After some hard work, a small baby was successfully dropped off.

"Wow ah ah _ one"

A loud cry indicated that Han Qiu and Chang Le's first little life came into the world.

"Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the princess.

It's a little prince! '

The midwife delivered the little baby wrapped in the swaddle worm to Han Qiu and Chang Le and congratulated him too loudly.

"That's great, go-kun!,"

"Really a boy!"

"We are finally two children!

Looking at the little baby in his arms.Changle's tired face showed a hint of happiness⊥

She finally gave birth to a boy for Han Qiu.

"Yes, it is!'

"Thank you for your hard work, Changle Baoze

Han Qiu wiped the incense on her forehead

Full of love and gratitude.

starting today.

He is also a winner in life with both children and children.

pas. Ask for flowers, monthly pass, evaluation _ price ticket L thanks for supporting Fan L_

Chapter 6 Prince Li Chengqian was forced to go to the army himself! [[-] for full order]

With the birth of Han Qiu's son.

Some forces are happy and some are sad

The happiest is the protector of the government

This means that Tai's word side by side with the royal palace and the protector of the country finally has an heir

The Prince Li Chengqian and the Wei King Li Tai were full of sorrows.

This means that Han Qiu's Protectorate has an heir.will be inherited only

Datang has always had a force equivalent to imperial power.

It would be better if this kind of power was in Han Qiu's hands.

after all!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Qiu is not so keen on power.

As long as you don't provoke him, you'll be fine.

but L

The descendant of Han Mi, the heir, maybe L

Maybe coveted the imperial power.Rebellion directly"

That would be an absolute disaster for Datang L for them!

But 1

No matter how worried he was in his heart, he didn't dare to do anything to Han Qiu.


The matter of Concubine Yang has just passed.

The ministers have not forgotten the horror of Han Qiu,

There are small moves at such times.

It's like an old birthday star eating arsenic - just want to die quickly"

Under the deterrence of Han Qiu.

No Xiao Xiao dares to offend

Han Mi's sons and daughters are growing up vigorously.

Time flies by like a horse.

Years go by in the blink of an eye

Han Qiu lived a peaceful life here.simple and happy days

However, the direct crown prince struggle between Prince Li Chengqian and Wei Wang Li Tai has reached the most intense moment.

Each of them will not pass up any chance to strike the other


They were very sensible and did not provoke Han Qiu again.

As long as Han Qiulian doesn't help each other.No one supports anyone, so they can rest assured

At present, almost all the ministers of Chaoshen are divided into two factions.

Part of it is the faction of Prince Li Chengqian

The other part is the faction of Wei Gan and Li Tai

Another part is neutral.Like Han Qiu-, he does not intervene in the struggle of the crown prince and is completely out of the way.

This approach is both good and bad

the benefit is.It doesn't matter who wins or loses on both sides it has nothing to do with them.

The downside is that no matter who wins or loses on the other side, they won't be able to reuse e

When the new emperor ascends the throne, it is natural to reuse those loyal ones who follow him in advance.

Just like Li Er.


Afterwards, almost all of the reused are the elders who have been following him since the palace of the King of Qin.

As Li and Li Tai became more and more doted on, Prince Li Chengqian became more and more anxious

He even thought that Li Er had moved Yi Chu's eight thoughts.

And Li Tai also had this illusion.

He thinks the throne is getting farther and farther away from him

in fact.

This is all just a means for Li Er to motivate the prince Li Chengqian.


Sometimes the means are too aggressive but will have the opposite effect.

But now Li Yi is obviously not aware of this.

He also thought that his methods were very clever.

Can cultivate a qualified prince for the future of Taitang.

But obviously, he overestimated Li Chengqian's psychological endurance.

If it goes on like this, it will come out sooner or later

Han Qiu had warned them before, but no one listened.

Since they don't listen.Han Qiu was helpless.

Just take your own precautions.

In the past few years, the struggle within Datang has been very fierce.The outside is also... not calm.

Ye Yuhun always sends people to harass the border of Datang.

Moreover, there are also some countries in the Western Regions that often have conflicts with the border of Taitang.

The scale of friction is a little bit just around the corner.

Palace, Wude Hall.

Civil and military officials are holding a routine

A hurried announcement broke the calm.

- "Report one by one"

"Your Majesty Qizhen, the border crossing is in a hurry⊥"

Two Qianniu guards ran into the hall with -z copies of urgent documents.

When everyone heard the words, their hearts froze

The border is afraid that there will be another war

"Wang De. Bring it up, read."

"It's Your Majesty!" The chief of staff immediately went down and brought up the emergency report.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Tuyuhun led [-] Taijun to invade Liangzhou. The defenders were defeated. I asked the court to send troops to support." The chief of the chamberlain reported to Li Erhui.


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