It is nothing more than wanting to get closer to him_ to ensure his position as the prince.

It's just that he is very afraid of the power in Han Qiu's hands.Worried that after he ascended the throne, Han Mi would threaten his imperial power.

after all!

Not everyone can be as generous as Li Er.Can you allow a side-by-side king with the same status as yourself to exist?

Aware of Prince Li Chengqian's caution

Han Mi smiled disdainfully.

Child, you think too much"

There's no way you're going to be on the throne

As a person who has passed through. Although Han Qiu does not know much about the history of the Tang Dynasty

But some basic knowledge is still known.

Neither the crown prince Li Chengqian nor the much-loved Wei Gan Li Tai, nor Li Kejin, known as the virtuous king, were on the throne.

In the end, the throne of Taitang fell to the most inconspicuous ninth prince, Li Zhi.


Also known as Tang Gaozong

After the crown prince Li Chengqian, Li Tai, the king of the Wei Dynasty, was not to be outdone.

Holding a glass of wine, he walked to Han Qiu and bowed, his attitude was obviously much more respectful than Li Chengqian's.

After all L

Li Chengqian as the prince. , still has the arrogance of the prince!

"Being side by side with Wang Shixian's name is the best in Chang'an, Qingque has loved poetry and poetry since childhood, and has admired it for a long time._[!"

"Side by side with His Royal Highness every poem, every word. Qingque has read it!"

"Among them, "Man Jiang Hong" is generous and heroic. "Shui Tiao Song Head" is optimistic and broad-minded. "Will Enter the Wine"

The majesty and grandeur are the most memorable for Qingque.”

"Qing Que hopes to be able to learn poetry and songs under the king's side. I hope it will be completed!"

Li Tai, the king of Wei, directly -: I will worship to the end.Respectfully said e

Han Qiu raised his head and glanced at King Wei Li Tai in surprise.

He had to say there was something in his hand.

He directly borrowed the name of Han Qiu's poetic immortal and asked to worship him.

If it can be successful, then the two must be bound together.

At that time, everyone will think that Han Qiu is a supporter of Li Tai

snack plan 1

Worthy of

He is the one who can force the prince to rebel.

Li Tai's move caught Li Chengqian next to him off guard, and he was also a little anxious.

Never thought that Li Tai would directly choose to apprentice Han Qiu!

this moment.

Everyone put down the wine glasses in their hands and looked at Han Qiu.

How will he decide?

"Qing Que has loved poetry since childhood, and the champion Hou is my Tang Dynasty's 'poetry fairy', why don't you just accept Qing Que!'

Han Qiu didn't speak.It was Li Er who spoke first⊥

All the ministers looked at Li Er in unison.

Moonlight is a little surprised

Everyone doesn't understand what Li Er means?

Could it be that the position of the crown prince is tilted to Li Tai, the king of Wei?

As a minister in the court, he is most sensitive to the emperor's words.

Especially this one involving the prince

If one is not handled well.On the wrong team"

That may fall into the abyss P⊥

Li Er's words instantly turned the originally lively banquet and sleeping room into silence!

The ministers are in shock, the crown prince Li Chengqian is anxious, and the Wei king Li Tai is ecstatic.

Everyone's expressions are different

Han Mi took all the performances of the A's in his eyes.

The mouth fish rose slightly.I looked at Li Er-yan on the high platform.Showing an intriguing smile.

Han Qiu saw through Li Er's mind at a glance.

Although Li Chengqian is not so out of the ordinary now.But no principled error has been committed.

In addition, Li's love for him is not dumb at all, and it can abolish his position as the prince.

The reason why he did this was to stimulate Li Chengqian.spur him!

Let him understand that his position may be lost at any time, and if he wants to keep his position, then he must become better

Li Er nodded and smiled when he saw Han Qiu's knowing smile.

He naturally knew that his thoughts could not be concealed from Han Qiu, who was as smart as a demon.

As Han Qiu thought, Li Er did this to spur Li Chengqian!

Seeing this, Han Qiu completely disagreed."

Although Li Er's starting point is good, L wants to make Li Chengqian better


He doesn't think so, Li Tai doesn't think so either.. Even other princes (Qian Li Zhao) don't think so."

To do so is to undermine Li Chengqian's confidence.

At the same time, it brings infinite hope to Li Tai and other princes

Nourish the mountain of ambition in their hearts for the throne of the emperor

Last L

It will only lead to the scene of brothers fighting against each other!,

But 1

This is just Li Er's family affairs. Han Qiu naturally has no right to intervene and does not want to intervene!

He just has to be himself

It doesn't matter whether it's Li Ye ascending the throne in the future, or it doesn't matter if the butterfly flaps its wings and causes deviations."

As long as you don't provoke Zi 3, you'll be fine!


Han Qiu doesn't mind flipping him or

Too bad to support Changle as the queen!

Have strength!

That's the confidence!

Just so fearless!

ps: The third more. Ask for flowers.And votes, evaluation votes, automatic subscription, thank you for your great support (2-3-)_2⊥_Full-text version of the novel"_(1ajiwng888),

Support Fei Lu) original work one, __Enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 4 The weight of Han Qiu!A word that touches people's hearts! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】

Facing the expectations of King Wei Li Tai

Facing the anxiety of Prince Li Chengqian!

Facing the surprise of the civil and military officials

Han Qiu was in no hurry and handed the white jade wine cup to his mouth.drink it all

"His Royal Highness King Wei is talented and talented. How can he be the teacher of King Wei when he has little knowledge and knowledge?"

"It's better to ask your Highness to ask Gao Ming.

Han Qiu put down the wine glass and refused directly.

He didn't want to get involved in the mess of the royal family.

When I have this time, I will go to the mountains and water with my beautiful wife. I have nothing to discuss about my ideals in life. Isn't he fragrant! 2

Han Mi said this - come out.

The mood of the two people changed greatly in an instant.

Wei Wang Li Tai, who was originally excited and looking forward to it, became very disappointed.

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