All madly rushed towards Han Qiu and the others

Han Mi led his troops to flee all the way.

Countless armies are chasing at the rear!

Looking at the coalition forces in the rear who cannot pursue gold.Han Mi, who was 'running away', suddenly showed a disdainful smile.


A bunch of idiots!

This is about to be your last happy moment in the world!


The coalition forces chased the mountains of Liaodong

There are beautiful mountains everywhere

With such a large army, it is often inconvenient to move.

On the contrary, Han Qiu and the others are small and nimble.

The distance between the two armies gradually widened.

"Come on"


"Don't let Tang Jun go!"

The men and horses of Goguryeo in the rear can be said to hate Han Qiu to the core. They are completely chasing the popularity.

However, on

while they were chasing

Boom boom boom|⊥⊥

There was a deafening roar on both sides of the mountain stream.

fire rice

Smoke is spreading!

Countless Kobori soldiers were blown up into the sky in an instant

Flesh and blood



Gao Baoli, the Silla coalition was instantly scared to pee⊥

Especially the native soldiers of Silla, who had never seen the might of artillery, almost fell to their knees!

Lying slot (February 2) 2ll_

what the hell is this 3

Is God angry? 31

Mama is so scary⊥

I want to go home⊥

ps: Fourth, ask for flowers. Monthly ticket, evaluation ticket.Thank you for your support 1_

Chapter 5 Bombard the coalition, chase and kill, but be chased and killed! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】

Countless Ten Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have appeared on both sides of the hillside.

There is a majestic tiger squat gun in front of every ten soldiers!

The dark muzzle exudes a terrifying aura.”

It was the first battalion of the Shenji Camp under the command of Han Qiuhu Guofu.

The red-clothed cannon is too heavy and is not suitable for Wen Yi's mountain combat.

The lightweight tiger squat gun is different.

A ten soldier can move.

It is very convenient to carry.

Han Qiu had the Shenji Battalion - soldiers carrying tiger squat - guns ambush on the side of the mountain early

And he himself is the enemy.

Gao Baoli already hated Han Qiu, and it was impossible to let go of this opportunity.

They thought Han Qiu was afraid⊥

Think Han Qiu is really running away!


They desperately pursued to kill Han Qiu and wanted to avenge Xue Hate!

but on

Everything is just what they take for granted

All their actions were expected by Han Qiu.

Why escape.

Just to get them through

All the Goguryeo-Silla coalition forces stopped when they heard the thunderous explosions.

terrified expression 1

body scared


Some timid people even tremble in the hands holding the weapon!

The Shenji Camp on the hillside did not stop attacking because of the fear of their Kobauri coalition.

After the new round of shells is loaded, immediately point people to lead, and launch an indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaoxunli Silla coalition in the mountain stream⊥

Boom Boom L1⊥

The artillery roared

Eleven pieces of mud burst L

Enemies die one by one

Countless warhorses were frightened and did not stop at all: Shi Pong commanded them and began to run wildly.

Countless people were killed and wounded by trampling the chaos of the entire Taijun army." These coalition forces were powerless to fight back.

The tens of thousands of Taijuns were crowded into the mountain stream at a loss!

Completely become a living target of Shenji Camp

No need to aim for L at all

If it's a hit, it will blow up.

The number of coalition forces is dwindling at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The worms of the mountain stream are full of stumps and broken arms.There is no complete sun body.

extraordinarily tragic

It's like hell on earth!

This terrifying second act kept stimulating the nerves of the Goguryeo-Silla coalition.

There was an unspeakable fear in his eyes.

My heart is gradually breaking down

"Ah ah

Ah, I can't take it anymore

Finally someone couldn't take it away like crazy

Chapter 6: The Destruction of Koguryo [6/[-]]

shock l



King Goburi was completely stunned

Staring blankly at the scene where the Goguryeo and Silla coalition forces were chased and killed in the distance

Can't believe this is true!

how is this possible? on

Didn't the [-] coalition go after Tang Jun?⊥

How did you get chased back?l

What's the matter with this...?⊥

Not only Goguryeo, but even the always calm Prime Minister Ge Suwen was stunned.

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