
An hour later.

There was no more Ye Yuhun soldier on Tianzhu Peak.

All of them crouched down at the foot of the mountain, and were taken prisoner by Han Qiu's army who tied their hands and feet with ropes.

Although captured.

But there was no sadness on their faces.

Instead, it showed a strong look of joy and surprise.

Compared with the fierce artillery fire on Tianzhu Peak just now,

The feeling of being captured is better than the previous training.


still alive isn't it?

Han Mi drove Suzaku around the Tianzhu Peak and found that there was no fish that slipped through the net before it began to land.

The captured Tuyuhun soldiers looked at the landing mechanism Suzaku with awe and fear.

These are the things.

Almost wiped them out!

"Okay. King Tuyuhun and the leaders of the Tianzhu tribe all died."

"Tuyuhun's last army was also captured by us. Tuyuhun can already be declared dead."

Han Qiu said very easily when he jumped off the Organ Suzaku.

It's like doing a trivial thing.

"That's great, let's go to you"

"We can finally go home!"

Li Yingwan also said excitedly that she could go back after the aftermath. "

"I haven't seen Changle and Xishan Hao'er for a long time, thinking of them strangely.

Han Qiu also thought of Changle who was waiting at home and his own sons and daughters. He couldn't help but show a look of miss.

Li Yingwan thinks of Changle, who is far away from Chang'an's home and suffers from longing.I couldn't help feeling a lot of joy for myself as a female general.

At least.

Your lover doesn't need to be separated from him when he goes out on the expedition.

to be by his side all the time

Han Mi escorted Ye Yuhun's high-level officials who had escaped with King Ye Yuhun and the ten captured soldiers and began to return to Fucheng City.

When these nobles of Yugong from Yeyuhun stepped into this city again, they couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotion.

They used to call the wind and rain here - now they have become prisoners.

Li Chengqian, Hou Junji, Qin Qiong and the others were filled with emotion when they saw Han Qiu's victory.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuhun, who easily defeated himself and A, was easily bought by Han Qiu.

National jade, marshal.All the tribal leaders were beheaded by Han Qiu.

All princes and nobles were captured

Tuyuhun has been completely declared dead

No matter it takes time or strength, it will be better than myself

There are far fewer people!


The results obtained are extraordinary!


The champion Hou is still the unparalleled god of war in the Tang Dynasty. The myth of invincible attack and invincibility

As long as he shoots!

Those foreign enemies who invaded Tai Tang have already declared their doom.”

..1. Ask for flowers:

Datang Chang'an, Imperial Palace, Wude Hall.

Although Li Er was holding a court meeting, he was a little absent-minded.

It has been more than half a month since Han Qiu set off

But so far there has been no news.

He was not worried about whether Han Qiu could defeat Ye Yuhun.

Because he believed that Han Qiu had the absolute strength to defeat Tuyuhun.It even directly occupied Yeyuhun's territory and destroyed Tuyuhun.

For Han Qiu, who is like a myth.To two never doubted s

What he is worried about is.._s

Han Mi was able to get to Liangzhou in time to save his son.


There are hundreds of thousands of troops besieging Liangzhou City!

"report one by one"

"Your Majesty Qizhen, there is a battle report from the border"

A Qianshengwei quickly walked in with a battle report and told Li Erzhen. ....._-_

"Hurry up!'

"Wang De, hurry up and present him!

Li Er, who was his own son, couldn't wait to tell the interior manager beside him.

The interior manager immediately went down and brought the battle report to Li Er.

This time, he didn't let the chief servant beside him take care of it.but browse for yourself

Seeing the contents of the station battle report, the originally worried heart suddenly felt relieved.

"Hahaha two-"

"Ye Yuhun's army of [-] people who invaded Tai Tang was almost wiped out."

"Not only did it solve the danger of Liangzhou, but also sent troops to attack Yeyuhun to break Yeyuhun's capital, Yeyuhun's king, marshal, and general were all beheaded by the champion!"

"All the princes and nobles have been captured by the champions, and they have harvested hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and livestock, and countless gold, silver and jewelry!"

"Add a few more territorial territories to my Taitang!"

"My God of War of the Tang Dynasty is still so brave and invincible, so divine and unparalleled!

"With the champion, my Tang Dynasty is fortunate to be the people of the world!"

"Tuo here to congratulate the champion Hou Dasheng!

- "Wang De, tell me to go down and make all the people in the palace get ready!"

"I'm going to hold a grand and grand celebration feast for the champion!


Li Er directly transformed into Han Qiu's licking dog, and began to lick Han Qiu in front of all the ministers.

no way!

Who let Han Qiu be too good! It's too dangling⊥

this battle.

Not only saved his son, but also added thousands of miles of territory to the Tang Dynasty.

For such a person, he is willing to be a dog L,

He can lick the thousands of miles of territory of Tai Tang, and he can lick the Qiangu Emperor who has lived forever, he is also willing.

ps: Ask for flowers and tickets.Evaluation_.⊥Thank you for your support 1_


Chapter 2 Return of the God of War!The means of King Wei Li Tai! 【[-] ask for full order】

Li Er's excited voice kept echoing in the Wude Hall.

Full of excitement and joy.

The Worm of Words is full of admiration for Han Qiu and deep gratitude

The ministers below are also all-bats' expressions of course.

It's no longer as shocking as it used to be

This is not to say that Han Qiu's achievements are not enough to shock them.

But they've been numb to shock

They have seen too many things like this⊥

Starting from Turkic, to Beimo, to Xueyantuo, to Gaoxunli, to Silla, etc.

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