'No.. not!',

"The other side has at least [-] horses."

The soldiers reported truthfully.


"Five... fifty thousand 2!'_

"Are you sure you didn't say ten less?!

King Yeyuhun couldn't believe his ears

what did he hear?

The Tang Dynasty has thousands of horses to defeat its own country's army of more than 1 people? [-]

What a special approval, right?

- "~ Back to the top, it's absolutely true. It's [-] horses!"

"It's the champion Hou of the Tang Dynasty and the Tang National Protector Army led by him!"

The soldier said very firmly.


"It turned out to be the champion of the Tang Dynasty!"

"No wonder Marshal Murong Tai was defeated."

Hearing the soldiers say Han Qiu's name, Ye Yuhunyu was shocked and uttered foul language!

The original inconceivable has become a matter of course.

as the neighbouring country to the west of Turkic

Ye Yuhun deeply understands the horror of Han Qiu.

Totally a god of war L

Totally a killer

can't resist 1

The reason why he dared to raise troops to invade the Tang Dynasty was because of Han Qiu's silence in 0.Made him almost forget it!

And now.

The soldier said Han Qiu's name, and King Ye Hun once again recalled the killing god who destroyed the Turks!

Back then L (How is Zhao?)_ The blood almost stained the entire grassland⊥


It's too dangerous here.I can't wait any longer ⊥

Run away!

"Come on!"

"Call the army immediately and start retreating!

King Yeyuhun directly instructed Taisheng to his servants.



"Yu Shang, don't you want this jade city anymore?

The soldier asked stupidly


"Does the city's life matter?

Ye Yuhunang said loudly.

He just wants to get out of here now.turn up

place to hide.Wait for Han Qiu to come back after he leaves.

The army will be assembled soon!

Only after [-] to [-] people.

King Yeyuhun was very decisive and gave up the city directly."

A dignified king

He was actually scared away by Han Qiu's prestige.

It's just a blast ⊥ on

ps: ask for flowers, monthly pass, evaluation_vote, thank you for your support"_-collection, push stubble, share|(1ajiwang888)

Support Fei Lu) original works, enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 1 The basic skills of the Zaan people made the enemy marshal vomit blood! 【[-] for full order】

Murong Xiaojun was chased by Han Qiuer and Lu Qian.

Countless soldiers were killed and wounded!

Seeing to reach the king city.

This is his last hope.

He hoped to be able to resist Han Qiu's attack through the five cities.


When he arrived at the royal city, he was dumbfounded

I get through!

Why is the gate open!?


There is not even a root of hair on the tower!

Murong Xiao sold, 193

The shiny brain door is full of question marks!

Have absolutely no idea what's going on!


A good dry city directly turned into an empty city?.l

What about people 1⊥1.l

Murong Xiaoshang almost felt like he was stunned.

Even the last ray of hope has been dashed.

How can I live like this? 1

Murong Xiaosold had the urge to cry!

It's so frustrating!

King Tuyuhun immediately led his men to flee when he heard that Han Qiu was calling.”

Where can there be someone guarding the tower?


By now.

Even if Murong Xiaoshang knew that there was only one empty city left in Fucheng City, Wang 320, he had to enter.

"Hurry up _⊥⊥"

"Enter the city! Enter the city! Close the gate!"

Murong Xiaosell shouted e

After he led his troops into the city, he immediately ordered the city gates to be closed.

It doesn't matter that the taxis in the rear haven't entered the city at all.

He dared not care.There's no way to manage


Han Qiu's just followed closely behind, and once he came in when those A's came in, he thought it would be equivalent to letting Han Qiu's in too!

Put Han Qiu in. Isn't that courting death?⊥

In this case, he can only choose Zhuang Tu and Broken Wrist L

Those who enter the city can probably reach more than [-] people.

There are still ten gold and ten thousand Taijun wandering outside.

They were completely treated by Murong Xiaojun as the abandoned sons who blocked Han.


It's so cruel!

"Open the door" let's go in!"

"Grand Marshal, please open the door!"

"Help!" Help! '

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