Han Mi naturally will not refuse!

Han Qiu won't move any of these things, he will keep them for his children

When he's too old, give it all to him!

just now.

Han Qiu does nothing!

Staying at home with Changle all day _ checking her pulse every day. Become her personal nursing doctor.

For Han Qiu, Changle is now a national treasure.

It's really afraid of falling in my hand.

Fear of melting in the mouth.Han Qiu shivered three times with fright!

no way

Who let Changle still live in the body

What about the fragile little one?

Changle after lunch is taking a walk

Han Qiu followed closely.Holding her shoulders, L kept an eye on Chang Le's movements.

Afraid of falling.how did it fall?

Seeing Han Qiu's nervous appearance, Chang Le was both happy and funny.

I didn't expect that Han Qiu, who was always -z the wind was light, would become so tight.

If people from the outside world can see Han Qiu who is all-powerful on the battlefield. , now becoming so cautious.neurotic

I'm afraid you'll drop your jaw in shock?

"Go-kun. Don't be so nervous, be careful!"


"The concubine's body is not on paper."

Chang Le looked at Han Qiu, who was always holding his shoulders beside him, and said e

"That won't work!"

"You are not alone anymore, Ugly!⊥"

Aa Jia, be careful!"

"Don't be afraid of one-ten thousand, but be afraid of ten thousand-!"

"If it's really because of my negligence that you have any trouble, there's no place to cry!"''

Han Qiu said with a serious face, his expression full of caution!

Chang Le nodded lightly.

Han Qiu is right, just be careful.

time slowly elapses

Chang Le's flat belly is also bulging.

A small life is thriving in it."

It was midsummer at this time.

Chang'an in August is like a furnace.Incredibly hot!

Even with the constant cooling fan in the house, the place is still unbearably hot!

This is the evil of ancient times.”

No fan. No air conditioner!

In the face of this scorching high temperature can only endure.

Very hard work!

"Changle, how are you feeling now?"

"The weather is so hot, you must pay more attention to rest!"


"Drink more mung bean soup to cool down and relieve the heat."

"You are two now!

Empress Zhangsun took her daughter's hand and warned.

Ever since she learned that Chang Le was pregnant, Empress Changsun had come to check on her daughter almost every once in a while.

Now the weather continues to be hot. Queen Changsun has come more diligently.

I am afraid that my daughter will suffer from heat stroke.

"Don't worry, mother, I'm fine!

"Just for a while, let's endure it and let it pass"

Chang Le looked sweaty.Some breathlessly said.

Even if there is a maid fanning the wind all the time, it is still hot!

Ancient costumes are not as cool as modern ones, they can show arms and legs

Even in summer.It is still this long skirt that wraps the whole body.

It's just that the fabric is thinner than winter.

Wear this long skirt in summer.How could it not be hot? 1

"By the way, what about Han Qiu?"

"Why don't you see him by your side?

Empress Zhangsun did not see Han Qiu anywhere.Some dissatisfied said 0._

"Go-kun was afraid that I couldn't bear the heat, so I went outside to make ice!"

"Wait until the Qujun ice cubes are made successfully.

Don't be so hot

Chang Le said happily.

△The happiest thing in life is to have someone who loves you so much, for fear that you will be wronged!

"Ice making?!"

"Changle, are you joking?

"It's the height of summer."

"The weather is so hot. How could it be made into ice?"

"Unless there will be a miracle!"

"Otherwise it is impossible!"

Empress Changsun didn't believe it at all.


Frozen summer!

This is simply impossible

"No, Queen Mother!".

"Since Go-Jun said he can make ice, then it will definitely be successful."

Chang Le said with a firm face.

She believes that her husband, her lover, will not lie to her!

Even if it's something that sounds very far-fetched. Impossible to happen

"Oh my stupid daughter!"

"How is it possible that the summer turns into ice?"

Empress Changsun sighed, wondering what happened to her daughter?

Why so firmly believe in something that simply cannot happen?


At the moment when the eldest grandson 4.8 queen doubts_"

Suddenly feel a cold air from behind

Makes her hot body instantly cool.”

It's just so comfortable!

Take a look back!

Immediately stand on the spot!

A pair of beautiful eyes revealed a thick incredible color!

The wife's shock is written on the two mature pretty faces"_!

incredible l


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