"Master Yuan why we have already arrived in the capital of Gao Xunli, why can't we do it?

"Directly use the red book to open their city gates directly. Go directly into the city to kill the king of Ko Baoli, won't it be over soon 2!"

The grumpy Gao Chong asked Han Qiu in confusion.

Why is it that Gao Baoli's capital is right in front of her eyes, yet her own marshal is still indifferent?

"It's easy to win Goguryeo's jade."

"But this will scare the other Uokawa away."

Han Mi said quietly

The more mature and handsome face suddenly showed a mysterious smile that was enough to make girls all over the world fall for it.

Li Yingwan, who was sitting not far from Han Qiu, blushed for a while.

She finds herself

The resistance of the secret is really: it is getting lower and lower.

Just a smile can make her blush blush.

She is the only one in Han Qiuhu's palace

Not a warrior who fuses heroic souls.

As early as a few years ago, he joined the Huguofu through Li Jing's relationship.

But this is also Han Qiu's acquiescence.


Even with Li Er's relationship, she

It was only after Li Yingwan joined the Huguofu that she could truly appreciate the power of Han Qiu. ,

At the same time, his infatuation with Han Qiu is getting deeper and deeper,

More and more determined to follow Han Mi's side

Li Wan, who was convinced by Han Qiu's charm, could no longer hold any man in her eyes⊥

When Li Yingwan was convinced by Han Qiu's smile

A series of question marks appeared on the heads of the generals.

other fish??3

For a while, I couldn't understand what Han Qiu meant.

all of a sudden

Li Yingwan's pupils shrank suddenly.

An incredible color appeared on her beautiful face for a short time!

"Marshal, what you want is... the whole of Liaodong 2!" Li Yingwan said in a trembling voice.

"Hehe, .. as expected of the daughter of Duke Wei, she is smart!" Han

Qiu Hehe smiled, showing a look of approval.

Li Yingwan lowered her head a little shyly, and looked excited.

Like a little girl who gets candy

To be able to get Han Qiu's praise, that's quite an easy thing.

What's more, he is the person he has always admired and admired the most."

Han Qiu's words undoubtedly showed his intentions.

Where is his goal just - a Goguryeo L


The entire Liaodong area

"Marshal, do you mean that Shilla is coming back to attack us? How could they have the guts to tease our tiger whiskers?" Zhang Xian asked.Zhang Xian's mind is still very flexible.

""" If it was normal, they naturally wouldn't dare. "

"What if Goguryeo promised to make a lot of money?

"Like.. the city!'_

"For a small country like Silla, the most important wealth is undoubtedly the city and population."

"If Goguryeo let them outflank our way at the expense of four or five cities."

"And... don't forget, Goguryeo conquered the Han Jie clan in the north before."

"Although the tribe is not very good, it is not a problem to make up a hundred thousand cavalry.

"Calculated by the national strength of Silla, about [-] were dispatched.

Right almost.

"In addition to the [-] soldiers and horses of the Jade Capital of Goguryeo, there are a full [-] troops.

"This is almost the largest force that the entire Liaodong region can gather!"

"When the time comes, we will be attacked back and forth, won't we become turtles in the urn?"

Han Qiu analyzed Dao e

If the King of Goshunryeo and the Prime Minister Ge Suwen heard Han Qiu's words, they would definitely feel shudder (are you) 1_

All in

All their actions were guessed by Han Qiu.”

No matter what it is, or the number of troops, all the routes passed are the same as what Han Qiu said!

As if to confirm Han Qiu's guess

"Report one-"

"Reporting to His Highness Yuan. Jinyiwei is here to report that the [-] Taijun of Silla has crossed the coast and reached the rear of our army!"

"The leader of the shoe sole tribe also led [-] cavalry to arrive at the royal capital of Goshunryeo, Santuli"

A Jin Yiwei wearing a flying fish suit with a knife through his hands walked into the tent and reported to Han Qiu.

All eyes of everyone suddenly turned to Han Qiuchuang_

Full of unparalleled admiration!

Just about to admire the five-body cast

Li Yingwan's eyes turned into peach hearts!,

The admiration and admiration for Han Qiu in the beautiful eyes almost overflowed the eyes


everything 1

It's exactly as Han Qiu said!

This is simply a godlike man⊥

ps: The third update, asking for flowers. Daily tickets, evaluation tickets.Thank you for your support 1


Chapter 4 A Gang of Tie Hanhan! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】

- "It turns out so"

"The reason why the marshal stayed put is to attract all the forces in Liaodong and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

at this time.

Everyone suddenly realized a

They all understood Han Qiu's intentions!

Everyone's admiration for Han Qiu has reached its peak.

Lead the enemy army of [-] with [-] troops⊥

Such courage is unmatched!

This conspiracy is as deep as the ocean!

Everyone could not help but silently feel sad for the people in the Liaodong area.

They thought that Han Qiu was already the turtle in the urn.

As everyone knows. .

They are not turtles waiting.but

A ferocious dragon!

Goburi Palace.

"Your Majesty Qizhen, Silla's army of [-] people has crossed the strait to the rear of the Tang army."

"The Tuwantai Army of the Shoe Clan has also arrived not far outside the King City of Gaoxunli.

"Your Majesty, everyone from all walks of life has arrived, and our chance to fight back has come."

"And the people from the Tang Dynasty didn't notice it at all, and they were still stationed outside the Goguryeo Jade City.

"All Taijuns are dispatched together!"

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