Coupled with Han Qiu's unique temperament.

Like standing out from the crowd, people can see it at a glance.I can't take my eyes off at all

"It's Daddy!"

."It's go-kun!"

The mother and daughter spoke at the same time and looked at each other.You can see the joy in each other's eyes.

At the moment when Han Qiu appeared.

The people who were originally quiet on both sides of the official road instantly boiled.

"Ahhh" ⊥! '

"It's Champion Hou L!'

"It is a word that stands shoulder to shoulder with Your Highness"

"His Royal Highness in armor is really handsome and charming!"

Countless people cheered for Han Qiu.

Especially those ladies and daughters who have always been infatuated with Han Qiu, they have never been married since the first time they saw her with a heart full of heart.

Since Han Qiu was named the champion Hou Guijing for the first time.

It's been six or seven years now

Many have been waiting.

Waiting for someone who can get in touch with Han Qiu.The chance to marry Han Qiu.


They are unlikely to be hopeful in this lifetime.

Because Han Qiu has never been the kind of amorous prodigal son.

All these years.

With his powerful position and appearance, what kind of woman do you want? 21

But there is always only Changle alone

Now there will be one more Li Yingwan.

Compared with the dignitaries who often have dozens or even dozens of wives and concubines.

Han Qiu is definitely a clear stream in the mudslide.

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless.

It's a pity for these beautiful young ladies. J

"Daddy⊥Daddy 1. I'm going to find Daddy!'

Seeing her father, Xiao Ruoxi was so excited that she couldn't help herself, and broke free from Chang Le's embrace.Jump off the carriage

Humans are small, but they are extremely agile and vigorous.

Han Qiu gave Ruoxi a bath with various precious herbs since she was a child. , keep fit

Although he is only three years old, his strength is definitely not small.

Xiao Ruoxi, who jumped out of the carriage, immediately ran to Han Qiu's side.

She really misses her dad so much⊥

Can't wait to be hugged and held high by Daddy Kettle

"Hey L Xier, slow down! Be careful to fall"

Changle not 61

7 I had no choice but to get off the carriage and chase Ruo

Changle, dressed in palace uniform, has limited mobility

Not suitable for running at all.

In two hours, he didn't catch up with the little baby Ruoxi.

With Han Qiu's eyesight, he naturally heard the call to him.I saw my daughter running towards her.

The handsome face couldn't help showing a smile of a loving father.

The young ladies on both sides of the official road suddenly screamed again.


No matter how they shout.Han Qiu didn't even look at them.

His eyes were all on his little princess.

Han Mi hurriedly jumped off the horse, opened his arms and held up his precious daughter, who was running towards him, in his arms.

"Does my good daughter have a daddy?" Han Qiuman said dotingly v

"Giggle~ Of course I think about it⊥ I think about it every day! I miss Xi'er! Hmmm"" Xiao Mengwa smiled cheerfully, her face full of excitement, and she sipped Han Qiu's face directly.

Chang Le also ran to Han Qiu's side out of breath.The smooth forehead was covered with fine sweat.

Too late to wipe, the same - head into Han Qiu's arms and express himself endlessly

A family of three hugging tightly

The scene is very warm.

Even the cheers from both sides of the official road disappeared.

Quietly staring at the happy family of three.

The eyes are full of deep envy and blessing!

ps: Sixth, ask for a monthly ticket for flowers and an evaluation ticket.Thank you for your support 1_


Chapter 1 Children are just accidents, parents are true love! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】


unparalleled envy L

Looking at Changle and Xi in Han Qiu's arms

The little sisters on both sides of the official road are almost envious of the separation of the material wall.”

That hug!

What a girl's dream!

If you let them choose in their hearts-

The happiest woman in Chang'an.

They will definitely choose Changle.

Even Empress Changsun is not as good as 3L

Even if the Queen Mother ceremonies the world.

There are still countless concubines in the emperor's harem.

The emperor can't come several times a month_I'm also an empty, lonely and cold woman

Changle is different.

As the concubine of Han Qiu, who is side by side with the king.That is, after drying.

The two characters are side by side and the king status is the same as the emperor

And her queen's status is naturally equivalent to the queen.

The most important thing is that Han Qiu has only her one-wife 1

This L

It is the most enviable place for the daughters of famous families in Chang'an.

There is beauty, talent, affection and power, fame and status.

Everything a woman fantasizes about.Han Qiu has all L

in their hearts.

Han Qiu is the most perfect man in the Tang Dynasty, there is no other-"

This is also the reason why everyone is so crazy every time they see Han Qiu.

This kind of perfect man is simply unique⊥

How can they not be envious. How can they not be crazy about it?⊥

Bathed in the moonlight of envy and hatred of everyone.

Han Qiu's family of three hugged tightly and enjoyed the joy after parting

Chang Le came out of Han Qiuhuaiyu with a red face.

after all"

And his behavior just now is really a bit rude. ,

but L

She really misses Han Qiu so much that she can't control her mountain.

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