After being agitated by the minister a few words, he lost his sense.

But he is still young and has room to grow.

"Don't worry, Zhi'er, what you haven't done. Of course, the royal father will not wrong you!"


"If you did, the royal father would never forgive you lightly."

"From today, you will be banned from the East Palace. Cooperate closely with the investigation!"

Li Er directly placed a ban on Prince Li Zhi.

This incident really made him too angry, and he really didn't want to let go of any suspicion.

"Follow your orders, father emperor!" Prince Li Zhi looked on his face

Pale reply.


What the eldest brother said was right.

In this position, even if you don't want to harm others, others will also want to harm you⊥

The perplexity of the supreme position is endless⊥

Everything is so insignificant in front of it!

Since he took the crown, Li Zhi felt that everyone around him had changed.

Either become flattering, or full of hostility!,

No one will ever be able to be honest and honest with you again.

he feels very tired

That's why I went to Li Chengqian, the former prince, to have a heart-to-heart talk.

I didn't expect this talk to become a goodbye

"'The Minister of Taili Temple,"

"I order you to go and investigate this case immediately.

"I sent the Hundred Knights to assist you!"

"It is necessary to get to the bottom of the case

"Otherwise. You, Taili Si Qing, don't do it anymore."

Li Er said loudly.

This time he was really angry!

He even sent out his closest bodyguard.

"As your majesty!" Taili Si Qing immediately responded with a bitter look on his face.

Ask yourself why this unfortunate thing happens to you all the time.

if ordinary

The dark son, he is naturally not afraid.

But this involves the royal election and the battle for the storage seat.

If you are not careful, you will be invincible!

The word is side by side with the imperial palace Taimen.

The two attendants hurried to here

"Stop here!" The two guards directly crossed the long Ge in their hands one by one (okay) to block the squire's path.

"Servant in the Xiadong Palace, in the name of the prince. I came here to find out if there is a word with His Royal Highness to tell you if there is anything!" The man anxiously damaged his family's door to the guards of the palace.

"You are here waiting for me to report _" The guard heard the words and entered the door to report to Han Qiuzhen

But before he took two steps, Han Qiu's personal maid Yu Yunshang came out.

As if he knew that the servants of the East Palace would come.

"His Royal Highness Side by Side has an order to ask the Crown Prince to come down to the side by side with the palace." Yu Yunshang took Han Qiu's token and said to the attendant of the East Palace.

"But... the Prince's Palace is not banned _ enough⊥" the attendant said straight with a look of embarrassment.

"His Royal Highness said _: If anyone blocks it. Hold this token. If you call my name, even the present His Majesty will not block it!"

Yu Yunshang said proudly.

This is Han Qiu's original words

It's so arrogant!

The foot restraint order issued by the emperor is explained

ps: Ask for flowers. And tickets.Rate__e, thank you for your support!_


Chapter 5 Li Zhi, the prince of fox and tiger power, is the most ruthless emperor's family! [[-] for full order]

Hearing Yu Yunshang's message.

The servants of the East Palace immediately felt a need.

Xiaozhong's worries disappeared immediately


The word side by side king is the existence of the same emperor,

Who dares not follow 3l when he speaks

"Thank you very much, Your Highness Jade!"

The attendant of the East Palace carefully took the token from Yu Yunshang's hand. .Bow down and thank you.

"Go quickly!"

"My Highness is waiting for His Royal Highness.

Yu Yunshang waved his hand and said to him.

"Yes! Let's go now!" The servant of the East Palace immediately returned to the s with the token.

East Palace.

Prince Li Zhi was pacing back and forth in the Great Hall, his expression full of anxiety.


He saw _ himself. The attendant who climbed out ran back.

Can't help but immediately stepped forward and asked how? What did my teacher say next to His Royal Highness?"

"Going back to your highness, this subordinate has not seen your highness go up to the side by side." The words of the side by side king came out and said that he asked the prince to go down - the word side by side to the palace.

The attendant was too sweaty and hurriedly replied.

Running back and forth with all his strength, he didn't dare to delay in the slightest, but he was exhausted.

"But the emperor banned me

Enough. How can I go 6902!" Prince Li Zhi said anxiously.

"His Royal Highness, don't panic. - His Royal Highness Baojiejian gave this token a to his subordinates."

"His Royal Highness Side by Side said. As long as you hold a token and report his name. No one will dare to stop it!"

The attendant quickly took the token that Han Qiu handed over to him from his arms and handed it to Prince Li Zhi.

When the prince Li Zhi saw the token taken out by the attendant, he suddenly showed a touch of excitement.

This is - word side by side in order 1

Seeing this order is like seeing the Son of Heaven"

Naturally, no one will dare to stop him

"Teacher, he is really clever."

"It is estimated that with Mr. Wang, he had already guessed that I would be grounded."

"That's why you gave me this order and asked me to go to Ganfu to find him."

Taiyu Li Zhi said with respect to Han Mi's token s.

Although Prince Li Zhi did not pay tribute to Han Qiu, he always regarded Han Qiu as his teacher.

He learned a good name from Han Qiu.

Knowledge of martial arts, art of war, strategy for governing the country, etc. e

He has always maintained a deep admiration and admiration for Han Qiu.

Now encounter difficulties

When you are most helpless and everyone doubts you


The first person Li Zhi met was Han Qiu

Looking at the golden glittering token of the handworm, Li Zhi's nervous inner child suddenly calmed down.

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