very quiet.

But in Concubine Yang's ears, it was as loud as Hongzhong, exactly like a chanting talisman.

It kept stimulating her heart.

"Do not!"

"Han Qiu!"

- "One word side by side king!"

"Don't kill me, you can let me do anything!"


"I can serve you. 2 Be your woman and be your plaything."

"I am the daughter of Emperor Yang. I am His Majesty's concubine. I have a noble status and a beautiful appearance. I will definitely be able to serve you with satisfaction."

Yang Fei looked at Han Qiu and said in horror.The words are full of begging.Not even the most basic dignity.

I intend to trade my body for a chance to live.

What's the difference between this and those women in brothels who sell their bodies?

Simply disgusting!

"Serve me?"

"You deserve it too?"

"My Han Qiu's woman must be a pure and chaste daughter."

"I can't get the slightest interest in an old and fading flower and willow like you."

Han Qiu sneered at Concubine Yang who begged him for mercy like a mother.

Not only did she not move in the slightest, but she felt disgusted. The woman who sold her body was very mean.

In the past, Princess Yicheng and Xiao Meiniang were also

They are all planning to use their own bodies. At first as a bargaining chip.Angrily begging Han Qiu to keep one of them.

But 1

They really look at their bodies too much.

They think they are noble, beautiful, and very likeable, and no man will reject them 1

As everyone knows..-

Han Qiu was not at all interested in the woman who lost her life.

Even if Diao Chan is reborn. i Xi Shi will never touch him again in autumn

"No no no!"


"You guys are all sluts

"My body is so beautiful, how could you not be tempted?!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"Look! Look! Don't you move a little?!"

Concubine Yang spoke out loudly to Han Qiu. She immediately started to take off her clothes.

She didn't believe that Han Qiu was not jealous of her own body.Don't be distracted.


The long sword in Han Mi's hand directly pierced her [dirty L]

Concubine Yang, who was unbuttoning her belt, looked at the long hair that pierced her heart in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Han Qiu actually did it without hesitation!

Is this man's heart made of steel!, 2




It appeared in Yang Fei's mind.

I shouldn't have given Han Qiu's attention at all.

The heart stops beating.

Blood stops flowing.

Lost vision.

The vitality gradually disappeared.

The last of the Sui Dynasty - Silk Bloodline also died in the hands of Han Qiu

Chapter 1 The shock of Empress Changsun! 【[-] for full order】

scoff two two

Han Qiu pulled out his long sword and blood spattered to the ground!

Concubine Yang's body slowly fell to the ground, losing the breath of life.

Looking at Concubine Yang, who had already died, Han Qiu's eyes did not show any pity or fear.

"Ha ha!'

"How about the concubine?"

"Dare to hurt my family and die!"

Qiu Yi said in a domineering manner with the long sword in his hand.

It seems that in this world, no matter how high or high, no matter how honorable people are, he is not in his eyes.

Killed the culprit behind the scenes.Han Qiu left calmly.

This world

Anyone who wants to murder Han Mi will definitely not end well!

The former Sui Yicheng Princess is. , Empress Xiao of Emperor Yang of Sui is.The former prime minister Pei Ji is.The thousand-year-old family of the Tang Dynasty is, and the current Concubine Yang is also _

male or female"

Anyone who dares to murder him or his family.Kill without mercy!

People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone!

If anyone sins against me, I will sin!

This has always been the principle of life that Han Qiu has implemented.

The two characters stand side by side with the palace.

It was already late at night.

But the bedroom was still brightly lit.


Empress, do you think he can find the real murderer of Empress Mu? Go Jun and he alone will not happen anything?, "Chang Le grabbed his mother's hand nervously.

- asked worriedly.

Even though it was late at night, she had no sleepiness in her heart.

Small and medium are all occupied by worry

Although she knew that her husband was very powerful.

But still couldn't help worrying.

"You, this is worrying and chaos!

"What kind of fairy-like character is Han Qiu?"

"How could he do something unsure?"

"Let's be small!"

"Han Qiu will not only return safely. He will also find the real person behind the scenes."

"You better sleep first, otherwise it will affect the fetus in your womb.

Empress Changsun patted the back of her daughter L's hand and kept comforting her.

How can this picture of a mother's kindness and filial piety have any meaning of tit for tat during the day.

Everything is as Han Qiu said.

They are all just acting

And the reason is to catch the truth behind the scenes

"Alas" to go you will not come back.How can I sleep here?" Chang Leyou sighed. There was a deep worry in her beautiful eyes.


door open


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