The news that Li Chengqian was awarded the title of Marshal Ma Tai, who had conquered Ye Yuhun, led an army of [-] troops to the expedition soon spread in the Tai Tang Dynasty.

The people of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help showing a touch of admiration when they heard it.

Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness, the noble prince, actually kissed

Self-led expedition.

This -z cut is of course Li Er's intention

He is completely giving his son a reputation again.”

The [-]-strong army was quickly assembled, and under the leadership of Li Chengqian and Hou Junji, they marched out of Chang'an and headed for the border.


The scene during the expedition was a lot worse than Han Qiu’s.”

Although there are also people who welcome (Nuo Li

But neither the number nor the cheers are far inferior!

Even, it can be said that it is very different.”

As soon as Han Qiu set out on the expedition, it was empty.Farewell!

And now there are only Li Er, Baiguan and some sparse people!

From this, we can see the prestige gap between the prince and Han Qiu L

This is also the reason why Li Chengqian desperately wants to brush his reputation!

"Go-kun, you don't seem to think that the prince can win?"

Li Yingwan, who was in the farewell party, looked at Han Qiu's face and asked in a low voice.

The two husband and wife have become very tacit understanding for many years.

Often one action, one expression can understand the other person's mind.

"There are Hou Junji, Qin Qiong and other battlefield generals."

"It's easy to fight off Ye Yuhun.


"I'm afraid that people will be greedy!

Han Qiu let out a deep sigh, making Li Yingwan a little confused.

ps: Ask for flowers and tickets.Evaluate _ price ticket.Thanks for your support L_


Chapter 3 Han Qiu's prophecy, the inflated Li Chengqian! 【[-] for full order】


"Insatiable gold?"

"What do you mean by that?

Li Yingwan was puzzled and asked directly.

"Oh, this is the heart of the heart"

"Think about it, how eager the Crown Prince Li Chengqian is now to make meritorious deeds 2!"

"When he reaches the border, can he be satisfied just by advancing and retreating Tuyuhun?"

"He will definitely want to make greater achievements and gain greater prestige!"

"In this way, he can make his crown prince more stable."

"And the most taboo of marching to pay is to be greedy for merit!"

Han Qiu seemed to have seen through the heart of Prince Li Chengqian, and analyzed it with his wife Li Yingwan.

"Then what does Go-Jun mean. The prince will lose this time?" Li Yingwan asked cautiously

"There is no doubt that it will be defeated and it will be a big defeat," Han Qiu predicted with certainty.

"Why is the prince so sure that the prince will be defeated?,"

"After all, Hou Junji, Qin Qiong and others are veterans of the battlefield."

"Even if it is lost, it shouldn't be a big defeat, right?"

Li Yingwan really didn't understand.How on earth will the prince with such a luxurious lineup be defeated by Ye Yuhun 3"

"If it's really only Hou Junji. Qin Qiong and the others, naturally

Not too bad. "

"The key lies in Prince Li Chengqian!"

"Wan'er, think, what will happen to Li Chengqian, the son of Tai 730 who has never been paid, in his first big victory?"

Han Qiu patiently analyzed e for his daughter-in-law

"...will be very excited. Very excited!" Li Yingwan said with her head raised, looking at her husband.

"Yes, I will be very excited, very excited. I think it's nothing more than that!"

"It's easy to breed pride under that emotion."

"It will not be satisfied with the status quo of just repelling Ye Yuhun"

"He would want to gain more merits and attack Ye Yuhun's territory.

"Prince Li Chengqian - he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, he will even want to destroy Ye Yuhun and bring Ye Yuhun into Taitang's territory!"

"Yeyuhun is located on a plateau, with dangerous terrain. The interior is desert and lacks K source."

"An army of [-] people will face the most important food and water problems once they penetrate into it!"

"On the contrary, there is Tuyuhun's home court. Ye Yuhun is extremely familiar with the terrain. When the time comes, he can directly cut off the food passage and block the water source."

According to the character of the prince Li Chengqian, Han Qiu analyzed the future direction of the war for his daughter-in-law.

"Second (hbej) once the food supply is cut off and the water source is blocked, then the Taijun will be defeated!" Li Yingwan replied.

Pretty good, just so!"

"Maybe this war will be a turning point in the struggle between the prince and the king of Wei.

Han Qiu said lightly as he looked at the army that had already disappeared.

If Crown Prince Li Chengqian wins, his reputation must be at the height of the sky.

If he fails, he will only be marked as a waste.

All success or failure is only up to him


According to Han Qiu's prediction, the probability of his failure may be more than 2%.

Han Qiu's control of people's hearts has always been that you are extremely precise 1

There has never been anything wrong!

Those who oppose Han Qiu's enemies are because their minds are completely guessed by Han Qiu.


will be defeated by Han Qiu”

"Let's go Wan'er"

"Let's go back and let the National Defense Army prepare for war"

"After the failure of Prince Li Chengqian, it will be our turn to fight"

Han Qiu took Li Yingwan's hand and put a word on the carriage of the palace, and instructed Li Yingwan to let the National Protector Army start preparing for battle.

He predicted that Li Chengqian would be defeated!

Although Han Qiu is very different

I want to leave my gentle hometown to go on an expedition.

But if the crown prince Li Chengqian really loses, he has to go if he doesn't want to.

The carriage took Han Qiu and his wife back to the palace, side by side. Li Yingwan didn't listen to Yu Hanqiu's prophecy.

Datang western border.Liangzhou.

The land here has almost become a paradise for Tuyuhun.

Many cities and villages were occupied.Countless Tang people were captured by tigers. , food and property were all plundered 1

Prince Li Chengqian.When Hou Junji and others arrived with an army of [-] people, they immediately launched a counterattack!

Hou Jun Collection. .Qin Qiong and others were generals who followed Li Er to fight in the northern war in the troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty. They fought very bravely.

The Ye Yuhun Tai Army, who had invaded the border of the Tang Dynasty, was defeated steadily.

They were quickly driven out of Liangzhou and successfully recaptured the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Liangzhou City, within the tent of the commander-in-chief of the Tuyuhun Tai Army.

Crown Prince Li Chengqian was also the coach who was fighting against Ye Yuhun this time.

Hou Junji, Qin Qiong, Yuchigong and others sat on the left and right.


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