After that, he will become the most elite group of people in the Tang Dynasty.

The power is absolutely enormous!


Prince Li Chengqian's motive is the strongest and most suspected!

Second.Li Tai, King of Wei.

The most powerful contender for the crown prince

The purpose is the same as that of Li Chengqian.

It is very likely to act alone, or it is very likely to join forces with Prince Li Chengqian to weaken Han Qiu's influence.

Its golden princes are also suspicious.It is even possible that Li Yi

But it remains to be seen who the real murderer is.

It is impossible to judge based on guesswork without evidence.

Han Mi just gave them a gradient according to the size of the suspects.

Prince Li Chengqian.Wei Yu and Li Tai are - a gradient of suspects.

The rest of the princes are people of the second gradient.

Li Er is the third gradient person.

Li Er can basically be ruled out.

unlikely e


In his heart for Han Qiu, he firmly believed that Han Qiu would never rebel.

He still has to rely on Han Mi to complete his dream of becoming an ancient emperor who surpassed Qin Huang and Han Wu, and has been immortalized for centuries.

If so.

Not only will it offend Han Qiu, but it will also chill the hearts of the founding generals.

Naturally, Li Er would not do such a self-destructing Sabi thing.


The suspicion is still on his princes.

These people who have the opportunity to ascend to the throne in the future are the ones who really have conflicts with Han Qiu.

They don't care about the founding generals, after the princes.

All they want is one (Wang Zhao Zhao)_

That is the supreme throne

The allure of this position is not surprising, even if it is brothers reading the wall, father and son cannibalism

Not to mention the founding generals, after the princes.”

Those who prevent them from ascending to the throne of God must be enemies.”

Of course, the enemy must be killed.

There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, only strong and weak!

Victory is right"

Lost purchase is wrong!

Only strength is king!

Han Qiu kept sighing in his heart.


In his eyes, there was a flash of coldness in his eyes!

I do not care who you are!

Since you dare to take action

Are you ready for my wrath? 2l

An extremely cold aura suddenly erupted from Han Qiu's body, breath."

Make everyone feel cold


Feel like falling into the ice cellar L

The blood all over his body seemed to be frozen.Thank you for supporting Yu⊥_


Chapter 6 Second child!Changle is happy again! 【[-] Seeking full order and custom】

Everyone looked at Han Qiu in unison.

It feels like Han Qiu is like a killing god awakened from a deep sleep!

Even Qin Qiong, the veterans of the battlefield, can't bear it!

Paled face!

Qin Qiong doesn't need anyone else.

Especially those who have ghosts at heart

Almost freaked out!

Don't look at Han Qiu's usual bat and gentleness.The appearance of a graceful gentleman.


He is - an uncompromising killer like character L

Han Mi has experienced dozens of battles since the time of crossing.

Thousands of enemies died at his hands

How can this kind of breath condensed with blood and bones not make people panic?

The breath was fleeting.

Everyone would feel as if they were dreaming if they didn't feel the sweat-soaked clothes behind them!

The eyes that looked at Han Qiu were full of deep fear.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen has to say goodbye first!

Han Qiu said to Li Er - he turned and left immediately.

The eyes of the ministers looking at Han Qiu's back were full of complexity.

Which one of you sitting here is not a person with all sides?

Today this event indicates that someone

I'm going to start shooting Han Qiu.

A storm gradually begins to cloud brew!

its to.__

This storm is related to Tai Tang's future

Chang'an, in two extremely secret rooms.

A slender black figure stood with its back against 873 and the screen.


"We failed on"

"None of the four little princes died.

One: A masked man in black knelt on the ground and said in a terrified voice.


"Not a single one died 13"


"Those guys are definitely not the opponents of the Tigers?⊥"

The figure behind the screen trembled suddenly, looking very surprised.

"Yes. Lord!"

"The news said that the daughter of the king of the king suddenly wanted to hunt."

"That's why Yu Hanqiu took his daughter to the hunting ground to hunt!_"

"The four little princes were all rescued by Han Qiu, side by side, and the four tigers were all carried to death."

"Your Majesty: I was instantly furious when I heard about this."

"Directly ordered the forbidden army to surround the hunting ground."

"Our people have all committed suicide by taking poison" everything that happened

report it.

"Han Qiu!?"

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