So she escaped L703,

"Oh my god, Miss, why don't you go to the Tang Dynasty's-words to stand side by side?!" The maid immediately covered her mouth and said incredulously.

"Cai'er, congratulations

That's right 1_"

"I'm just going to find my true love

"I want to be his woman, I want to help <he carry the entire Western Regions,"

Fan Lihua's voice is full of firmness, she wants to get rid of fate's arrangement and pursue her own happiness."

"But. Miss, you are betraying Xiliang, go."

"Tao so won't let you go?"

Maid Caier said worriedly

"Hehe, Xiliang was originally a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, and I, Fan Lihua, were originally a courtier of the Tang Dynasty, so what about betrayal?"

"To say that the betrayal is also the Taiwang and the others' betrayal of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Besides, it's impossible for Xiliang to stop Han Qiu's army, and its destruction is only a matter of time."

There was a deep disdain in Fan Lihua's eyes.

He thought that Xiliang could not be Han Qiu's opponent at all.

On the road from Bo Liao to Xiliang.

Han Qiu led the Taijun forward a

A soldier suddenly came to report.


"Qi report side by side with His Royal Highness. In front of the army, a female general of Xiliang, Fan Lihua, said that she was coming to serve His Royal Highness!"

Fan Lihua?

Han Qiu was surprised when he heard the words.

Isn't this woman the Great Marshal of the Western Expedition in the Tang Dynasty?

How would it appear here?

psL, ask for flowers, monthly ticket. Evaluation ticket, thanks for your support!_


Chapter 2 I want to marry you! 【[-] ask for full order】

Han Qiu is no stranger to the name Ganfan Lihua.

Many local unofficial histories are recorded in the history of barnyard grass.

Not only looks beautiful.Tianziguo B is also a woman of the Tang Dynasty who dares to love and hate, and has a broad mind.

The character of the Xiliang woman is vividly reflected in her

Because of high martial arts.Supernatural powers of the vast civil and military all wood.In the later period, he was worshipped by Emperor Taibao as the military marshal who conquered Xiliang.

She is one of the few heroines in history comparable to Mu Guiying and Hua Mulan.

It can be said to be a peerless wonder who can get out of the hall, go to the battlefield, withstand hooligans, and can take command of the army.

Fan Lihua's information appeared in Han Qiu's mind.

Han Qiu still admires such a strange woman.

If the other party is really small and sincere to serve, Han Qiu is naturally very welcome.

"Let her come over"_" Han Qiu ordered the soldiers.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The soldier immediately led the way.

"Go-kun, the concubine feels that this is the female general of Xi Liang," Li Yingwan, who was beside Han Qiu, said.

Women's intuition is very accurate!


Datang and Xiliang are at war soon.

And Fan Lihua-: A woman suddenly ran from the Xiliang camp to the Tang camp.

It is definitely because there is something in Tang Ying that can deeply attract her.

Among the Tang army, the most attractive to women is undoubtedly Han Qiu.

" 2⊥"..

"Perhaps...she is a woman who understands righteousness and is unwilling to follow Xiliang and betray the Tang Dynasty?"

Han Qiu looked at his two people's affirmative eyes.Some lack confidence to say s

after all.

He also understands how attractive he is to women!

Totally the walking hormone!

Wherever you go, it is the focus L

No way!

Who makes people look handsome and temperamental?

"Perhaps there is a reason why Qu Jun said, but the biggest purpose is definitely to go to Jun you."

"If you don't believe me, go-kun just wait and see, a long time!"

Li Yuwan said confidently.

Also as a woman, she really knows nothing about women.

She instinctively felt that the other party was aiming at her. Go Jun came!

between conversations.

Under the leadership of the soldiers. One wears a pink felt hat.The beautiful woman who served the Western Liang features came over.

Beautiful face, delicate facial features.Tall body is the best among women


Compared with Li Yingwan next to Han Qiu, she is not inferior at all!

While Han Mi was weighing Fan Lihua, Fan Lihua was also looking at Han Qiu.

Although she had already seen Han Qiu's portrait countless times.


When Fan Lihua really saw Han Qiu, she really realized how unbelievable Han Qiu's appearance was.

Bai Hua's appearance has surpassed that of the most beautiful man in history, L

'The beauty of a mask is not that femininity of a sissy.

Although Han Qiu's skin is fair, he doesn't have a bit of femininity, and his [-] force value makes him full of masculinity!

perfect face L

Baomei's temperament"

perfect martial arts

Perfect talent!

everything is so perfect

Fascinated by the mountain, drunk and obsessed!

This is the man in her Fan Lihua ideal⊥

Fan Lihua's undisguised admiration made Han Qiu look awkward.

Li Yingwan also looked at Han with a smile.

Those watery eyes seem to be saying to Han Qiu, look, husband!

"cough cough up"

"Fan Lihua. Now the war between Taitang and Xiliang is imminent."

"Why did you come to the Tang army camp from the insect of Xiliang, aren't you afraid of being executed as a pregnant woman?"

Han Qiu coughs - sound. Diverted the topic

"Erhua believes that His Royal Highness Side by Side is a person who is discerning._"

"Xiliang was originally Lihua, a subsidiary country of the Tai Tang Dynasty, and was originally a courtier of the Tang Dynasty.

"Now that Xiliang has betrayed and betrayed the independence of the Tang Dynasty, Lihua naturally does not want to join forces with it, and has come to serve the Tang camp."

_"Help the word to stand side by side with His Royal Highness, sweep the Xiliang, sweep the Western Regions⊥"

Fan Lihua said righteously and righteously.From start to finish.His eyes never left Han Mi's body.

These are just words

Of course her ultimate purpose is only because of Han Qiu⊥


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