Gave them their first life!

Although the rebellion was quickly subsided under Han Qiu's suppression.

However, the matter did not settle down so easily.

There are too many officials involved here⊥

All the officials originally belonging to the Taiwang Li Chengqian-sect were dismissed and investigated!

All are handed over to the Ministry of Justice for investigation.

The detention of the prison.A copy of the copy of the home.

All in all, none of them are happy.

I can only blame them for being wrong

Prince Li Chengqian and Hou Jun set up a rebellion.Among them, the biggest beneficiary is Li Tai, the king of Wei.⊥

This guy totally feels like a pie has fallen from the sky - a boat!

You, obviously, didn't do anything!

I actually eliminated 17 of my biggest competitors⊥

In the past few days, King Wei Li Tai can wake up with a smile even from a dream.

Prince Li Chengqian rebelled

,, to do such a rebellious thing, the position of the prince was abolished, that is the fact that it is nailed to the iron plate.

And once Li Chengqian is abolished.Then he Wei Wang Li Tai is undoubtedly the best candidate for the prince

The original Wu Wang Li Ke, who was also very competitive, was exiled to the land of Shu thousands of miles away because of Concubine Yang, which was considered a waste.

Its golden prince is either young or unqualified. ,

Only Li Tai is the most suitable L

Everyone thinks so.

Since Prince Li Chengqian was imprisoned, King Li Tai of Wei has completely lost his rivals.

The residence of King Li Tai of Wei used to be full of traffic and people every day.

They are trying their best to have a good relationship with the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty that they think will be the future.

Yibao is side by side with the palace.

Ling Tian has a special guest.

It is Han Qiu's mother-in-law S. who is also the national mother of the Tang Dynasty, Empress Zhangsun.

Although she still looks noble and beautiful.But his eyes were red and swollen, and his expression was haggard.

Apparently, I cried for a long time to cause this appearance.

The crown prince Li Chengqian rebelled, and the most heartbroken person was Empress Changsun.

On the one hand is her husband and on the other is her son.

On both sides are her dearest and most loved people.

But this

The two of them are fighting against each other, killing each other!

She has been in tears almost every day these days.

She came here today for only one purpose.

That is to ask Han Qiu to keep Li Chengqian-

Contrary to such monstrous things.If it is an ordinary person, then the nine clans will be punished!

But Li Chengqian is the prince.Is a member of the royal family, naturally impossible to punish the nine clans

But he himself must be blamed.

In addition, those political enemies of his will definitely take the opportunity to fall into the trap.

Li Chengqian is hard to escape - death!

"Han Qiu, my mother is begging you, I hope you can save Gan'er's life in the court!

"Your Majesty trusts you the most, and the ministers also fear you."

"The whole court has only your rightmost persuasive power"

"Only you can save Gan'er's life

"Mother, I beg you⊥"

"You can do whatever you want with me!"

"I kneel down the mountain for you"

Empress Xiaoqie, the eldest grandson of her son, begged Han Qiu bitterly, and she was about to kneel down to Han Qiu.

Where would Han Qiu let her kneel.

Grab her jade hair directly and drag her

Empress Changsun is Chang Le's biological mother and Han Mi's mother-in-law is also a half-mother.

If this really made her kneel.Han Qiu felt that he might lose his life.

Chang Le also looked at his mother worriedly.

But she's really not good at speaking.

after all"

What my own prince brother committed this time is a capital crime.”

"The Empress does not have anything to say better than this." Han Qiu helped him up and sat down on the chair.

"Han Qiu, I know that this time Gan'er committed a crime of great treason and should be executed."

"But as a mother, I really can't watch him die.

"I don't want to be able to keep his crown, I just want to keep his life.

Empress Changsun wept and said to Han Qiu

Looking at Empress Changsun's pear blossoms with rain, Chu Chu's pitiful appearance, Han Mi couldn't help feeling pity.

"I will try my best!'

"But the final decision is still in His Majesty's hands."

Han Qiu said lightly.

in fact.

Even if Han Qiu didn't intercede, Li Chengqian would not be executed according to Li's love for Li Chengqian.

But since Empress Changsun asked for it, then give her a favor.

Maybe it will be useful in the future


"Thank you so much"

"With your presence - it will definitely work."

"Whether it's your majesty or the minister will give you a face!"

Empress Zhangsun said in surprise, full of confidence in Han Qiu.

Ho! Do I have such a big face?

It feels a bit like a red-haired guy from the previous life anime, huh?

Next day

Palace, Wude Hall.

Li Er was a little haggard when he was sitting on the dragon chair where the master was sitting.

The most beloved son and the most trusted general defected one after another. It was a big blow to Li Er.

Not eating well these days.sleep well.The whole person lost weight.

"Aiqings, do you want Qin today?" Li Er asked, looking at the ministers in the imperial palace.

Compared with the past, the voice has a lot less energy, and it seems a little weak.

Li Tai, the king of Wei, winked at the minister next to him. 097_

The man understood instantly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen has a plan to play

"Prince Li Chengqian and the general Hou Jun gathered together on the night of the Shangyuan Festival to commit great treasonous deeds _ intending to rebel and kill His Majesty and all the ministers in the court, the crime is incomparable."

"Please, Your Majesty, order to depose his crown prince and cut him off to serve as an example to the dragon!"

The ministers in the DPRK froze when they heard the words.

Secretly sighed that Li Tai, King of Wei, was ruthless.

The opening is to ask the cut!

No way of life for Li Chengqian

It seems that Li Tai, the king of Wei, is trying to avoid the growth of branches outside the festival, and directly cut the weeds and roots.

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