"Finally let you tell the truth yourself!"

Han Qiu, who had been silent from the beginning to the end, finally spoke up.

The sound was flat.

But it exploded like a bomb in the ears of King Qi Li You!

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Chapter 4 Dumbfounded King Qi Li You!They are all playing me! ? 【[-] for full order】

"You...you already knew?⊥_

King Qi's reason to stare at Han Mi was inconceivable. He asked in horror.

Han Qiu hasn't made a sound since the beginning of the court.Exactly like a transparent person.

So that King Qi Li You directly ignored Han Qiu subconsciously.

Now that Han Qiu made a sound, he remembered that there was still a mythical figure sitting above this court.

"Hmm... Maybe Cong guessed it was you when he knew that the emperor's son, Li Chengqian, died of heart attack." Han Qiu said lightly.

When Jin Yiwei reported what happened to Li Chengqian Lingtang to him.Han Qiu had already guessed that it was King Qi Li You.

"You can guess it's me with just one heart-devouring Gu?⊥"

King Qi Li You stared: looking at Han Qiu with wide eyes, he asked incredulously.

This is simply unbelievable!

"Heart-devouring Gu is the unique poison of Fujin Kingdom."

"Fuyu Kingdom and Datang are hundreds of thousands of miles away from each other across the sea, and it is impossible to have it in the Central Plains."

"At most, we will meet you at the beach closest to Buyeo Country."

"And the place closest to the sea from Fuyu Kingdom. It is your fief Qidi, His Royal Highness King Qi."

"Occasionally, you explained the people of Fuyu Kingdom and realized this kind of strange and strange Gu technique."

"So you started Wanba who wanted to unite with the people of Fujinguo to use this trick to frame the crown prince, to confuse and control His Majesty and the court officials, so that you can logically ascend to the throne of the crown prince."

"In the end, when the gu poison strikes, His Majesty will stand without knowing it. You can ascend to the throne and become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

"His Royal Highness King Qi, am I right?

Han Qiu looked at his expression: the reason for his horrified expectation was said in a sentence.

Every time Han Mi said a sentence, the shocked expression on Qi Wang Li You's face increased.

In the end, it was shocking and beyond words to describe⊥

all right

Every -: sentence that Han Qiu said.Every word is absolutely correct. ,

This..exactly his whole plan_

"Hmph, what if you know everything"

"Almost all the ministers here, including the royal father. Everyone's lives are in my hands!"

"I'm going to have an accident, and they all have to be buried with me!"

"If you want to live, you can only hand over the crown to me!"

King Qi Li You thought of his last trump card, and couldn't help but set his mind in panic. He had already mastered the nature of the emperor and the ministers: there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Oh, I really don't know what to say!"

"Don't you wonder about your infatuation Gu. Neither Your Majesty nor the Minister have any seizures?"

Han Qiu sneered and looked at him with contempt.

This family is like a fool, obviously being used like a woodcutter. In the end, he thought that he was very raw and had the dream of an emperor.

King Qi Li You heard the words and his pupils shrank.

Meat 3 was instantly shocked"


Han Qiu knew that obsession Gu was such a thing 1

Didn't the people in Fuyu Country say that there is no one in the Central Plains who doesn't know Gu arts?!

Why does Han Qiu know about Fascinating Gu⊥?

Moreover, the previous Su Linger also knew about the heart-devouring Gu L.


It's them who ruined their plans

"How do you know such a thing as ecstasy 2_

"Even in Fuyu Country, Fascinated Gu is an extremely secretive and rare existence!"

Qi Liyou looked at Han Qiu in horror, feeling that he was so terrifying!

I know everything L

Not only did he know all his plans.Even this kind of fascination Gu, which is extremely military, knows it.

Is there anything in this world that he doesn't know?

Before the execution of the plan.2 he

The biggest worry is Han Qiu.

and so.

All the actions of his plan bypassed Han Qiu.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Linger had a relationship with Han Qiu, and directly found out that Li Chengqian died of a heart attack.

Unexpectedly, this is the reason why Han Qiu directly guessed that the murderer was himself!

Guessing that it was me just by relying on a heart-eater Gu, this kind of IQ is really scary!

so scary ⊥

"If you want people to not know, you must do it yourself."

"Hua Tuo's Blue Capsule Sutra has recorded all kinds of poisons in detail."

"Fascination Gu is one of them."

"He can confuse people's minds and obey the manipulation of subjugated people. Let the deceived people say what he will say."

"And you are fascinated by the Dali Temple Minister, His Majesty and many ministers in the court."

"Originally, these people from Fujinguo belonged to your house, right?"

"Dali Siqing originally found through clues that the servant of the first prince, Li Chengqian, had been in contact with someone from your Prince Qi's mansion, so he brought someone to your Prince Qi's mansion to prepare for arrest, but you directly gave him a fascination."

"Let him directly frame the crown prince Li Zhi above the court, and then set you up as the crown prince when your majesty abolishes Li Zhi. Wait for ten days and a half months. Another kind of heart-eating gu in your majesty's body. Attack and die

If you die, you can go with the flow and ascend to the throne. "

"Haha! It's really good calculation!

Han Qiu showed a sarcastic smile.This kind of person who wants to kill even his own father is simply inhuman!

Not even Li Chengqian.

Although Li Chengqian forced the palace to rebel, he only intended to force Li Yi to write the imperial edict.Imprison him for life.

But never thought of killing him.

And Qi Gan Li You is planning to use Gu poison to kill Li Er directly and ascend to the throne himself!

"⊥Impossible 1. Wasn't the Blue Capsule Sutra long lost? How could you read it?" Qi Yu and Li You asked incredulously.

"Hehe, maybe I'm luckier!" Han Qiu indifferently - laughs, Xiaoxiang, I have integrated Hua Tuo's heroic soul, of course, I have read this Blue Sac Sutra written by Hua Tuo, and I am familiar with it by heart.

"So, you solved all the _ Gu in them?" King Qi Li You said with a pale face.

He knew he was done!

completely finished L

Even the last hole card was completely shattered.”

"It's a pity that Baoguo L answered correctly, there is no reward!" Han Qiu snapped his fingers.

"Since you have the ability to dispel Gu, why didn't you dispel the Gu of Taili Si Qing?

What? And let him frame the crown prince Li Zhi? ' King Qi Li You asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, if that's not the case. How should the next play be played? The play is not realistic. How can you show your true face?

"I want to focus on compliments here - Your Majesty and the Crown Prince...they both acted very well, the language, the movements, the expressions are very good⊥"

"Come on, come on, let's applaud everyone!

Han Qiu smiled and took the lead in applauding Li Er and Prince Li Zhi.

Its golden ministers followed suit.

The whole court suddenly burst into applause

Li Er and Li Zhi, the father and son, suddenly showed an embarrassed smile.

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