

Han Qiu's voice resounded throughout Bega

Hearing the passion of all the generals of the Tang Dynasty.passionate"

especially those ordinary soldiers

I was even more moved by Han Qiu's words.

We are heroes!

We are heroes!

They never thought that such a tall word would be used on their bodies

In the midst of the war, what they have is nothing but cannon fodder!

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