Just wait for the water level to drop, cross the Liaoshui and attack the hinterland of Taitang.

Anzhou City Tower.

Goguryeo Marshal Gao Yanshou was looking at the Tang Dynasty in the west across the I water.

eyes full of greed"

"Marshal, is this Tang Dynasty too weak?⊥"

"In less than a month, we have accidentally captured several cities in a row.

"It seems that the Taitang of the Central Plains has nothing to do with the previous court?

"It's all the same weak"

"So many cities have been captured. Still huddled in Yingzhou City, west of the Liaoshui River. Like a tortoise with a shrunken head."

It's not someone else who is talking, but his son Gao Huizhen is also called Gao Taili! v.

in Koshima Rei.

The two of them are famous.

- is the god of war of Go Xue Li. 4 Served the Tanjie tribe of the traveling ministers north of Gao Baoli.

One is the first general of Goshunryeo

People are born with supernatural powers when they are young, and they are extremely brave and can lift [-] catties of boulders with their bare hands!

Known by the people of Goguryeo as Hercules General L

During the battle between Goguryeo and the Xiejie clan, he killed several generals of the Hanjie clan with one face. He even killed the leader of the Xiejie clan!

Thus directly laid the victory of Goguryeo

"Son, don't take too much

Tang imagined so weak. "

"The reason they dare not come out is because their reinforcements haven't arrived yet.

"It's more than a thousand miles away from Chang'an in the Tai Tang Dynasty. Even with an [-]-mile rush horse, it will take three days to arrive at the battle instinctively, and I will definitely learn the lessons of the former Sui in the Central Plains."

"At least prepare an army of one million!"

"The time for them to assemble the Taijun. Plus the time to travel."

"There are not one or two and don't even think of reaching Liaodong!"

"What we have to do is to take advantage of this time to capture the Yingzhou City of Taitang in one go. Dingzhou City, occupy a favorable terrain."

"At that time, it will be like a follower before the defeat. It will defeat the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop, and thus lead the army to attack the Central Plains!"

"Let me get out of this remote mountainous area and enjoy the prosperity of the Central Plains"

Gao Yanshou said self-righteously with his son.

As if everything was under his control

His moonlight is full of arrogance and deep disdain for the Central Plains Tang Dynasty

It's as if he will be able to defeat the Tang Dynasty.

As everyone knows⊥

None of the things he analyzed were correct."

Gao Yanshou's understanding of the Central Plains was still in the Sui Dynasty.

I thought that the Tang Dynasty was at most similar to the Sui Dynasty.


don't know e

Datang has already had a god-like figure come_

Let Datang's national strength rise like a rocket!

Dreams are beautiful L

But reality is always cruel!

People are not enough to swallow elephants.

In the end, it was you who died 1

There is little rain in spring.

The water level of the river started to drop.

Gao Yanshou ordered the ten soldiers to pay close attention to the water level every day.

When the water level drops, the Daoist face will be the time when he orders an attack.. 1111

this day.

The sky is clear.

In the large tent of Gao Baoli

After Gao Yanshou and his son Gao Huizhen took Yingzhou, they attacked Chang

"Report two-"

"Reporting to Marshal Qi, the water level of the shoal of the Liaoshui has dropped by half a body!

A Colonel Gao Xunli walked in and excitedly reported to Gao Yanshouhui v

He knows exactly what that means!

This means that they can finally attack the Tang Dynasty.

Imagine the beauties and treasures all over the Central Plains.

The captain was so excited that he couldn't help himself⊥

When Gao Yanshou heard the words, he suddenly stood up and his eyes were different.

There is also an unspeakable excitement in the

"it is good!"

"The time has come."

"Son! Immediately assemble the Taijun to cross the Liaoshui from the shoal, and strive to win the Yingzhou and Dingzhou of the Tang Dynasty as quickly as possible!

Gao Yanshou shouted to his son.

"How can a bunch of weak Tang dogs make me too high for the opponents of the Baoli Dynasty!"

"Children will kill them to the point of crying father and mother. Kneel down and beg for surrender."

Gao Huizhen's voice was full of arrogance.Moonlight is full of deep contempt

In his opinion, all the people in the Central Plains are incompetent and weak!

The [-] Taijun Jinbei of Gao Baolitun came out in full force in Anzhou City!

Like dumplings, they all rushed to the shallows of Liaoshui!

There are wolf-like eyes in the eyes of every soldier.”

They seemed to have seen countless beauties and treasures in the Central Plains and then recruited them.


"Let my Taijun cross the Liaoshui and occupy Yingzhou. Dingzhou's attack on Taitang Chang'an is just around the corner."

Gao Yanshou stood on the bank of the Liaoshui River, watching the scene of the [-] troops quickly crossing the river, and he couldn't help laughing wildly.

He seemed to see the scene where he captured Chang'an and occupied the Tang Dynasty.


Boom! Small"

A thunderous bang exploded in his ears.

The earth is shaking

The air is stirring⊥

The river is boiling!

The shocking Gao Yanshou was deaf in both ears.The heart is trembling, the liver and gallbladder are split!

The calm Liaoshui instantly became turbulent, and water columns rose into the sky.It's like going straight to the sky!




His eyes stared at the sky above the water of the Liaoshui Du!

The earth-shattering loud noise still lingered in my ears for a long time and could not dissipate L

What the hell does this happen?

The fairy is angry.Is the punishment coming?

ps: The first update, ask for flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets. Thank you ladies for your support | (Gong-32) Lost _

Chapter 2: The first general of Koguryo?Spike! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】


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