"My Goguryeo: How powerful is the general?!"

"How could it be killed by COSCO Datang? Go"

"They're just a bunch of weak and incompetent people!"

"Thinking back to the time when the millions of troops of the Sui Dynasty were carried away by our great Goguryeo, _"One Thirty" could not be defeated!

"It's just a change of dynasty, how many years has it been?⊥."

"How can it be so powerful?!"

"Are they raising the country

strength to come

"Otherwise, how can I defeat my great Goburi?⊥"

"You are lying L you are lying!_"

"Come on, let me confuse me with this gossip and lie about the military situation. Quit and chop up the little ⊥⊥"

King Gobauri growled hysterically.

like a desperate beast

He said that he was going to quit the little eunuch who read the battle report and cut L.

In fact, he knew very well that it was true


It's him who is deceiving himself, can't believe it⊥

I'd rather kill the little eunuch than believe that the battle report is true L

In the feudal dynasties, human life is not straight, and the emperor does not need any excuse to kill you!

As the saying goes

"Your Majesty, spare your life⊥ Your Majesty, spare your life!

"Every sentence my minister said is true, and it's all written in the battle report!"

The little eunuch hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy

He didn't understand why he read it according to the battle report, why it became a lie. The army cleared L?

He didn't know that he had completely become the target of King Goguryeo's anger

"Your Majesty, please calm down!

"Since it's a battle report from the front

There must be no falsehood!"


"Lying about the military situation is a serious crime of looting and exterminating a family."

"For now, what we should discuss is how to solve the current problem!

Gao Xiangli, Yongxiang Ge Suwen, stood up and said.

Compared to King Goburi's panicky Yongshang Ge Suwen, he is much calmer.

He can also be regarded as a legend in Goguryeo.

After going through the three dynasties of Gao Baoli, the elder a

It can be said that a large part of the reason why Goguryeo can develop today is because of him.

Wu You Gao Yanshou, Wen You Ge Suwen

The two of them held up half of Gao Baoli's sky.

just now.

The sky on the side of Goguryeo has fallen

Ge Suwen understood that if he was panicking, he would definitely be in a mess.

Then Go Sunrye is really finished.”

In fact, he is also panicked in his heart⊥

The [-] Taijun was completely wiped out"

Marshal, kill all the generals!

Down ten cities in one day"

Faced with this situation, how could he not panic?

But he didn't dare to show it for nothing.

Say without hesitation. , he is now the backbone of Go Sunryeo.”

Once _on, he fell.Gao Baoli will collapse

"Prime Minister L Prime Minister L What should we do? I

What should we do?"

The king of Ko Baoli didn't have any spare time to take care of the little eunuch.

He directly dragged his fat body and walked quickly to the Prime Minister Ge Suwen's side, holding his hand tightly.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw"

The eyes that looked at Ge Suwen were full of longing and hope!

In the heart of Goguryeo, if there is still one person who can save Gojuryeo. , that must be Ge Suwen

after all!

He is someone who has experienced defeating one million Taijuns of the Sui Dynasty in the Central Plains!

"Don't be in a hurry, Your Majesty"

"The old minister must do everything in his power to defeat the Tang army."

"Let's go. All we need to do is understand the situation. Stay calm and don't let yourself get distracted! 1_

Ge Suwen tried his best to keep his composure.

However, judging from his slightly trembling voice, his heart is far less calm than his surface.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"The Prime Minister said yes!"

The King of Goguryeo kept nodding like a chicken pecking at K-, but he didn't notice the arrogance just now.

Then he turned around and said sharply to the frightened and shivering little eunuch.

"You bastard rolled over here! The prime minister asked you to tell the truth!


"The widow must have chopped off your dog's head

The little eunuch felt like a pardon

He hurriedly ran over and knelt beside Ge Suwen, knowing that he had nothing to say!"

Ge Suwen nodded, "Let me come to you, where is Tang Jun now? How many people are there? One million or two million"

"Back to Prime Minister, back to His Majesty!"

"And the former Tang army has captured Maigu City and is resting!"

"As for the number of people...only [-] gold⊥"

The little eunuch looked at the Goguryeo king and the prime minister and said weakly 0__

"What? 11!'

"More than [-] people? LL!"

Yongshang Ge Suwen's voice suddenly increased by 1 decibels [-]

The calm on the face can no longer be maintained

A pair of squinted old eyes instantly stared even more than a bull's eye!

The mouth is open to almost fit a fist L

"Are you.. sure it's [-] and _ is it West Million?!"

"If you dare to lie, you must be slaughtered!".

Prime Minister Ge Suwen shivered and said with a trembling voice L

extremely frightened"

extremely incredible

"Return to Chengxiang. It's absolutely true!"


"There are really only more than [-] Tang troops on the front line!"

"All the generals saw it with their own eyes."

The little eunuch's affirmative answer was like a sharp knife piercing the hearts of the King of Goguryeo and Yongsang.

It seems like it's about to stop

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