Seeing this, Li Er couldn't help but let out a cough to ease the awkward atmosphere at this time.

Not to mention Li Tai, King of Wei. 2 Even Li Er, the battle-hardened emperor on horseback, was frightened a lot.

It's just that it won't be scared to pee like Li Tai, the king of Wei!

As the father of King Wei Li Tai, how could Li Yi not see the careful thoughts in his heart.

He must have misunderstood himself. During the conversation with Han Qiu just now, Han Qiu refused to let him be the prince, so he couldn't help showing that murderous look to Han Qiu!

The crown prince represents the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

It's normal for him to be angry at losing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

It's just that you chose the wrong object to vent!

Han Qiu!

That's the person Li Er himself dared to offend."

Over the years, Li and Han Qiu's personalities have been very clear l

People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone!

If anyone sins against me, I will sin!

If it really offends Han Qiu.Even if it's the King of Heaven, Han Qiu, I might drag you down."

Although this kind of character is very perverse, but it makes Li Er extremely rest assured and trust!

It means you don't mess with him.. he will never touch you!

As long as you work hard for him, he will spare no effort to help you!

This is Han Qiu!

People always respect me one foot, I respect others one inch

Whether enemy or foe.That's all"

This is also for many years. 2 Even though Han Qiu had the power to overthrow the Tang Dynasty, Li Er never thought about the reason for moving him.

Partly because he doesn't want to!

On the other hand, it is also because he dare not!

Han Qiu's strength has completely surpassed this world 1

Li Er knows that as long as he treats Han Qiu sincerely, then Han Mi will definitely be able to push the Tang Dynasty to the top of the world."

He will also be able to take advantage of the situation to become the eternal emperor L comparable to the Qin Emperor and Han Wu.

And the appearance of King Wei Li Tai at this time is also confirmed. Han Qiu's character L

Li Er doubted that if he showed such a murderous look to Han Qiu, I am afraid that Han Qiu would not hesitate to be rude to himself.

He doesn't care who you are!

Li Er's voice reminded Han Qiu and also woke up the ministers.

Han Qiu put away his murderous aura and gave Li Tai, King of Wei, a meaningful look.

That's what the warning means L

If King Wei Li Tai dared Han Qiu to make any small moves, Han Qiu would never let him go so easily!

Even if you are the prince!

Han Mi withdrew his murderous eyes.King Wei Li Tai suddenly felt like he came back from the gate of hell.

Breathing heavily..

Sweat poured down all over my body, all my robes were soaked with sweat

The whole person lay directly on the ground.completely collapsed L

"Your Majesty is wise!"

When the ministers saw this, they quickly echoed in unison.Where can there be any suggestion.

They all thought that it was Han Qiu and Li Er's intention to make Jin King Li Zhi the crown prince.

The two most powerful grandfathers in the Tang Dynasty have decided, they still have a fart objection?!

Ds: Ask for flowers and votes, evaluate _ votes.Thank you for your support"_


Chapter 2 The new prince Li Zhi is Han Qiu's little brother! 【[-] ask for full order】

After Li Chengqian succeeded Li Chengqian, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty still fell to the young Jin King Li Zhi.

In the final analysis, it is because of Li's love for his son!

As Han Qiu said.

If Li Er really made Li Tai, the king of Wei, the crown prince, then Li Chengqian would most likely die.

The rest of the princes will also be eliminated by the Wei King Li Tai with thunder to ensure the stability of his position.

On the other hand, if the mild-mannered King Li Zhi of Jin is established as the crown prince

Then, whether it is the former prince Li Chengqian+ or the Wei king Li Tai can save his life

As recorded in historical books: Tai Li succeeded Qian, but the King of Jin did not exist, the King of Jin was established, and the Tai Gong succeeded Qian without a cover.”

Tiger poison still does not eat seeds.

What's more, Li Er is still a person!

To the king of his sons.Li Er also considered "it's a lot of painstaking effort.

A new generation replaces the old

With the withering of the former prince Li Chengqian: represents the disappearance of an old force.

The young Jin King Li Zhi will also rise rapidly under the guidance of Li Er and the ministers.

Jin Wangfu.

Two servants in front of the door were sweeping the floor.

Although they are both princes.But Li Zhi's Jin Dynasty's mansion and Wei Gan Li Tai's mansion are obviously much inferior to .

Wang Dedai

Lead a group of little eunuchs to Jin Wangfu.

When the servant at the gate saw Li Er's side of the house attendant, he immediately greeted him flatteringly, "The chief's wife is here, and the little one is welcome. I hope you forgive me."

"No problem⊥."

"Our family is here today with an imperial decree!"

"Go and inform His Royal Highness King Jin that he is ready to accept the decree. Go."

The chief servant was not too arrogant. He just waved his hand and told him to report.


King Li Zhike of Jin has already been established as a prince by His Majesty.

Face still has to be given

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Master Chief, please go to the inner palace and wait for a while.

"I'm going to report to His Royal Highness King Jin.

The servants of the Jin Palace heard the imperial decree.I didn't dare to neglect at all, and hurried to report to my master.

Wait until Wang De, the chief servant of the house, walks to the main hall.Jin King Li Zhi is already waiting here

"His Royal Highness King Jin, accept the order 1_"

The head of the inner court walked to the Lord holding the imperial edict.

King Li Zhi of Jin did not dare to neglect the imperial decree. He hurriedly bowed to the imperial decree and said respectfully. _"My son takes the decree."

The chief servant spread out the imperial decree in his hand and read out, "On the day of the imperial edict, the former prince Li Chengqian rebelled and forced the palace because of his great rebellion. Abolish his position as prince. However, the prince is the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, and the country is indispensable for a day.

Also" King Li Zhi of Jin had a gentle personality and possessed both ability and political integrity.Li Zhi, the king of the Jin Dynasty, is the crown prince, and he will be in the East Palace from now on."

The high-pitched voice of the internal servant kept reverberating in the palace of King Jin.

Jin Wang Li Zhi was instantly stunned!

My face is full of incredible B⊥

I was named a prince? L_

How is this possible? 1

Shouldn't it be the fourth brother!?

Why did King Li Zhi of Jin never expect that he would be crowned the crown prince?He never thought that the head that came from Jingshan is too sharp and showy Director Wang De couldn't help but reminded.Hearing the voice of the interior manager, King Jin immediately recovered from the shock.Li Zhi "My son's decree.. Thank you, father, Huanglong!" The crown prince?! Anyway, what is this... there is no world-shattering talent. Why does the father emperor not have a world-class martial arts?" The emperor's brother was deposed by the crown prince. "Even if the four most talented people should be named, the father and emperor are also inch away. Ah? _" Zhi quickly asked _ his own heart blade, His Highness the eldest son is still side by side with His Royal Highness! 'Although I did not hear the conversation between His Majesty and. "Taizhi guessed that the reason why His Majesty is the Crown Prince must be because he will seal the Jinyu Palace and what His Majesty said!"

The new crown prince, the chief servant of the Tang Dynasty, naturally knows the future of the monarch?" King Li Zhi of Jin wondered to be side by side with His Royal Highness! 'Although the servant table does not know why Han suggested himself to be the prince, Buqiu will stop him from his father and the emperor. Thank you so much! It's not like this is because he admires his father, Emperor Li Erguo Zijian and Ruoxi together. He once said that when he was studying, Han Qiu was so admired by the world, and he wanted to become a wave at that time. Xiaochao, who only had three hairs, made a mockery of it. However, he couldn't stop him from being shattered by Han Qiu's growing age! This dream is a rare gift for thousands of years. Wuyi 5 principles, Qimen Dunjia and other tactics, medical skills are as small as farming. He is big enough to govern the country. People who know more and more famous people in Taiwan know a lot about Han Mi. In my heart, I thought about Han Qiu who I admired the most and looked up to me. I was so excited that I was the prince because he was canonized as the prince. It was because he was five years old. At that time, he began to worship until now, and the image of Han Qiu Wei, the current Tusi worship, has been in the mind of Jin King Li Zhi for a long time.Deeply engraved on the person I admire most seriously, it makes people full of achievements, and it surpasses the appearance of being canonized as the prince. It looks like a little fan of Han Qiu's younger brother Tang Gaozong became Han directly. To burst! Autumn's little fan brother flower, and votes.Evaluate _ wake you up.Recommending and sharing three things in reading

Chapter 3 The real reason why Li Er canonized Li Zhi as the crown prince! 【[-] for full order】

"His Royal Highness, the Japanese old slave came to declare the decree just to remind His Royal Highness."

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