"How did I find out that it was mine?" Sister Yang asked Han Qiu calmly.

"Remember the ten dead in the field hunting ground?"

"Almost all of them have the same characteristics as the group of assassins that Zuixianglou assassinated me before."

"The assassins in Zuixianxianglou were arranged by Princess Yicheng and Queen Xiao."

"They want to kill me and restore Taisui Jiangshan with the help of the Turks."

"It's a pity that it was completely destroyed by me."

"They were also beheaded by me!

"I have always been ruthless towards my enemies!"

"Whoever he is!"

Han Qiu looked at Concubine Yang who was standing in front of the screen.said coldly.As if to announce her fate.

Concubine Yang's body trembled. Obviously, she was a little scared by Han Mi's words.

But Concubine Yang was someone who had gone through a big scene after all.

He quickly concealed the fear in his heart.


"It was you that time" (bb_

"Do not

After such a long time, the king can still remember their characteristics. "

"Haha, I really admire the little girl!"

Concubine Yang looked at Han Qiu with a slight smile.Send him an apocalypse.I can't remember it, but there is a person in my house who has a clue about their characteristics,".

"Who is it? Bao Yunmeng?" Yang Fei frowned.

If there is anyone else who can know so much about the dead soil of the Great Sui, it can only be Yu Yunshang, who was once one of the dead men of the Great Sui.

In the past, Concubine Yang also tried to let people come into contact with Yu Yunshang.

See if you can make her work for herself

But Yu Yunshang's attitude is very firm

I don't care about my solicitation at all.

Then it was over.

"Yes, it's her 1,"

"It seems that it was useful for me to spare her life at first."

"At least I can ask her to help me determine that those who died were all those who had been trained too much by the royal family in the past+!"

"And there will be no other people who can use this kind of dead man except the people of the Da Sui royal family."

"Princess Yicheng, Empress Xiao Yang Zhengdao, these remaining Tai Sui forces have been wiped out by me."

"You are the only one left in the Da Sui royal family. Concubine Yang!"

Han Qiu stared at Yang

Concubine.Said with confidence.

When Jin Yiwei discovered this feature and told him, Han Miao asked Jin Yiwei to lead Yu Yunshang to investigate.

as predicted"

It's almost the same as the death ten that assassinated him in Zuixianxianglou.

From that time, Han Qiu began to guess that it was Concubine Yang.


There is no direct evidence.

He has been waiting.

Since they have failed, they will not give up.

They didn't have a chance, so Han Qiu gave them a chance.

The purpose is to lure them into the bait. Then cast a net and wait.

as predicted.

Directly caught this big fish!

"It turned out to be so"

"I didn't expect you to catch this little detail. The little girl really admires her body!"

Concubine Yang suddenly looked at Han Qiu with a very admiring moonlight.

"Little girl?"

"Aren't you a little girl?

"A woman like you is scarier than a tiger"

Han Qiu completely scoffed at her words.

How can a woman with such deep and ruthless methods deserve to be called a little girl 31

"Hehe, I have the right to be the z-word, and His Royal Highness is complimenting me!"

t; Concubine Yang chuckled lightly.

"Now, where is your subordinate responding to the office?" Han Qiu suddenly said.

Concubine Yang's smile disappeared in an instant

The eyes are full of incredible L

She had been talking to Secretary Han just now just to distract Han Qiu.

Let your own men trigger the secret room and kill Han Qiu!


No one will know everything about Ling Wan


Unexpectedly, it was discovered by Han Mi

But...why didn't he _ stop it 2

Concubine Yang who can't figure it out.asked directly. "Now that you've figured it out. Why not stop it?"


"Why stop?"

"Give you a little hope, and then let you experience despair. Wouldn't it be more fun."

Han Qiu said to Concubine Yang like a cat playing a mouse.

"Humph! Really arrogant"

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

"If you die here. No one will know."

Concubine Yang's face suddenly became very vicious and fierce!



The queen gave an order.

The walls of the secret room instantly sent out countless arrows, and the arrows were all quenched with poison that could seal the throat with blood.

Just scratching a person's skin can kill a person in an instant.

She wants to keep Han Qiu's life here forever,

"What if your martial arts skills are high?".

"Could it be possible to escape this arrow formation with ten thousand arrows piercing the heart?!"

Concubine Yang sneered and looked at Han Qiu who was in the arrow formation.

It seems that I saw the end of Han Qiu's heart being pierced by Wan arrow!


next moment

Her eyes widened suddenly!

It's like seeing something extremely incredible!

ps: ask for flowers, monthly pass, evaluation _ price ticket L thanks for your support 1_


Chapter 6 Concubine?Kill it right! [[-] for full order]

I saw

Han Qiu's figure is like a phantom-like shuttle in the arrow formation.

The dense rain of arrows did not even touch the corner of his clothes!

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